Iceland prime minister resigns

Iceland PM resigns following Panama Papers leak – media

Wish the people of the US had the gall to do what Icelandic people have done. They PROSECUTED and JAILED their bankers and now have forced a PM to resign!

It's actually only the tip of the ice berg. Funny how the US media has "neglected" to even mention it, isn't it? Trust me - more, much more is on the way. Probably why Barry just held a news conference about "off-shore" companies.

He knows that the "shit is about to hit the fan".

Here is the the News that is breaking all over the world, but U S media are silent.

It involves several leading politicians around the world, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Business men and women, celebrities, sports icons, etc. But, curiously, nothing on any American. Stay tuned, folks

"Biggest leak in the history of data journalism just went live, and it's about corruption." - Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden (@Snowden) | Twitter

Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens - BBC News

In the past 12 months, around 400 journalists from more than 100 media organizations in over 80 countries have taken part in researching the documents.

Prime Minister of Iceland is the first person to be interviewed about his involvement: Watch
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Iceland PM resigns following Panama Papers leak – media

Wish the people of the US had the gall to do what Icelandic people have done. They PROSECUTED and JAILED their bankers and now have forced a PM to resign!

Couple of things.

First, the reason Iceland prosecuted a few.... A FEW.. of their bankers, is because the bankers actually broke laws.

You can't just randomly persecute people because you don't like them. They actually have to break laws. Trust me, this is a good policy. If I can just prosecute YOU because I don't like YOU, then about a dozen people on this forum would be in court today.

10 Bankers Thrown Behind Bars

There are lists of bankers that have been tossed into prison for breaking laws. It's not uncommon.

Iceland prosecuted bankers that broke laws. We have done the same. In fact, I don't know many western countries that have not prosecuted bankers.

Second, the Panama Papers, to me show exactly the opposite of what you seem to be implying.

The Panama Papers *THUS FAR* have shown that most of the actions taken have been legal. This is NOTHING NEW.... Panama has been a tax haven since the 1960s, and maybe longer. It's well known. Everyone knows there are tax haven countries were super rich hide their cash.

Now that this specific firm is shot.... they'll move their money elsewhere. Big whoopty freakin doo.


And this is the biggest take away in my book..... Look at the list of people. Is it Kosh Brothers? Is it Zuckerburg? Cook? Ballmer? Whitmen? Page? Dell? Where are all the big CEOs? Where are all the super wealthy? Where is Buffet?

Look at the list!! Where are all the evil 1%? Where's the greed industrialists? Where's Walton?

They are not there! Who is on the list?? Read the list!!! It's all the political people! It's government officials, and relatives of the politicians. It's left-wing Hollywood elite, actors and football players, and sports celebrities! USA Today's title says it best!

Panama Papers read like Who's Who of world power

It's also interesting how many of these people are either directly vowed socialists, and others closely linked to socialist states. Venezuela, Cuba, China, of course Putin, and Ecuador, Peru, France, and on and on and on.

Isn't that interesting? Not too many greedy rich wealthy 1% corporate CEOs, but tons and tons of left-wing politicians.

What is funny, is I would have no problem with a wealthy CEO saving their income from taxes. But how ironic that people spouting off that everyone needs to pay more taxes in public, is hiding their income in tax havens outside their countries in private.

So much for the Altruistic ideology. Reminds me of 2009, when Obama couldn't seem to find people who didn't owe back taxes, when he was forming his cabinet. You people on the left, live in a fantasy world where everyone loves paying more tax. But you can't even find leaders of your left wing ideology that are willing to pay all their taxes.
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Iceland PM resigns following Panama Papers leak – media

Wish the people of the US had the gall to do what Icelandic people have done. They PROSECUTED and JAILED their bankers and now have forced a PM to resign!

Couple of things.

First, the reason Iceland prosecuted a few.... A FEW.. of their bankers, is because the bankers actually broke laws.
Quite a few bankers in American broke laws, too. But they just paid lunch money fines.

Daniel Sparks and Tom Montag: Goldman Sachs. Constructed the fraudulent Timberwolf billion dollar toxic mortgage security and sold it to investors (you), then profited by betting against it. Deliberately stuffed the security with mortgages they knew were toxic so they could bet on its failure while also profiting from its sale it to investors.

Goldman Sued Again

Brian H. Stoker: Citigroup. Constructed the fraudulent Class V Funding III CDO-squared which ripped off investors (you) for over $700 million.

He stole $700 million and paid a fine of $285 million. Is this a disincentive to steal?!?!

Fabrice Tourre: Goldman Sachs. John Paulson: Paulson & Co. Inc . Constructed the fraudulent Abacus 2007-ac1 CDO for which Goldman Sachs was fined but no one went to prison. Tourre allowed hedge fund manager John Paulson to select the toxic mortgages to be placed in the CDO so Goldman Sachs and Paulson could bet against it.

Angelo Mozilo: Countrywide CEO. Committed the exact same kind of crime as the Enron CEO and financial officers did, and yet he walks free. Mozillo kept telling investors that Countrywide was "consistently producing quality mortgages" while his internal memos show that he was well aware his company was creating the most toxic mortgages on the planet. The SEC originally demanded a jury trial for Mozillo, but he ultimately walked away with a fine and no admission of wrongdoing.

Richard Harriton: Bear Stearns. Along with 13 executives and brokers, defrauded investors of $75 million through stock manipulation.

Bear Stearns paid the SEC a fine of $38.5 million, half of the amount they stole from their investors!

Bear Stearns in $38M settlement - Aug. 5, 1999

Roland Arnall: Ameriquest. Inventor of the "stated asset" (NINJA) loan.

Paid a $325 million settlement with 49 state AGs in early 2006 for misrepresenting and failing to disclose loan terms, charging excessive loan origination fees and inflating appraisals to qualify borrowers for loans.

March 2006, installed as US ambassador to the Netherlands!

How a Gang of Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America -- and Spawned a Global Crisis | John Mauldin |

Roland Arnall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Check out that last one. Remember Nannygate? Someone hired a nanny ten years previously who was an illegal immigrant and couldn't get their presidential appointment confirmed by Congress.

But this sleazebag from Ameriquest gets nominated and confirmed as a US Ambassador right after being caught as one of the biggest criminals on Wall Street!

If that does not tell you that our federal government is aiding and abetting these fuckers, nothing will.

You can't make this shit up.

This guy had his brokers forge borrowers' signatures on subprime loans.

Don't believe me? Read this: How a Gang of Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America -- and Spawned a Global Crisis | John Mauldin |

Yeah, but Romney wasn't running around saying everyone should pay more tax. When someone who disagrees with over taxing everyone, tries to reduce their own taxes.... that's called "ideological consistency".

It's not "ideological consistency" if they broke US law. I brought up the reminder because Romney might turn up in the Panama Papers.

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