Pennsylvania Nightmare on (and after) Election Day


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
If Pennsylvania is the deciding state in this years presidential election, we may not know the result for days.

---If the race is close enough — as it was in 2016, when Donald Drumpf carried the state by only 44,000 votes — that could mean the status of one of the nation’s biggest swing states could remain up in the air long past Election Day....Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf signed no-excuse mail-in ballot voting and other reforms into law late last year, making the June 2 primary the first test of those changes. Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, election officials expected to have months, if not years, to acclimate voters to the option of voting by mail. Instead, they’ve been forced to transform the system overnight.---


this is going to blow up in their faces. You vote in person or absentee ballot period, end of story.

As a resident of the Commonwealth, my hope is that the dress rehearsal Primary next week will enable them to get all the kinks out , in an election with practically nothing on the line on 2 June.

If they can make it go smoothly next week where no one really cares what the results are, they should abandon this stupid shit.
My local polling station is right across the street from me, but I still plan on mailing in my ballot. Possibly deciding the future of our country really isn't worth putting pants on for.

this is going to blow up in their faces. You vote in person or absentee ballot period, end of story.

As a resident of the Commonwealth, my hope is that the dress rehearsal Primary next week will enable them to get all the kinks out , in an election with practically nothing on the line on 2 June.

If they can make it go smoothly next week where no one really cares what the results are, they should abandon this stupid shit.
Not much on the primary ballot for either party this time. I will wear a mask and vote in person next week.

this is going to blow up in their faces. You vote in person or absentee ballot period, end of story.
Good thing most places give you a choice. No way am I going to risk catching the virus to vote in person. I'll just do it from home as usual.

What makes you think that there will be a virus threat 5 1/2 months from now during the general election? Of course, next week's primary isn't much of anything

this is going to blow up in their faces. You vote in person or absentee ballot period, end of story.
Good thing most places give you a choice. No way am I going to risk catching the virus to vote in person. I'll just do it from home as usual.

What makes you think that there will be a virus threat 5 1/2 months from now during the general election? Of course, next week's primary isn't much of anything
The fact that the virus didnt go away with the warm weather like Drumpf claimed it would and science.

this is going to blow up in their faces. You vote in person or absentee ballot period, end of story.
Good thing most places give you a choice. No way am I going to risk catching the virus to vote in person. I'll just do it from home as usual.

What makes you think that there will be a virus threat 5 1/2 months from now during the general election? Of course, next week's primary isn't much of anything
The fact that the virus didnt go away with the warm weather like Drumpf claimed it would and science.

These viruses tend to run out of possible victims/hosts in not that terribly long.

this is going to blow up in their faces. You vote in person or absentee ballot period, end of story.
Good thing most places give you a choice. No way am I going to risk catching the virus to vote in person. I'll just do it from home as usual.

What makes you think that there will be a virus threat 5 1/2 months from now during the general election? Of course, next week's primary isn't much of anything
Flu season starts over again and they have not got the COVID thing finished by a long shot, here in the US. Probably most other countries should have it under control by then, but we're known for our independence, individual freedom and being stupid lately.

this is going to blow up in their faces. You vote in person or absentee ballot period, end of story.
Good thing most places give you a choice. No way am I going to risk catching the virus to vote in person. I'll just do it from home as usual.

What makes you think that there will be a virus threat 5 1/2 months from now during the general election? Of course, next week's primary isn't much of anything
The fact that the virus didnt go away with the warm weather like Drumpf claimed it would and science.

These viruses tend to run out of possible victims/hosts in not that terribly long.
Well when a scientist tells me its all clear then I'll think differently. I will definitely not be listening to the incompetent fuckup currently in the white house regarding this subject.

this is going to blow up in their faces. You vote in person or absentee ballot period, end of story.
Good thing most places give you a choice. No way am I going to risk catching the virus to vote in person. I'll just do it from home as usual.

What makes you think that there will be a virus threat 5 1/2 months from now during the general election? Of course, next week's primary isn't much of anything
The fact that the virus didnt go away with the warm weather like Drumpf claimed it would and science.

These viruses tend to run out of possible victims/hosts in not that terribly long.
Well when a scientist tells me its all clear then I'll think differently. I will definitely not be listening to the incompetent fuckup currently in the white house regarding this subject.

As you like. No one is forcing you to leave your domicile, most of the country will be out and about in not so long. Part of the American spirit is to go out there and work, even if they disagree with the President and think he is an "incompetent fuckup".

this is going to blow up in their faces. You vote in person or absentee ballot period, end of story.
Good thing most places give you a choice. No way am I going to risk catching the virus to vote in person. I'll just do it from home as usual.

What makes you think that there will be a virus threat 5 1/2 months from now during the general election? Of course, next week's primary isn't much of anything
The fact that the virus didnt go away with the warm weather like Drumpf claimed it would and science.

These viruses tend to run out of possible victims/hosts in not that terribly long.
Well when a scientist tells me its all clear then I'll think differently. I will definitely not be listening to the incompetent fuckup currently in the white house regarding this subject.

As you like. No one is forcing you to leave your domicile, most of the country will be out and about in not so long. Part of the American spirit is to go out there and work, even if they disagree with the President and think he is an "incompetent fuckup".
Voting is different from working. Besides I was working before Drumpf became POTUS and I will be working long after hes gone.
If Pennsylvania is the deciding state in this years presidential election, we may not know the result for days.

---If the race is close enough — as it was in 2016, when Donald Drumpf carried the state by only 44,000 votes — that could mean the status of one of the nation’s biggest swing states could remain up in the air long past Election Day....Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf signed no-excuse mail-in ballot voting and other reforms into law late last year, making the June 2 primary the first test of those changes. Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, election officials expected to have months, if not years, to acclimate voters to the option of voting by mail. Instead, they’ve been forced to transform the system overnight.---

It's worse than that. Unlike CA which sent out ballots to everyone to vote, I saw on TV that PA was sending out ballots to mail in votes, but you had to apply for them online. Then go to another site to see the situation. So I decided to apply and to my horror, had to fill out an exhaustive list of questions about who I worked for, personal details about my medical status and just WHY I was asking to vote by mail! During the Coronavirus. On top of that, I had to give my doctor's name, phone number and address!

Then I had to wait days in order to get an email that I had been accepted. Then to look for the ballot in the mail with a deadline I think of May 26 to get it out and that the election office had to get it by June 2 to count. After many days (weeks?), I checked their website saying they had mailed it out on the 13th. I never got it. This weekend it arrived, Saturday 23rd, post marked not received by the post office until the 22nd. Of course, with it being a holiday, that means that I would now have to drop everything, read and fill out the lengthy ballot over the holiday, and now wait another three days, tomorrow, Tuesday, to rush it back to the Post Office on the hottest day of the year! 90° tomorrow! Otherwise and even then, not likely to even be counted because it likely won't reach the office by the deadline of June 2. Of course, being that anyone can open it and read how I voted for Trump, they could just as well throw it away and say it just didn't make it in time.

DISENFRANCHISED, Democrat style.
If Pennsylvania is the deciding state in this years presidential election, we may not know the result for days.

---If the race is close enough — as it was in 2016, when Donald Drumpf carried the state by only 44,000 votes — that could mean the status of one of the nation’s biggest swing states could remain up in the air long past Election Day....Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf signed no-excuse mail-in ballot voting and other reforms into law late last year, making the June 2 primary the first test of those changes. Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, election officials expected to have months, if not years, to acclimate voters to the option of voting by mail. Instead, they’ve been forced to transform the system overnight.---

I don't see the race as being close. The number of black voters that will be participating will increase. Suburban voters have broken away from the Republicans and will shift from a narrow Trump win to a narrow Biden win. Suburban women will bury Trump by a larger margin than they supported Clinton. In 2018, Democrats clobbered Republicans.
If Pennsylvania is the deciding state in this years presidential election, we may not know the result for days.

---If the race is close enough — as it was in 2016, when Donald Drumpf carried the state by only 44,000 votes — that could mean the status of one of the nation’s biggest swing states could remain up in the air long past Election Day....Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf signed no-excuse mail-in ballot voting and other reforms into law late last year, making the June 2 primary the first test of those changes. Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, election officials expected to have months, if not years, to acclimate voters to the option of voting by mail. Instead, they’ve been forced to transform the system overnight.---

I don't see the race as being close. The number of black voters that will be participating will increase. Suburban voters have broken away from the Republicans and will shift from a narrow Trump win to a narrow Biden win. Suburban women will bury Trump by a larger margin than they supported Clinton. In 2018, Democrats clobbered Republicans.
Biden in a landslide, eh?
  • Trump has booming economy, job market, wages, better trade, more settled international relations, lower crime, immigration, national security, and Biden has what?

Great looks?
Fantastic track record?
Incredible public speaker?
Youth and vitality?
Bright outlook for the nation?

NO ONE is going to vote for that senile jackass Biden unless it is purely a throwaway vote against Trump by idiots like you still hoping to get him out of office.

Biden will be lucky to even make it through his first term alive without either having a stroke or ending up in a wheelchair.

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