I will not sign a plan[Obamacare] that adds one dime to deficits'...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama said on September 9, 2009
"And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. "
Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care | The White House

up to $530 billion to the federal debt over ten years, a Republican expert on U.S. government benefit programs said on Tuesday.
Obama healthcare could worsen U.S. debt: Republican study | Reuters

AND that's NOT including the total destruction of the 1,400 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year or more in..
Federal taxes...
State taxes
Local taxes..
AND you property owners...??? Wait till these destroyed companies close their offices and stop paying PROPERTY TAXES!!!
500,000 people out of work.. each costing $30 billion a year in unemployment!
THAT has NOT even been considered!

For all you idiots saying "we need a single payer"... WHERE will you make up the
$100 billion a year in LOST TAX REVENUE from 1,400 out of business health insurance payers...
REMEMBER Obama said as YOU have "I prefer a single payer system.."
Well if you and he prefer that WHAT will make up the tax revenue of the for profit 1,400 health insurance companies that employ 500,000 people that pay taxes?
Who will make up the difference?
OK, you have a point. So let's just ditch ObamaCare and go to a straight Universal Health Care System, funded out of a targeted increase in income taxes. That way, the plan is paid for from the git-go.

Right now, we pay more for less health care than any other industrialized nation on Earth.
OK, you have a point. So let's just ditch ObamaCare and go to a straight Universal Health Care System, funded out of a targeted increase in income taxes. That way, the plan is paid for from the git-go.

Right now, we pay more for less health care than any other industrialized nation on Earth.

THERE IS NOF...king need for it!

More importantly you are so stupid about what makes up health expenditures you have NO idea!

FIRST the whole stupid myth of 47 million uninsured proven by the CENSUS !
10 million are not citizens.. 14 million are already covered by Medicaid!
17.5 million do NOT want, need but could afford as they make over $50,000 under age 34 and YET THEY ARE LUMPED totally wrong as "47 million" uninsured!

2nd the truly 5 million uninsured could be covered very simply by a simple tax of 2% if you are so in favor of "UNIVERSAL " on YOUR employer's health insurance premium for you or your personal health insurance premium!

69% of ALL americans either pay or employer pay average of $5,000/ year.
That 2% tax generate $21 billion in premium for the 5 million truly uninsured
would provide annual premium of $4,278 per uninsured.

THEN every provider that sees the "uninsured" would be required to attest, under penalty that they are NOT padding and passing on to Medicare/private insurance
the 6,000% overcharges that DO make our health care costs escalate!

AGAIN you don't attack the problem with THE WRong assumptions and expect more inefficiencies of the government involvement!
Medicare for example IS NOT the supposedly efficient claim payer because THEY DON"T pay ANY claims! They contract it out to those evil health insurance companies that absorb the losses on their contracts against their profits from other insurance!
BUT you don't have any idea of what I'm describing!!!

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