I went to renew my firearms permit!


Active Member
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Murrayville, Ga
I went to my local probate judges offices recently to renew my firearms license which I have had for close to thirty (30) years. I have renewed it several times before. Every 5 years to be exact. I WAS TURNED DOWN!!!!!

When I went in to see the Judge a few days later to inquire why a man with NO< repeat NO criminal record would have been turned down for his permit I was told this!

It is the law that now a permit can be revoked or refused if the applicant has ever been arrested for a drug charge! NOT CONVICTED, just ARRESTED!

OK, here is the rest of the details. In 1987, some 19 years ago I was hunting in south Georgia. On Sunday afternoon I prepared to come home and my Jeep would not start. I needed to secure a part to fix it which I could not get that evening so I accepted a ride with a fellow who lived somewhat near me and agreed to give me a ride home. On the way home he was pulled over by a Georgia State Patrol officer who searched his car and found a bag of pot in his glove compartment! The officer arrested me and him and took us to jail. At jail I was told I would have to pay 330 dollars to bond out or stay in jail until the next day. I tried explaining that the shit was not mine and that I had only accepted a ride home with the guy. They would have no part of it and I can say they didn't give the slighest shit what I was saying. (Morgan County Georgia). Off to jail I went, you see I did not have 330 dollars CASH on me at the time. I was not allowed to call a bondsman, home or nothing. The next day a friend from work came to Morgan County with 330 dollars and paid my (what I thought was a bond), it was the fine.

I called Morgan County on many occasions after that to find out when my court date would be only to be told that noone could find any record of a charge against me. Over the years I stopped inquiring. Big mistake!!!!!!

My record still does not show a conviction, it just shows an arrest. That in itself prevents me now from being issued a firearms permit.

The amount of pot! Very Little

I had renewed my permit 3 times since those days and was asked each time by the Probate judge about that arrest and each time I would explain the story the same way I did you.

I am a law abiding citizen. I have NOT been convicted of a crime! Why are my second amendment rights being withheld from me? Well, it is because of a change in the law attached to Brady that states just an arrest for a drug charge (leaving out pot form the language) would disqualify someone.

Lets bare in mind this was 19 years ago. Even if I would have been guilty of carrying the 3 or 4 joints this guy had in his car, I think it a bit harsh to restrict someone's basic right to defend themselves against criminals, which is what a handgun is for. I already cannot carry a handgun in my truck (I've written about this before) to defend myself in sleesy truck stops and low budget areas I travel to.

Lets take this into consideration. A "right" should be non-negotiable! You can't take rights from law abiding citizens. I have never been convicted of a crime!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!! How can a right be taken from me. Ones right to protect themselves is not a privledge license a drivers license.

What do y'all think? I can't wait to read what Gunny thinks about this scenario! Jeff, Kathianne, y'all chimne in, I would really like to know what you guys think about my little situation.
Emmett, I’ve been looking into all the carry laws in the last few weeks.
I think you ran across an incompetent government employee.
Check the links at the bottom. You should be able to get the permit, IMO. I found nothing about any new law. I did have a link to counties in Ga. that do NOT follow the law; I’ll keep looking for it. Even IF you were convicted check the BOLD part.

b) Licensing exceptions. No license shall be granted to:

(1) Any person under 21 years of age;

(2) Any person who is a fugitive from justice or against whom
proceedings are pending for any felony, forcible misdemeanor, or
violation of Code Section 16-11-126, 16-11-127, or 16-11-128 until
such time as the proceedings are adjudicated;

(3) Any person who has been convicted of a felony by a court of
this state or any other state; by a court of the United States
including its territories, possessions, and dominions; or by a
court of any foreign nation and has not been pardoned for such
felony by the President of the United States, the State Board of
Pardons and Paroles, or the person or agency empowered to grant
pardons under the constitution or laws of such state or nation or
any person who has been convicted of a forcible misdemeanor and
has not been free of all restraint or supervision in connection
therewith for at least five years or any person who has been
convicted of a violation of Code Section 16-11-126, 16-11-127, or
16-11-128 and has not been free of all restraint or supervision in
connection therewith for at least three years, immediately
preceding the date of the application;

(4) Any individual who has been hospitalized as an inpatient in
any mental hospital or alcohol or drug treatment center within
five years of the date of his application. The probate judge may
require any applicant to sign a waiver authorizing any mental
hospital or treatment center to inform the judge whether or not
the applicant has been an inpatient in any such facility in the
last five years and authorizing the superintendent of such
facility to make to the judge a recommendation regarding whether a
license to carry a pistol or revolver should be issued. The judge
shall keep any such hospitalization or treatment information
confidential. It shall be at the discretion of the probate judge,
considering the circumstances surrounding the hospitalization and
the recommendation of the superintendent of the hospital or
treatment center where the individual was a patient, to issue the
license; or

(5)(A) Any person, the provisions of paragraph (3) of this
subsection notwithstanding, who has been convicted of an offense
arising out of the unlawful manufacture, distribution,
possession, or use of a controlled substance or other dangerous

(B) As used in this paragraph, the term:

(i) "Controlled substance" means any drug, substance, or
immediate precursor included in the definition of controlled
substances in paragraph (4) of Code Section 16-13-21.

(ii) "Convicted" means a plea of guilty, a finding of guilt by
a court of competent jurisdiction, the acceptance of a plea of
nolo contendere, or the affording of first offender treatment
by a court of competent jurisdiction irrespective of the
pendency or availability of an appeal or an application for
collateral relief.


And under Georgia Statutes, same stuff.
I went to my local probate judges offices recently to renew my firearms license which I have had for close to thirty (30) years. I have renewed it several times before. Every 5 years to be exact. I WAS TURNED DOWN!!!!!

When I went in to see the Judge a few days later to inquire why a man with NO< repeat NO criminal record would have been turned down for his permit I was told this!

It is the law that now a permit can be revoked or refused if the applicant has ever been arrested for a drug charge! NOT CONVICTED, just ARRESTED!

OK, here is the rest of the details. In 1987, some 19 years ago I was hunting in south Georgia. On Sunday afternoon I prepared to come home and my Jeep would not start. I needed to secure a part to fix it which I could not get that evening so I accepted a ride with a fellow who lived somewhat near me and agreed to give me a ride home. On the way home he was pulled over by a Georgia State Patrol officer who searched his car and found a bag of pot in his glove compartment! The officer arrested me and him and took us to jail. At jail I was told I would have to pay 330 dollars to bond out or stay in jail until the next day. I tried explaining that the shit was not mine and that I had only accepted a ride home with the guy. They would have no part of it and I can say they didn't give the slighest shit what I was saying. (Morgan County Georgia). Off to jail I went, you see I did not have 330 dollars CASH on me at the time. I was not allowed to call a bondsman, home or nothing. The next day a friend from work came to Morgan County with 330 dollars and paid my (what I thought was a bond), it was the fine.

I called Morgan County on many occasions after that to find out when my court date would be only to be told that noone could find any record of a charge against me. Over the years I stopped inquiring. Big mistake!!!!!!

My record still does not show a conviction, it just shows an arrest. That in itself prevents me now from being issued a firearms permit.

The amount of pot! Very Little

I had renewed my permit 3 times since those days and was asked each time by the Probate judge about that arrest and each time I would explain the story the same way I did you.

I am a law abiding citizen. I have NOT been convicted of a crime! Why are my second amendment rights being withheld from me? Well, it is because of a change in the law attached to Brady that states just an arrest for a drug charge (leaving out pot form the language) would disqualify someone.

Lets bare in mind this was 19 years ago. Even if I would have been guilty of carrying the 3 or 4 joints this guy had in his car, I think it a bit harsh to restrict someone's basic right to defend themselves against criminals, which is what a handgun is for. I already cannot carry a handgun in my truck (I've written about this before) to defend myself in sleesy truck stops and low budget areas I travel to.

Lets take this into consideration. A "right" should be non-negotiable! You can't take rights from law abiding citizens. I have never been convicted of a crime!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!! How can a right be taken from me. Ones right to protect themselves is not a privledge license a drivers license.

What do y'all think? I can't wait to read what Gunny thinks about this scenario! Jeff, Kathianne, y'all chimne in, I would really like to know what you guys think about my little situation.

Sounds like horseshit to me. I would consult an attorney to get the arrest expunged. As for the carry permit, I would go back and argue it again. Sounds like you caught a probate judge on a bad day. Try again, then consult an attorney.
This is just another scenario that supports the reason why we should not need to get a "permit" for owning a gun. A "permit" means that someone else is controlling you and "permitting" you according to their rules. Why should we have "permits" for what is a Constitutional right?
This is just another scenario that supports the reason why we should not need to get a "permit" for owning a gun. A "permit" means that someone else is controlling you and "permitting" you according to their rules. Why should we have "permits" for what is a Constitutional right?

We don't need a permit to own or buy in Ga. You do need a permit to carry, open or concealed, in public.
I'm with nearly all of the above. I'd first try to get some sort of hearing. If unsatisfactory, I'd hire an attorney and let loose with the press. Call the NRA.
So how do you get it from the store to your home?

Your car is an extention of your home. It's legal to have a weapon in your home, or in your car unloaded. As far as buying and walking out of the store, as long as it's not loaded you're fine.

EDIT: It can be loaded in the home but not in the car or public.
Unloaded and in your trunk. If no trunk that inaccesible to the driver.

The second issue here is the ridiculous drug laws in America. I think that something as harmless as pot should be decriminalized.

I think denying a permit for a misdemeanor he can't even be tried for after 19 years is a bit ridiculous.
I went to my local probate judges offices recently to renew my firearms license which I have had for close to thirty (30) years. I have renewed it several times before. Every 5 years to be exact. I WAS TURNED DOWN!!!!!

First of all, if that is what you want to do, I respect your decision to request a license. I personally consider needing any kind of permit/license to carry a piece an assault on my personal freedoms. I also consider all laws against any kind of guns illegal in and of itself. Everyone breaks some kind of law every day, so if I am breaking a law about carrying my piece, so be it. If I am in Church in New York City or a dive somewhere in San Francisco, I am going to have my piece. No, I don't get on airplanes any more because of the most asinine rules anywhere on earth. I'm glad I've lived about 99% of my life and don't have much longer to live in a police state as we have now. Our lawmakers don't have an inkling of an idea what it's like in the real world and make laws that is contrary to 99.99% of the citizens believes and wants/desires. One of my problems is, I remember when we were a relatively free country. Most of the younger generation think this is the way it has always been.
I went to my local probate judges offices recently to renew my firearms license which I have had for close to thirty (30) years. I have renewed it several times before. Every 5 years to be exact. I WAS TURNED DOWN!!!!!

When I went in to see the Judge a few days later to inquire why a man with NO< repeat NO criminal record would have been turned down for his permit I was told this!

Alright I do have a few questions here? Do you keep copies of the prior permits? And do you see the same yahoo every 5 years? Is the same judge or member authorized to sign said permit been there for each of those renewals? I bet not but somewhere in this silly mess of local government someone wants to make a name for themselves you know get advanced. I'm sure you could get the right answer here. States Attorney office where you've gotten this permit should be able to tell you a way to fix this. Have it expulsed from your hidden record. Someone in the court house has the skills to fix this. I think that lawyers are more recognized for there ability to sing and dance and this is why judges refuse to here the voice of the people. But having said that and don't take this the wrong way but if enough honey was applied I bet you could get that permit. I understand why you'd need a gun, I also think that many things get over looked in certain situations when someone gets arrested/detained and since you have no record of an arrest I'd demand to see what records they do have and what is needed to be done to clear such offence and find out if there is a Statue of limitations or something?
Let us know how this turns out Emmett.

If still not going well, I would seriously consider getting a hold of the NRA. They might help you for free.
I went to my local probate judges offices recently to renew my firearms license which I have had for close to thirty (30) years. I have renewed it several times before. Every 5 years to be exact. I WAS TURNED DOWN!!!!!

When I went in to see the Judge a few days later to inquire why a man with NO< repeat NO criminal record would have been turned down for his permit I was told this!

It is the law that now a permit can be revoked or refused if the applicant has ever been arrested for a drug charge! NOT CONVICTED, just ARRESTED!

OK, here is the rest of the details. In 1987, some 19 years ago I was hunting in south Georgia. On Sunday afternoon I prepared to come home and my Jeep would not start. I needed to secure a part to fix it which I could not get that evening so I accepted a ride with a fellow who lived somewhat near me and agreed to give me a ride home. On the way home he was pulled over by a Georgia State Patrol officer who searched his car and found a bag of pot in his glove compartment! The officer arrested me and him and took us to jail. At jail I was told I would have to pay 330 dollars to bond out or stay in jail until the next day. I tried explaining that the shit was not mine and that I had only accepted a ride home with the guy. They would have no part of it and I can say they didn't give the slighest shit what I was saying. (Morgan County Georgia). Off to jail I went, you see I did not have 330 dollars CASH on me at the time. I was not allowed to call a bondsman, home or nothing. The next day a friend from work came to Morgan County with 330 dollars and paid my (what I thought was a bond), it was the fine.

I called Morgan County on many occasions after that to find out when my court date would be only to be told that noone could find any record of a charge against me. Over the years I stopped inquiring. Big mistake!!!!!!

My record still does not show a conviction, it just shows an arrest. That in itself prevents me now from being issued a firearms permit.

The amount of pot! Very Little

I had renewed my permit 3 times since those days and was asked each time by the Probate judge about that arrest and each time I would explain the story the same way I did you.

I am a law abiding citizen. I have NOT been convicted of a crime! Why are my second amendment rights being withheld from me? Well, it is because of a change in the law attached to Brady that states just an arrest for a drug charge (leaving out pot form the language) would disqualify someone.

Lets bare in mind this was 19 years ago. Even if I would have been guilty of carrying the 3 or 4 joints this guy had in his car, I think it a bit harsh to restrict someone's basic right to defend themselves against criminals, which is what a handgun is for. I already cannot carry a handgun in my truck (I've written about this before) to defend myself in sleesy truck stops and low budget areas I travel to.

Lets take this into consideration. A "right" should be non-negotiable! You can't take rights from law abiding citizens. I have never been convicted of a crime!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!! How can a right be taken from me. Ones right to protect themselves is not a privledge license a drivers license.

What do y'all think? I can't wait to read what Gunny thinks about this scenario! Jeff, Kathianne, y'all chimne in, I would really like to know what you guys think about my little situation.

Welcome to George Bush's America. You don't have to be guilty of a crime...A simple accusation is enough to warrant conviction.
it is because of a change in the law attached to Brady that states just an arrest for a drug charge (leaving out pot form the language) would disqualify someone.

Signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 30, 1993 What does that have to do with President Bush in the first place?
link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brady_Bill

The five day waiting period for handgun purchases expired on November 30, 1998 and was replaced by a computerized criminal background check prior to any firearm purchase from a dealer holding a Federal Firearms License (FFL). All FFL holders must now verify the identity of a customer and receive authorization from the National Instant Check System (NICS) which usually takes only a matter of minutes instead of the previously required waiting period.
Welcome to George Bush's America. You don't have to be guilty of a crime...A simple accusation is enough to warrant conviction.

A. As he noted he was never convicted.

B. Nice stretch, but I think you came up short.
A. As he noted he was never convicted.

B. Nice stretch, but I think you came up short.

If you read my post carefully, you'll note that I never stated, or implied, that he had been convicted of anything. And it wasn't a stretch at all.
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