If Barack Obama was not born in the U.S., would you still vote for him?

My 10 year old says stuff like that when he's caught doing something wrong.

The thread wasn't started to start a "conversation". It was intended to perpetuate a lie.

Nailed it.

Cons hate their candidate, and are embarrased for having twice voted for a complete moron who is the worst president in modern history.

They're reduced to throwing shit against the walls to see what sticks. They know damn good and well Obama is an american citizen. There's not a snow balls chance in hell he was vetted this poorly.

So Cons resort to lying. Its what they do.
Nailed it.

Cons hate their candidate, and are embarrased for having twice voted for a complete moron who is the worst president in modern history.

They're reduced to throwing shit against the walls to see what sticks. They know damn good and well Obama is an american citizen. There's not a snow balls chance in hell he was vetted this poorly.

So Cons resort to lying. Its what they do.
yeah, cause there are no conservatives that have dismissed this silliness

yeah, cause there are no conservatives that have dismissed this silliness


Fortunately, Dive, I think people like you make up the vast majority of conservatives ... good guys who have their own well intended way of bettering our nation ... it's the vocal minority that creates then perpetuates lies like these that gives the good guys bad names.
Fortunately, Dive, I think people like you make up the vast majority of conservatives ... good guys who have their own well intended way of bettering our nation ... it's the vocal minority that creates then perpetuates lies like these that gives the good guys bad names.
just like i hope you make up the vast majority on your side
not the people like i responded to above
I will not vote for Obama; he is too liberal and I value liberty too much.

how so? how will obama policies hurt you and how will mccain's policy help you?

i am not an obama follower, so you can leave the partisan crud out of it....just in simple terms, how will an obama presidency hurt you or your liberties while mccain, would not?

Is it a lie that Obama has a friend that was or still is a member of the Weather Underground, or is ok when the left conducts a bombing campaign in the US in support of their communist allies. We had to struggle against these people to win the cold war. They are still around and Obama is most likely one of them. His mother was an America hating communist loving hippy.
Is it a lie that Obama has a friend that was or still is a member of the Weather Underground, or is ok when the left conducts a bombing campaign in the US in support of their communist allies. We had to struggle against these people to win the cold war. They are still around and Obama is most likely one of them. His mother was an America hating communist loving hippy.

How about you go make me some pancakes ...
how so? how will obama policies hurt you and how will mccain's policy help you?

i am not an obama follower, so you can leave the partisan crud out of it....just in simple terms, how will an obama presidency hurt you or your liberties while mccain, would not?


It is not that McCain is so much better is that Obama is so much worse. Obama is so far to the left he might as well be Joseph Stalin. During the Cold War it was people like him that did everything they could to aid the Soviets and to hurt out struggle against Soviet totalitarianism. One of the first things he will try to do is limit our right to own weapons.
Is it a lie that Obama has a friend that was or still is a member of the Weather Underground, or is ok when the left conducts a bombing campaign in the US in support of their communist allies. We had to struggle against these people to win the cold war. They are still around and Obama is most likely one of them. His mother was an America hating communist loving hippy.

look up mccain /keating scandal and look in to mccain's own FELON, father in law whose money helped fund mccain's career, skeletons are out there from both candidates....unfortunately, they seem to follow anyone in politics, nowadays! :(

obama was 8 years old when ayers was in his hayday....and Ayres has since made a legitimate life of himself as a professor at a university and was never charged with any crime, and is not a felon, regardless of what we may think he did....

he was raised by his grandparents, and hippies revolutionized our country, most of those hippies today are wearing suits and holding high paying jobs and are mainstream today...hippies wanted peace, they hated the killings of war...they drugged themselves to be happy in a very sad time, where we had lost over 50,000 soldiers in the war in vietnam and the average age of the soldiers sent there to defend us and or die, was 19 years old....it was disheartening for them to see their fellow high school graduates dying in droves, for something that seemed so trivial, like letting the vietnamese decide what govt they wanted to rule, which they did, after we left....unfortunately, not always the best man wins after all the killing.... WAR, dear God, WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING was the gist of the tunes at the time....and although many hippies had good intentions, they did go overboard nearing the end of their revolution and made some very hurtful and bad mistakes...and some of them blamed our soldiers for the killing, instead of the civilian leaders that ordered them there and ordered the killings..... I highly doubt obama's mother was a hippie already in 1961 when he was born, not much was really happening in vietnam yet back then....the major usa deaths there came later on in the 60's..

so those things you mentioned alone, should not be good enough....to make your decision on....search deeper! then let me know what you come up with.... :)

That means what?
i believe he was teasing or taunting you....kinda letting you know that he thought your reasons were too simplistic and really just the partisan rant that we have seen on this board, and really doesn't go in to the issues that each candidate stands for, which is really how we should make our decision, on who we want as president....

i could be wrong, but that's my guess on what he meant....

come to think of it, he might have indirectly insulted women by trying to insult you with that comment....hmmmmmarticle 15 has some answering to do, unless article 15 is a woman, but i don't think so?????? lol

i believe he was teasing or taunting you....kinda letting you know that he thought your reasons were too simplistic and really just the partisan rant that we have seen on this board, and really doesn't go in to the issues that each candidate stands for, which is really how we should make our decision, on who we want as president....

i could be wrong, but that's my guess on what he meant....

come to think of it, he might have indirectly insulted women by trying to insult you with that comment....hmmmmmarticle 15 has some answering to do, unless article 15 is a woman, but i don't think so?????? lol



Spot on ... but I wasn't trying to indirectly insult women ... I love women!... I just like to tell asshats to go make me some pancakes ... :eusa_angel:

Spot on ... but I wasn't trying to indirectly insult women ... I love women!... I just like to tell asshats to go make me some pancakes ... :eusa_angel:
here, this might keep you out of trouble with the women in the future

look up mccain /keating scandal and look in to mccain's own FELON, father in law whose money helped fund mccain's career, skeletons are out there from both candidates....unfortunately, they seem to follow anyone in politics, nowadays! :(

obama was 8 years old when ayers was in his hayday....and Ayres has since made a legitimate life of himself as a professor at a university and was never charged with any crime, and is not a felon, regardless of what we may think he did....

he was raised by his grandparents, and hippies revolutionized our country, most of those hippies today are wearing suits and holding high paying jobs and are mainstream today...hippies wanted peace, they hated the killings of war...they drugged themselves to be happy in a very sad time, where we had lost over 50,000 soldiers in the war in vietnam and the average age of the soldiers sent there to defend us and or die, was 19 years old....it was disheartening for them to see their fellow high school graduates dying in droves, for something that seemed so trivial, like letting the vietnamese decide what govt they wanted to rule, which they did, after we left....unfortunately, not always the best man wins after all the killing.... WAR, dear God, WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING was the gist of the tunes at the time....and although many hippies had good intentions, they did go overboard nearing the end of their revolution and made some very hurtful and bad mistakes...and some of them blamed our soldiers for the killing, instead of the civilian leaders that ordered them there and ordered the killings..... I highly doubt obama's mother was a hippie already in 1961 when he was born, not much was really happening in vietnam yet back then....the major usa deaths there came later on in the 60's..

so those things you mentioned alone, should not be good enough....to make your decision on....search deeper! then let me know what you come up with.... :)


Ayers has recently stated he wished he had BOMBED more stuff and done MORE as a terrorist. Some much for being reformed. He got off on technicality. Obama knows it and we know it.

Lets recap. Obama has as his personal pastor, 20 year friend and mentor, a man he titled a book from one of his sermons, a racist that wishes God would kill whites, that believes the US made AIDS to kill blacks and has as a man that started his political career a known terrorist that has stated he wished he had bombed more buildings and is unrepented for his past terror activity. Ya a real good choice for our President indeed.
If he wasn't born in the US he can not run. If they find out that he was not born he between now and the election he will have to stop. Then i will votefor the Clinton Biden ticket. If after he is in the White House I will support Biden as president and his choice of Hillary as VP.

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