I Wish This Wasn't True


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
While people are sitting in prison for years for some marijuana or some other petty crime, those who have caused thousands of deaths, destroyed lives and some rural areas will never face any justice.

Paying a fine isn't justice.

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The dem and repub party moron Americans elect to fuck over this country let special interests pull the strings.
It's the voters fault.
Its fucking pathetic. This country was built in vain.
The dem and repub party moron Americans elect to fuck over this country let special interests pull the strings.
It's the voters fault.
Its fucking pathetic. This country was built in vain.

I would say that politicians who are allowed to be bought have some responsibility for this.

Who has most of the responsibility for this is the pharmaceutical companies. They bought the politicians. They lied to the politicians, doctors and patients. They looked the other way when people were dying and when certain pharmacies were over selling those pills.

The only thing the pharmaceutical companies cared about was money.

That's wrong. They knew what their drugs did to people yet they bought politicians anyway, yet they shipped those drugs to pharmacies they knew were selling those drugs to anyone using any type of prescription and they knew it was wrong. Making it no longer illegal doesn't all of a sudden make it right.
The dem and repub party moron Americans elect to fuck over this country let special interests pull the strings.
It's the voters fault.
Its fucking pathetic. This country was built in vain.

I would say that politicians who are allowed to be bought have some responsibility for this.

Who has most of the responsibility for this is the pharmaceutical companies. They bought the politicians. They lied to the politicians, doctors and patients. They looked the other way when people were dying and when certain pharmacies were over selling those pills.

The only thing the pharmaceutical companies cared about was money.

That's wrong. They knew what their drugs did to people yet they bought politicians anyway, yet they shipped those drugs to pharmacies they knew were selling those drugs to anyone using any type of prescription and they knew it was wrong. Making it no longer illegal doesn't all of a sudden make it right.

Largest group of serial killers the country has ever seen
We have the best medical care in the world and most innovative medical research. Do you really think the pharmaceutical business model is to kill as many people as possible and incur billions in product liability damages?
We have the best medical care in the world and most innovative medical research. Do you really think the pharmaceutical business model is to kill as many people as possible and incur billions in product liability damages?

I believe many of the companies only care about the bottom line. I do jot think its a coincidence that the same comoanies that brought us thw epidemic now sell the tax payers the continued, no planned end, "treatments" that are simply more doc prescribed opiate derivatives that simply push out the inevitable day of reckoningn the dreaded 3 day withdrawal. We coddle these people like they are all actually victims. Very few are the sad sap story we here so often, little John/Jane perfect, gets wisdom teeth taken out and an oxy script and all of a sudden they're shooting dope.

Pharmaceutical companies do it all for the money. Sure, some independant actors within the system may be in it with good intentions, but the vast majority just want to get paid. The corporate entities that these limited well intentioned are employed by certainly fall under the latter group. These companies work in tandem with insurance providers to ensure care costs continue rising, as thats the only way insurance companies are allowed to rake in increasing profits, thank to the ACA.

Our system is in shambles, and not surprisingly, things took a massive turn for the worse after the federal government stepped in.

Narcan is free, and epiPens cost close to a thousand dollars. Seems odd, given i've never seen anyone tie off their arm and inject bee venom willingly.

Our health care system is fantastic, IF you're WEALTHY.
It sucks all those pill heads and dishonest docs have made it difficult for those who actually need pain meds.

My third hip replacement isnt healing like my first and I'm hesitant to ask for a third script for fear of looking like a doper.
We have the best medical care in the world and most innovative medical research. Do you really think the pharmaceutical business model is to kill as many people as possible and incur billions in product liability damages?

I believe many of the companies only care about the bottom line. I do jot think its a coincidence that the same comoanies that brought us thw epidemic now sell the tax payers the continued, no planned end, "treatments" that are simply more doc prescribed opiate derivatives that simply push out the inevitable day of reckoningn the dreaded 3 day withdrawal. We coddle these people like they are all actually victims. Very few are the sad sap story we here so often, little John/Jane perfect, gets wisdom teeth taken out and an oxy script and all of a sudden they're shooting dope.

Pharmaceutical companies do it all for the money. Sure, some independant actors within the system may be in it with good intentions, but the vast majority just want to get paid. The corporate entities that these limited well intentioned are employed by certainly fall under the latter group. These companies work in tandem with insurance providers to ensure care costs continue rising, as thats the only way insurance companies are allowed to rake in increasing profits, thank to the ACA.

Our system is in shambles, and not surprisingly, things took a massive turn for the worse after the federal government stepped in.

Narcan is free, and epiPens cost close to a thousand dollars. Seems odd, given i've never seen anyone tie off their arm and inject bee venom willingly.

Our health care system is fantastic, IF you're WEALTHY.
Our health care system is fantastic, IF you're WEALTHY.

Why you sick?
We have the best medical care in the world and most innovative medical research. Do you really think the pharmaceutical business model is to kill as many people as possible and incur billions in product liability damages?

I believe many of the companies only care about the bottom line. I do jot think its a coincidence that the same comoanies that brought us thw epidemic now sell the tax payers the continued, no planned end, "treatments" that are simply more doc prescribed opiate derivatives that simply push out the inevitable day of reckoningn the dreaded 3 day withdrawal. We coddle these people like they are all actually victims. Very few are the sad sap story we here so often, little John/Jane perfect, gets wisdom teeth taken out and an oxy script and all of a sudden they're shooting dope.

Pharmaceutical companies do it all for the money. Sure, some independant actors within the system may be in it with good intentions, but the vast majority just want to get paid. The corporate entities that these limited well intentioned are employed by certainly fall under the latter group. These companies work in tandem with insurance providers to ensure care costs continue rising, as thats the only way insurance companies are allowed to rake in increasing profits, thank to the ACA.

Our system is in shambles, and not surprisingly, things took a massive turn for the worse after the federal government stepped in.

Narcan is free, and epiPens cost close to a thousand dollars. Seems odd, given i've never seen anyone tie off their arm and inject bee venom willingly.

Our health care system is fantastic, IF you're WEALTHY.

The biggest problem is Americans are left to pick up the slack from foreign countries when it comes to drug costs.
Someone has to pay for R&D,unfortunately you and I are left holding the bag.
The old cliche that "people spend years in prison for petty crimes" is false and dangerous. Lately we see mostly lefties whining about marijuana convictions but that's not true either unless they sold a ton of the stuff. People are in prison for committing felonies and ironically not long enough.
We have the best medical care in the world and most innovative medical research. Do you really think the pharmaceutical business model is to kill as many people as possible and incur billions in product liability damages?

I believe many of the companies only care about the bottom line. I do jot think its a coincidence that the same comoanies that brought us thw epidemic now sell the tax payers the continued, no planned end, "treatments" that are simply more doc prescribed opiate derivatives that simply push out the inevitable day of reckoningn the dreaded 3 day withdrawal. We coddle these people like they are all actually victims. Very few are the sad sap story we here so often, little John/Jane perfect, gets wisdom teeth taken out and an oxy script and all of a sudden they're shooting dope.

Pharmaceutical companies do it all for the money. Sure, some independant actors within the system may be in it with good intentions, but the vast majority just want to get paid. The corporate entities that these limited well intentioned are employed by certainly fall under the latter group. These companies work in tandem with insurance providers to ensure care costs continue rising, as thats the only way insurance companies are allowed to rake in increasing profits, thank to the ACA.

Our system is in shambles, and not surprisingly, things took a massive turn for the worse after the federal government stepped in.

Narcan is free, and epiPens cost close to a thousand dollars. Seems odd, given i've never seen anyone tie off their arm and inject bee venom willingly.

Our health care system is fantastic, IF you're WEALTHY.
Our health care system is fantastic, IF you're WEALTHY.

Why you sick?

I think a lot of liberals never grow out of the 20 year olds assumption that they're bulletproof.
The old cliche that "people spend years in prison for petty crimes" is false and dangerous. Lately we see mostly lefties whining about marijuana convictions but that's not true either unless they sold a ton of the stuff. People are in prison for committing felonies and ironically not long enough.

Cultivation of 1 plant is all it takes. Hell, after MI passed their medical laws, legal farmers were having their property taken by the feds and their families displaced while following the laws.

One minor mj conviction is far more of a threat to land a teen on a path to hard drugs than wisdom tooth removal ever was. These minor convictions often involve drug testing. Mj stays in the system for weeks if not months, while most your powders and pills are gone in a few short days. People learn this. People get high to escape whatever problems theyre facing. Putting them through the hell that is "the system," and testing for thc will just about guarantee they start experimenting with harder drugs.

Weed is a gateway drug BECAUSE of the way the gov't handles it, not in spite of it.

Before you go labelling me a leftie, i believe we should enforce laws on the books as written before we can determine what needa to be changed. Prosecutors need morw oversight and review. Far too oftem a prosecutor will look to plea out instead of lock up hardened criminals so their stats look better. They then take these stats and launch political careers (warren, kamala, for example). We let thise that do get sentenced out early. We put people in prison over monetary issuesn and criminalize people to extort payments on insane fees and fines from the state (suspend license, stop and arrest for driving w/o license, often not notified).

All this arguing over the symptoms is useless. The fact is the federal government is broken. It is literally incapabke of doing anything without wasting huge sums of money and grinding progress to a hault. The FCC, FDA, FBI, IRS are all incompetent and dysfunctional at best, if not outright criminal at worst. The list goes on.

Can anyone name me one federal program, designed for the benefit of the people, that you are comfortable describing as competent? Ive asked this question plenty, most don't try, none have come up with an answer.
The dem and repub party moron Americans elect to fuck over this country let special interests pull the strings.
It's the voters fault.
Its fucking pathetic. This country was built in vain.

I would say that politicians who are allowed to be bought have some responsibility for this.

Who has most of the responsibility for this is the pharmaceutical companies. They bought the politicians. They lied to the politicians, doctors and patients. They looked the other way when people were dying and when certain pharmacies were over selling those pills.

The only thing the pharmaceutical companies cared about was money.

That's wrong. They knew what their drugs did to people yet they bought politicians anyway, yet they shipped those drugs to pharmacies they knew were selling those drugs to anyone using any type of prescription and they knew it was wrong. Making it no longer illegal doesn't all of a sudden make it right.
I would agree that big pharma is only interested in the bottom line, but the politicians they bought are responsible for the problem, too. They, too, are only interested in the balance in their bank accounts; likewise, doctors who over-prescribed these drugs and built up a market they could use to enrich themselves. And the patients? They are also guilty. They are guilty of re-electing the politicians who sold themselves, of patronizing doctors who use them as piggy banks, and of being gullible fools. (Hell, observing a list of possible side effects makes me want to avoid these drugs at all costs.) But let's not let the insurance companies off the hook...
The old cliche that "people spend years in prison for petty crimes" is false and dangerous. Lately we see mostly lefties whining about marijuana convictions but that's not true either unless they sold a ton of the stuff. People are in prison for committing felonies and ironically not long enough.

Cultivation of 1 plant is all it takes. Hell, after MI passed their medical laws, legal farmers were having their property taken by the feds and their families displaced while following the laws.

One minor mj conviction is far more of a threat to land a teen on a path to hard drugs than wisdom tooth removal ever was. These minor convictions often involve drug testing. Mj stays in the system for weeks if not months, while most your powders and pills are gone in a few short days. People learn this. People get high to escape whatever problems theyre facing. Putting them through the hell that is "the system," and testing for thc will just about guarantee they start experimenting with harder drugs.

Weed is a gateway drug BECAUSE of the way the gov't handles it, not in spite of it.

Before you go labelling me a leftie, i believe we should enforce laws on the books as written before we can determine what needa to be changed. Prosecutors need morw oversight and review. Far too oftem a prosecutor will look to plea out instead of lock up hardened criminals so their stats look better. They then take these stats and launch political careers (warren, kamala, for example). We let thise that do get sentenced out early. We put people in prison over monetary issuesn and criminalize people to extort payments on insane fees and fines from the state (suspend license, stop and arrest for driving w/o license, often not notified).

All this arguing over the symptoms is useless. The fact is the federal government is broken. It is literally incapabke of doing anything without wasting huge sums of money and grinding progress to a hault. The FCC, FDA, FBI, IRS are all incompetent and dysfunctional at best, if not outright criminal at worst. The list goes on.

Can anyone name me one federal program, designed for the benefit of the people, that you are comfortable describing as competent? Ive asked this question plenty, most don't try, none have come up with an answer.
Plea deals should be forbidden. The State either has a case, or it doesn’t.

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