If Biden Wins Will America Have A Severe Sustained Prolonged Belly Ache?


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
Says Patrick J. Buchanan , , ,

Start quote
"In national polls, Trump is further behind, in some by double-digits,
reflecting the mammoth Democratic majorities in populous and
deep-blue California, New York and Illinois.

Still, this thing is not over.

For, at this stage of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton was
showing equally impressive poll numbers, and she would
go on to lose all eight of those battleground states in the
greatest upset since Harry Truman defeated Tom Dewey
in 1948."
End quote

Buchanan writes an interesting article , , and scary too.

If Biden Wins , , ,
Start quote
■ The Democrats will insist that the Senate Abolish the “Jim Crow relic” known
as the filibuster, and use 50 Senate Democrats to enact an agenda more sweeping
than FDR’s New Deal.

■ The Democrats will shift the goal from equality of opportunity in race relations to
equality of results — in income, wealth, power.

■ Reparations for slavery.

■ Pursue the Black Lives Matter demand to “reimagine policing” and to “defund the police.”

■ On immigration, open an immediate path to citizenship and the ballot box for DACA

■ End deportations. Grant amnesty to all 11 million to 22 million illegal immigrants
in the U.S.

■ Abolish ICE.

■ Open America’s borders to new and higher waves of immigration to make America
the most racially, ethnically, socially and culturally diverse society in the history of man.

■ Pack the Senate by extending statehood to Puerto Rico and D.C., adding four
new Democratic senators and making us a bilingual nation.

■ Pack the Supreme Court by adding two new justices.

■ Raise taxes on payrolls, personal incomes, corporations,
capital gains and estates.

■ Accelerate an end to carbon emissions by halting all offshore drilling and
ending any reliance for energy, on coal, oil, gas or fracking.

■ Free education for all from prekindergarten through college.

■ On and on the agenda runs. But again, without the abolition of the
filibuster, a GOP Senate minority could block this agenda that is
designed to create a new American nation unlike the one we
have known."
End quote

Source: "Can Trump Pull A Second Rabbit Out Of The Hat?"
Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

A Belly Full Of Agony And Suffering ? , , , , ,
JAG Note:
It often has to get worse before it can get better. Perhaps at some
future point the American electorate will suffer and agonize
sufficiently and severely enough -- so that their agony and suffering
will cause them to permanently abandon the national cancer of

It is reasonable to believe that if Biden wins in November our
next POTUS will SOON be K. Harris and she may be the final
"cure" for the the national cancer of Liberalism. The American
electorate needs to "get a belly full" of cancerous Liberalism
to where they will, de facto, eliminate Liberalism-Marxism-Socialism
out of American politics once and for all time. Maybe the American
electorate can only learn "the hard way" ~ ~ the way of sustained
agony and suffering.

On the assumption that the present polls are correct and Biden
wins in November, it may be that the new POTUS ~ ~ K. Harris
and the Democratic Party will, in the next 4 years, be the final and
permanent DEATH of American Liberalism-Socialism.

Time will tell.
I make no predictions.
I am only speculating here.


Pat Buchanan? He still relevant? :)
Well, let's see.

1) Filibuster? Probably gone if Democrats gain control. But it's not like Mitch didn't ignored it when it suited him.
2) Doubtful. I would bank on Bernie Sanders goal of creating and extending economic opportunity to minorities.
3) Doubtful. Hard to calculate. See Point #2.
4) Again, doubtful. There are already cooler heads prevailing on defunding. Will there be redirection of some funds to community based programs? Sure.
5) Should have been taken up and agreed on a long time ago by the do nothing Republican party. But let's face it. Most of them don't like dark people.
6) Doubtful. Probably just go back to the Obama era policy of deporting the bad people. And probably end separating families.
7) Difficult to accomplish in reality. I would guess a saner and more circumspect approach to immigration. Hell, I'd even take talking about it.
8) Sigh. No one is for open borders. No one.
9) D.C? It's long past time. Puerto Rico is a US territory. How about just treating them like one instead of throwing paper towels to them?
10) Again, difficult to pack the court. Just ask FDR.
11) Outside of personal incomes (under $400K), probably. About time we stop the four decade jerking around with the tax system. A lot of the pain we are in is because of it.
12) That's coming whether you like it or not. The energy industry is always evolving. Greener forms will become more economically viable and environmentally responsible. Sources like coal and eventually oil will give way to greener forms.
13) How about just a commitment to funding public education for K through 12? College?...needs to be made affordable..way more affordable. Free? Not a huge proponent of that. People should pay part of their higher education.

Point 14 is Buchanan's ilk of conservatives last turn at the switch. Trump getting re-elected won't change that. It will just delay the inevitable.
Demographics are shifting in the voting population to younger people who are bringing fresh ideas to the table that make the likes of Buchanan's

To end, I think we've had enough cancer and suffering over the last four years. It's time to return to some normalcy.
Pat Buchanan? He still relevant? :)
Well, let's see.

1) Filibuster? Probably gone if Democrats gain control. But it's not like Mitch didn't ignored it when it suited him.
2) Doubtful. I would bank on Bernie Sanders goal of creating and extending economic opportunity to minorities.
3) Doubtful. Hard to calculate. See Point #2.
4) Again, doubtful. There are already cooler heads prevailing on defunding. Will there be redirection of some funds to community based programs? Sure.
5) Should have been taken up and agreed on a long time ago by the do nothing Republican party. But let's face it. Most of them don't like dark people.
6) Doubtful. Probably just go back to the Obama era policy of deporting the bad people. And probably end separating families.
7) Difficult to accomplish in reality. I would guess a saner and more circumspect approach to immigration. Hell, I'd even take talking about it.
8) Sigh. No one is for open borders. No one.
9) D.C? It's long past time. Puerto Rico is a US territory. How about just treating them like one instead of throwing paper towels to them?
10) Again, difficult to pack the court. Just ask FDR.
11) Outside of personal incomes (under $400K), probably. About time we stop the four decade jerking around with the tax system. A lot of the pain we are in is because of it.
12) That's coming whether you like it or not. The energy industry is always evolving. Greener forms will become more economically viable and environmentally responsible. Sources like coal and eventually oil will give way to greener forms.
13) How about just a commitment to funding public education for K through 12? College?...needs to be made affordable..way more affordable. Free? Not a huge proponent of that. People should pay part of their higher education.

Point 14 is Buchanan's ilk of conservatives last turn at the switch. Trump getting re-elected won't change that. It will just delay the inevitable.
Demographics are shifting in the voting population to younger people who are bringing fresh ideas to the table that make the likes of Buchanan's

To end, I think we've had enough cancer and suffering over the last four years. It's time to return to some normalcy.

That was an interesting, polite, and well written post. Thanks for making a
contribution to the thread.



Were in dangerous times now.If Biden wins,then it will be the end of America,if Trump wins,there is at least a chance to for America to avoid being taken over by a communist dictatership,it won’t be easy sense we have been a dictatership for decades now but there is at least a chance for us to fight the NWO the elite have had planned for us for decades of depopulation control and being a full blown police state that we are inching very close to being,were almost there as it stands thanks to our corrupt dem leaders and unlike many posters here,I am not biased towards one party,I have always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was all true till this past year.the dems have been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the CIA. Nothing will change drastically I’m afraid though no matter the outcome until the sheep Americans get off their asses and stop watching football and hold these criminals in office accountable for their murderous actions and this fake corona virus hoax and get rid of the fed and CIA,they are the reason the world is always in a mess and a facist dictatership.
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Says Patrick J. Buchanan , , ,

Start quote
"In national polls, Trump is further behind, in some by double-digits,
reflecting the mammoth Democratic majorities in populous and
deep-blue California, New York and Illinois.

Still, this thing is not over.

For, at this stage of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton was
showing equally impressive poll numbers, and she would
go on to lose all eight of those battleground states in the
greatest upset since Harry Truman defeated Tom Dewey
in 1948."
End quote

Buchanan writes an interesting article , , and scary too.

If Biden Wins , , ,
Start quote
■ The Democrats will insist that the Senate Abolish the “Jim Crow relic” known
as the filibuster, and use 50 Senate Democrats to enact an agenda more sweeping
than FDR’s New Deal.

■ The Democrats will shift the goal from equality of opportunity in race relations to
equality of results — in income, wealth, power.

■ Reparations for slavery.

■ Pursue the Black Lives Matter demand to “reimagine policing” and to “defund the police.”

■ On immigration, open an immediate path to citizenship and the ballot box for DACA

■ End deportations. Grant amnesty to all 11 million to 22 million illegal immigrants
in the U.S.

■ Abolish ICE.

■ Open America’s borders to new and higher waves of immigration to make America
the most racially, ethnically, socially and culturally diverse society in the history of man.

■ Pack the Senate by extending statehood to Puerto Rico and D.C., adding four
new Democratic senators and making us a bilingual nation.

■ Pack the Supreme Court by adding two new justices.

■ Raise taxes on payrolls, personal incomes, corporations,
capital gains and estates.

■ Accelerate an end to carbon emissions by halting all offshore drilling and
ending any reliance for energy, on coal, oil, gas or fracking.

■ Free education for all from prekindergarten through college.

■ On and on the agenda runs. But again, without the abolition of the
filibuster, a GOP Senate minority could block this agenda that is
designed to create a new American nation unlike the one we
have known."
End quote

Source: "Can Trump Pull A Second Rabbit Out Of The Hat?"
Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

A Belly Full Of Agony And Suffering ? , , , , ,
JAG Note:
It often has to get worse before it can get better. Perhaps at some
future point the American electorate will suffer and agonize
sufficiently and severely enough -- so that their agony and suffering
will cause them to permanently abandon the national cancer of

It is reasonable to believe that if Biden wins in November our
next POTUS will SOON be K. Harris and she may be the final
"cure" for the the national cancer of Liberalism. The American
electorate needs to "get a belly full" of cancerous Liberalism
to where they will, de facto, eliminate Liberalism-Marxism-Socialism
out of American politics once and for all time. Maybe the American
electorate can only learn "the hard way" ~ ~ the way of sustained
agony and suffering.

On the assumption that the present polls are correct and Biden
wins in November, it may be that the new POTUS ~ ~ K. Harris
and the Democratic Party will, in the next 4 years, be the final and
permanent DEATH of American Liberalism-Socialism.

Time will tell.
I make no predictions.
I am only speculating here.



Yo been listening to Rush, Hannity and Rump again. Sheesh, you may want to slow that down a bit.
Were in dangerous times now.If Biden wins,then it will be the end of America,if Trump wins,there is at least a chance to for America to avoid being taken over by a communist dictatership,it won’t be easy sense we have been a dictatership for decades now but there is at least a chance for us to fight the NWO the elite have had planned for us for decades of depopulation control and being a full blown police state that we are inching very close to being,were almost there as it stands thanks to our corrupt dem leaders and unlike many posters here,I am not biased towards one party,I have always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was all true till this past year.the dems have been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the CIA. Nothing will change drastically I’m afraid though no matter the outcome until the sheep Americans get off their asses and stop watching football and hold these criminals in office accountable for their murderous actions and this fake corona virus hoax and get rid of the fed and CIA,they are the reason the world is always in a mess and a facist dictatership.

For those of us that have actually been in Communist Countries, we know that Biden isn't a Communist or a Socialist. Your whole diatribe is based on the "3rd Red Wave".
Says Patrick J. Buchanan , , ,

Start quote
"In national polls, Trump is further behind, in some by double-digits,
reflecting the mammoth Democratic majorities in populous and
deep-blue California, New York and Illinois.

Still, this thing is not over.

For, at this stage of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton was
showing equally impressive poll numbers, and she would
go on to lose all eight of those battleground states in the
greatest upset since Harry Truman defeated Tom Dewey
in 1948."
End quote

Buchanan writes an interesting article , , and scary too.

If Biden Wins , , ,
Start quote
■ The Democrats will insist that the Senate Abolish the “Jim Crow relic” known
as the filibuster, and use 50 Senate Democrats to enact an agenda more sweeping
than FDR’s New Deal.

■ The Democrats will shift the goal from equality of opportunity in race relations to
equality of results — in income, wealth, power.

■ Reparations for slavery.

■ Pursue the Black Lives Matter demand to “reimagine policing” and to “defund the police.”

■ On immigration, open an immediate path to citizenship and the ballot box for DACA

■ End deportations. Grant amnesty to all 11 million to 22 million illegal immigrants
in the U.S.

■ Abolish ICE.

■ Open America’s borders to new and higher waves of immigration to make America
the most racially, ethnically, socially and culturally diverse society in the history of man.

■ Pack the Senate by extending statehood to Puerto Rico and D.C., adding four
new Democratic senators and making us a bilingual nation.

■ Pack the Supreme Court by adding two new justices.

■ Raise taxes on payrolls, personal incomes, corporations,
capital gains and estates.

■ Accelerate an end to carbon emissions by halting all offshore drilling and
ending any reliance for energy, on coal, oil, gas or fracking.

■ Free education for all from prekindergarten through college.

■ On and on the agenda runs. But again, without the abolition of the
filibuster, a GOP Senate minority could block this agenda that is
designed to create a new American nation unlike the one we
have known."
End quote

Source: "Can Trump Pull A Second Rabbit Out Of The Hat?"
Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

A Belly Full Of Agony And Suffering ? , , , , ,
JAG Note:
It often has to get worse before it can get better. Perhaps at some
future point the American electorate will suffer and agonize
sufficiently and severely enough -- so that their agony and suffering
will cause them to permanently abandon the national cancer of

It is reasonable to believe that if Biden wins in November our
next POTUS will SOON be K. Harris and she may be the final
"cure" for the the national cancer of Liberalism. The American
electorate needs to "get a belly full" of cancerous Liberalism
to where they will, de facto, eliminate Liberalism-Marxism-Socialism
out of American politics once and for all time. Maybe the American
electorate can only learn "the hard way" ~ ~ the way of sustained
agony and suffering.

On the assumption that the present polls are correct and Biden
wins in November, it may be that the new POTUS ~ ~ K. Harris
and the Democratic Party will, in the next 4 years, be the final and
permanent DEATH of American Liberalism-Socialism.

Time will tell.
I make no predictions.
I am only speculating here.


America will have a revolution. But I don't think they have a chance in Hell of winning . They will then go crawl under a rock and die saving us from killing them.
Were in dangerous times now.If Biden wins,then it will be the end of America,if Trump wins,there is at least a chance to for America to avoid being taken over by a communist dictatership,it won’t be easy sense we have been a dictatership for decades now but there is at least a chance for us to fight the NWO the elite have had planned for us for decades of depopulation control and being a full blown police state that we are inching very close to being,were almost there as it stands thanks to our corrupt dem leaders and unlike many posters here,I am not biased towards one party,I have always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was all true till this past year.the dems have been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the CIA. Nothing will change drastically I’m afraid though no matter the outcome until the sheep Americans get off their asses and stop watching football and hold these criminals in office accountable for their murderous actions and this fake corona virus hoax and get rid of the fed and CIA,they are the reason the world is always in a mess and a facist dictatership.

For those of us that have actually been in Communist Countries, we know that Biden isn't a Communist or a Socialist. Your whole diatribe is based on the "3rd Red Wave".
Who is Rump, a Southern democrat?or are you just confused?
Says Patrick J. Buchanan , , ,

Start quote
"In national polls, Trump is further behind, in some by double-digits,
reflecting the mammoth Democratic majorities in populous and
deep-blue California, New York and Illinois.

Still, this thing is not over.

For, at this stage of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton was
showing equally impressive poll numbers, and she would
go on to lose all eight of those battleground states in the
greatest upset since Harry Truman defeated Tom Dewey
in 1948."
End quote

Buchanan writes an interesting article , , and scary too.

If Biden Wins , , ,
Start quote
■ The Democrats will insist that the Senate Abolish the “Jim Crow relic” known
as the filibuster, and use 50 Senate Democrats to enact an agenda more sweeping
than FDR’s New Deal.

■ The Democrats will shift the goal from equality of opportunity in race relations to
equality of results — in income, wealth, power.

■ Reparations for slavery.

■ Pursue the Black Lives Matter demand to “reimagine policing” and to “defund the police.”

■ On immigration, open an immediate path to citizenship and the ballot box for DACA

■ End deportations. Grant amnesty to all 11 million to 22 million illegal immigrants
in the U.S.

■ Abolish ICE.

■ Open America’s borders to new and higher waves of immigration to make America
the most racially, ethnically, socially and culturally diverse society in the history of man.

■ Pack the Senate by extending statehood to Puerto Rico and D.C., adding four
new Democratic senators and making us a bilingual nation.

■ Pack the Supreme Court by adding two new justices.

■ Raise taxes on payrolls, personal incomes, corporations,
capital gains and estates.

■ Accelerate an end to carbon emissions by halting all offshore drilling and
ending any reliance for energy, on coal, oil, gas or fracking.

■ Free education for all from prekindergarten through college.

■ On and on the agenda runs. But again, without the abolition of the
filibuster, a GOP Senate minority could block this agenda that is
designed to create a new American nation unlike the one we
have known."
End quote

Source: "Can Trump Pull A Second Rabbit Out Of The Hat?"
Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

A Belly Full Of Agony And Suffering ? , , , , ,
JAG Note:
It often has to get worse before it can get better. Perhaps at some
future point the American electorate will suffer and agonize
sufficiently and severely enough -- so that their agony and suffering
will cause them to permanently abandon the national cancer of

It is reasonable to believe that if Biden wins in November our
next POTUS will SOON be K. Harris and she may be the final
"cure" for the the national cancer of Liberalism. The American
electorate needs to "get a belly full" of cancerous Liberalism
to where they will, de facto, eliminate Liberalism-Marxism-Socialism
out of American politics once and for all time. Maybe the American
electorate can only learn "the hard way" ~ ~ the way of sustained
agony and suffering.

On the assumption that the present polls are correct and Biden
wins in November, it may be that the new POTUS ~ ~ K. Harris
and the Democratic Party will, in the next 4 years, be the final and
permanent DEATH of American Liberalism-Socialism.

Time will tell.
I make no predictions.
I am only speculating here.


America will have a revolution. But I don't think they have a chance in Hell of winning . They will then go crawl under a rock and die saving us from killing them.

Are you saying that you will take up arms against the United States of America? That is what you are saying, terrorist.
......blacks like Harris base all their thinking on one thing -RACE..so she would definitely screw up America
Were in dangerous times now.If Biden wins,then it will be the end of America,if Trump wins,there is at least a chance to for America to avoid being taken over by a communist dictatership,it won’t be easy sense we have been a dictatership for decades now but there is at least a chance for us to fight the NWO the elite have had planned for us for decades of depopulation control and being a full blown police state that we are inching very close to being,were almost there as it stands thanks to our corrupt dem leaders and unlike many posters here,I am not biased towards one party,I have always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was all true till this past year.the dems have been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the CIA. Nothing will change drastically I’m afraid though no matter the outcome until the sheep Americans get off their asses and stop watching football and hold these criminals in office accountable for their murderous actions and this fake corona virus hoax and get rid of the fed and CIA,they are the reason the world is always in a mess and a facist dictatership.

For those of us that have actually been in Communist Countries, we know that Biden isn't a Communist or a Socialist. Your whole diatribe is based on the "3rd Red Wave".
So says another clueless brainwashed dem worshipper. :auiqs.jpg:
Last edited:
Says Patrick J. Buchanan , , ,

Start quote
"In national polls, Trump is further behind, in some by double-digits,
reflecting the mammoth Democratic majorities in populous and
deep-blue California, New York and Illinois.

Still, this thing is not over.

For, at this stage of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton was
showing equally impressive poll numbers, and she would
go on to lose all eight of those battleground states in the
greatest upset since Harry Truman defeated Tom Dewey
in 1948."
End quote

Buchanan writes an interesting article , , and scary too.

If Biden Wins , , ,
Start quote
■ The Democrats will insist that the Senate Abolish the “Jim Crow relic” known
as the filibuster, and use 50 Senate Democrats to enact an agenda more sweeping
than FDR’s New Deal.

■ The Democrats will shift the goal from equality of opportunity in race relations to
equality of results — in income, wealth, power.

■ Reparations for slavery.

■ Pursue the Black Lives Matter demand to “reimagine policing” and to “defund the police.”

■ On immigration, open an immediate path to citizenship and the ballot box for DACA

■ End deportations. Grant amnesty to all 11 million to 22 million illegal immigrants
in the U.S.

■ Abolish ICE.

■ Open America’s borders to new and higher waves of immigration to make America
the most racially, ethnically, socially and culturally diverse society in the history of man.

■ Pack the Senate by extending statehood to Puerto Rico and D.C., adding four
new Democratic senators and making us a bilingual nation.

■ Pack the Supreme Court by adding two new justices.

■ Raise taxes on payrolls, personal incomes, corporations,
capital gains and estates.

■ Accelerate an end to carbon emissions by halting all offshore drilling and
ending any reliance for energy, on coal, oil, gas or fracking.

■ Free education for all from prekindergarten through college.

■ On and on the agenda runs. But again, without the abolition of the
filibuster, a GOP Senate minority could block this agenda that is
designed to create a new American nation unlike the one we
have known."
End quote

Source: "Can Trump Pull A Second Rabbit Out Of The Hat?"
Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

A Belly Full Of Agony And Suffering ? , , , , ,
JAG Note:
It often has to get worse before it can get better. Perhaps at some
future point the American electorate will suffer and agonize
sufficiently and severely enough -- so that their agony and suffering
will cause them to permanently abandon the national cancer of

It is reasonable to believe that if Biden wins in November our
next POTUS will SOON be K. Harris and she may be the final
"cure" for the the national cancer of Liberalism. The American
electorate needs to "get a belly full" of cancerous Liberalism
to where they will, de facto, eliminate Liberalism-Marxism-Socialism
out of American politics once and for all time. Maybe the American
electorate can only learn "the hard way" ~ ~ the way of sustained
agony and suffering.

On the assumption that the present polls are correct and Biden
wins in November, it may be that the new POTUS ~ ~ K. Harris
and the Democratic Party will, in the next 4 years, be the final and
permanent DEATH of American Liberalism-Socialism.

Time will tell.
I make no predictions.
I am only speculating here.


America will have a revolution. But I don't think they have a chance in Hell of winning . They will then go crawl under a rock and die saving us from killing them.

Are you saying that you will take up arms against the United States of America? That is what you are saying, terrorist.
You are the terrorist supporting the corrupt dem party oh and clueless sheep,this is not America that our forefathers faught for,the government does not serve us as they are suppose according to the constitution mr clueless,we serve them because we have criminal politicians who get sway with crimes everyday that we go to jail for and are never held accountable foe their actions.If you can’t understand that,then you are braindead and beyond help why we are a police state.
Says Patrick J. Buchanan , , ,

Start quote
"In national polls, Trump is further behind, in some by double-digits,
reflecting the mammoth Democratic majorities in populous and
deep-blue California, New York and Illinois.

Still, this thing is not over.

For, at this stage of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton was
showing equally impressive poll numbers, and she would
go on to lose all eight of those battleground states in the
greatest upset since Harry Truman defeated Tom Dewey
in 1948."
End quote

Buchanan writes an interesting article , , and scary too.

If Biden Wins , , ,
Start quote
■ The Democrats will insist that the Senate Abolish the “Jim Crow relic” known
as the filibuster, and use 50 Senate Democrats to enact an agenda more sweeping
than FDR’s New Deal.

■ The Democrats will shift the goal from equality of opportunity in race relations to
equality of results — in income, wealth, power.

■ Reparations for slavery.

■ Pursue the Black Lives Matter demand to “reimagine policing” and to “defund the police.”

■ On immigration, open an immediate path to citizenship and the ballot box for DACA

■ End deportations. Grant amnesty to all 11 million to 22 million illegal immigrants
in the U.S.

■ Abolish ICE.

■ Open America’s borders to new and higher waves of immigration to make America
the most racially, ethnically, socially and culturally diverse society in the history of man.

■ Pack the Senate by extending statehood to Puerto Rico and D.C., adding four
new Democratic senators and making us a bilingual nation.

■ Pack the Supreme Court by adding two new justices.

■ Raise taxes on payrolls, personal incomes, corporations,
capital gains and estates.

■ Accelerate an end to carbon emissions by halting all offshore drilling and
ending any reliance for energy, on coal, oil, gas or fracking.

■ Free education for all from prekindergarten through college.

■ On and on the agenda runs. But again, without the abolition of the
filibuster, a GOP Senate minority could block this agenda that is
designed to create a new American nation unlike the one we
have known."
End quote

Source: "Can Trump Pull A Second Rabbit Out Of The Hat?"
Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

A Belly Full Of Agony And Suffering ? , , , , ,
JAG Note:
It often has to get worse before it can get better. Perhaps at some
future point the American electorate will suffer and agonize
sufficiently and severely enough -- so that their agony and suffering
will cause them to permanently abandon the national cancer of

It is reasonable to believe that if Biden wins in November our
next POTUS will SOON be K. Harris and she may be the final
"cure" for the the national cancer of Liberalism. The American
electorate needs to "get a belly full" of cancerous Liberalism
to where they will, de facto, eliminate Liberalism-Marxism-Socialism
out of American politics once and for all time. Maybe the American
electorate can only learn "the hard way" ~ ~ the way of sustained
agony and suffering.

On the assumption that the present polls are correct and Biden
wins in November, it may be that the new POTUS ~ ~ K. Harris
and the Democratic Party will, in the next 4 years, be the final and
permanent DEATH of American Liberalism-Socialism.

Time will tell.
I make no predictions.
I am only speculating here.


Still better than a severe sustained and prolonged comb-over. :blowpop:
Were in dangerous times now.If Biden wins,then it will be the end of America,if Trump wins,there is at least a chance to for America to avoid being taken over by a communist dictatership,it won’t be easy sense we have been a dictatership for decades now but there is at least a chance for us to fight the NWO the elite have had planned for us for decades of depopulation control and being a full blown police state that we are inching very close to being,were almost there as it stands thanks to our corrupt dem leaders and unlike many posters here,I am not biased towards one party,I have always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was all true till this past year.the dems have been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the CIA. Nothing will change drastically I’m afraid though no matter the outcome until the sheep Americans get off their asses and stop watching football and hold these criminals in office accountable for their murderous actions and this fake corona virus hoax and get rid of the fed and CIA,they are the reason the world is always in a mess and a facist dictatership.

For those of us that have actually been in Communist Countries, we know that Biden isn't a Communist or a Socialist. Your whole diatribe is based on the "3rd Red Wave".
Who is Rump, a Southern democrat?or are you just confused?
You are the last person to telling anybody they are confused ,I mean really,who is Rump,that’s the question I want to know?:abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously,the better question is who is Rump,I have never heard or meant anybody with that name as you have in your life obviously:auiqs.jpg:
Were in dangerous times now.If Biden wins,then it will be the end of America,if Trump wins,there is at least a chance to for America to avoid being taken over by a communist dictatership,it won’t be easy sense we have been a dictatership for decades now but there is at least a chance for us to fight the NWO the elite have had planned for us for decades of depopulation control and being a full blown police state that we are inching very close to being,were almost there as it stands thanks to our corrupt dem leaders and unlike many posters here,I am not biased towards one party,I have always said that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that was all true till this past year.the dems have been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the CIA. Nothing will change drastically I’m afraid though no matter the outcome until the sheep Americans get off their asses and stop watching football and hold these criminals in office accountable for their murderous actions and this fake corona virus hoax and get rid of the fed and CIA,they are the reason the world is always in a mess and a facist dictatership.

For those of us that have actually been in Communist Countries, we know that Biden isn't a Communist or a Socialist. Your whole diatribe is based on the "3rd Red Wave".
Who is Rump, a Southern democrat?or are you just confused?
You are the last person to telling anybody they are confused ,I mean really,who is Rump,that’s the question I want to know?:abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously,the better question is who is Rump,I have never heard or meant anybody with that name as you have in your life obviously:auiqs.jpg:

If you are unable to answer your own question, just click on my tag. And please, go take a civics class. I hear that the local Community Colleges off them for night schools and they are rather inexpensive.

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