If Capt Crozier had not called out the Navy, would those 5000 sailors still be on the USS T.Roosevelt?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

Esper has pretty much removed himself from caring for the guys who serve. Generals Abrams and Cloutier used access to testing and shelter in place orders to protect their men.
It doesn't matter how popular the commander was with his men. He made a rookie mistake and needed to be canned.

For putting the ship in the crosshairs of any bad actor looking to attack a US Navy vessel in a weakened state of readiness. ... :cool:
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Crozier was an asshole. Loose lips sink ships.
that "loose lips" quote pertains to revealing military secrets, not whether crew is becoming infected by the same thing infecting the rest of the world.
Hmmm, 7 posts, and Trump hasn't been blamed yet. ALERT ALERT, something's wrong with this thread !! DANGER DANGER !!
Crozier was an asshole. Loose lips sink ships.
that "loose lips" quote pertains to revealing military secrets, not whether crew is becoming infected by the same thing infecting the rest of the world.
It does affect the ship as in readiness and its plans. This may have been better to be handled with no one knowing it but the military.
Crozier was an asshole. Loose lips sink ships.
that "loose lips" quote pertains to revealing military secrets, not whether crew is becoming infected by the same thing infecting the rest of the world.
That IS a military secret. What happens on the ship should stay on the ship or at least within the chain of command. When the SF Cronicle comes up with an exclusive story about negligence on one of our Navy ships, the leaker needs to go to jail. Like I said, "loose lips'
This will sound awful, but its doubtful if more than 10 sailors would have died on that ship

and to my knowledge none did die

the Roosevelt could have easily continued its mission in spite of the chinese virus

Esper has pretty much removed himself from caring for the guys who serve. Generals Abrams and Cloutier used access to testing and shelter in place orders to protect their men.
According to your video the sailors are freaked out over the commie virus so they gather elbow-to-elbow to cheer their departing captain

so how worried were they?

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