I hope they impeach Trump

This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

He would probably make an okay president, except he'd bring in all the failed GOP ideas that haven't worked over the last 40 years to fail again.

The problem the Republicans have is that impeaching Trump would mean that the 40% of the GOP electorate that are hard core Branch Trumpidians will turn on the GOP. That will practically hand Congress to the Democrats on a platter.

But letting Trump go on as he has will have the same effect.
This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

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You sure are a dumbass. An impeachment would just show the lack of evidence Democrats have. Not to mention prevent Congress from fixing the mess Obama left them.
Just curious, what mess did Obama leave behind?

You probably are saying that seriously right?

So you have nothing. Got it.
This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

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You sure are a dumbass. An impeachment would just show the lack of evidence Democrats have. Not to mention prevent Congress from fixing the mess Obama left them.
Just curious, what mess did Obama leave behind?

You have nothing. Got it.
This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

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You sure are a dumbass. An impeachment would just show the lack of evidence Democrats have. Not to mention prevent Congress from fixing the mess Obama left them.
Just curious, what mess did Obama leave behind?

You have nothing. Got it.

It is a bit obvious "ObamaCare"
This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

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You sure are a dumbass. An impeachment would just show the lack of evidence Democrats have. Not to mention prevent Congress from fixing the mess Obama left them.
Just curious, what mess did Obama leave behind?

You have nothing. Got it.

It is a bit obvious "ObamaCare"
That's it? Sheesh, I'm no big Obama fan, but at least he tried to insure as many people as possible. Can the program use some tweeks? Sure. Is the Trump plan better? No, it's much worse.
But you forget he leads the country you live in, and if he fails our country fails, and we all suffer for it.

Did you say that about Obama?

I imagine not. Almost every conservative loudly proclaimed their goal was to make Obama fail.

Hence, you're a hypocrite.

You would be dead wrong. Unlike you and your liberal friends, I put country over party. I've not belonged to a political party for almost five years now. I got tired of swearing empty, blind fealty to a party or set ideology. I want any president who sits in that office to succeed. Wishing failure on someone out of spite is childish.

You on the other hand are a hypocrite for calling me a hypocrite (trust me not a typo), since you are now the one wanting Trump to fail whilst lecturing me under the false assumption that I wanted Obama to fail. You can't help yourself, doing the same things you're after conservatives for doing.

I didn't like Obama, I'll admit... but I didn't go out of my way to wish him failure at every turn, nor did I call him a traitor. That word in particular carries with it a bold accusation that is almost always untrue.

You'll be wise to stop making assumptions about me before I really embarrass you in this thread.

You voted for Trump. You're a republican, no matter what you want to call yourself.
I beg your pardon?

Who I vote for does not dictate what party I belong to. If any.

It's not as cut and dry as you'd like it to be. But that's the only argument liberals like you have, or assuming what ideals and philosophies I espouse to based off of who I voted for.

Damn dude, what about any Democrat who voted for Trump? The liberal penchant for labeling others never ceases to amaze me. How many furry animals did you have to kill to make such a broad brush?

Nothing infuriates me more than having someone presume my beliefs.

Piss off.

Like I always say. Call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, but if you vote for a republican who will try to institute republican laws, you can't honestly claim to be anything else
This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

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You sure are a dumbass. An impeachment would just show the lack of evidence Democrats have. Not to mention prevent Congress from fixing the mess Obama left them.
Just curious, what mess did Obama leave behind?

You have nothing. Got it.
It would take me an hour to type all of the shit I've got.
I simply choose not to answer a stupid question.
The left NEVER intends to allow the Constitution to work, that includes any President and or politician not upholding their agenda.

This isn't a "Take down Trump" movement,....it is a destroy the RIGHT movement.
Similar irrationally minded people brought about the Socialist government in Venezuela and the violence and chaos in that country. They want to do the same here. They have no clue what they are clamoring for. Lessons never learned by some.

Everyone needs to recognize that.

And I predict it will end in nasty chaos here in the USA eventually because they will increase their violence and attacks both physically and politically.....prodded by the media.
(Unless the modest and timid right continues to be ultra tolerant)

Ignorant racists and ultra indoctrinated liberals will probably think this is funny.....they lack the capacity to know better
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The left NEVER intends to allow the Constitution to work, that includes any President and or politician not upholding their agenda.

It was wonderful how Judge Garland got his hearing to join the Supreme Court ...Oh wait.....

If you would ever do some research and stop sucking your "knowledge" from the media tit you would know that what happened is NORMAL in our political system. If Garland HAD become a SCOTUS Justice....THAT would have been unusual....
I'll bet you're one of the few who listen to that super moron Fernand Amandi on WIOD don't you?
Even Democrats say he's a biased fool.

You have absolutely no clue. You are pathetically uninformed.
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The left NEVER intends to allow the Constitution to work, that includes any President and or politician not upholding their agenda.

It was wonderful how Judge Garland got his hearing to join the Supreme Court ...Oh wait.....

If you would ever do some research and stop sucking your "knowledge" from the media tit you would know that what happened is NORMAL in our political system. If Garland HAD become a SCOTUS Justice....THAT would have been unusual....
I'll bet you're one of the few who listen to that super moron Fernand Amandi on WIOD don't you?
Even Democrats say he's a biased fool.

You have absolutely no clue. You are pathetically uninformed.
So you are spouting your horse shit opinions ... and I am supposed to think "wow he really proved his poin" ...you are a light weight pansy cuck ...sad weak bimbo
This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

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You sure are a dumbass. An impeachment would just show the lack of evidence Democrats have. Not to mention prevent Congress from fixing the mess Obama left them.
Just curious, what mess did Obama leave behind?

You have nothing. Got it.
It would take me an hour to type all of the shit I've got.
I simply choose not to answer a stupid question.
Again, you had a chance to post something and you declined. Admit it, you have nothing.
You sure are a dumbass. An impeachment would just show the lack of evidence Democrats have. Not to mention prevent Congress from fixing the mess Obama left them.
Just curious, what mess did Obama leave behind?

You have nothing. Got it.
It would take me an hour to type all of the shit I've got.
I simply choose not to answer a stupid question.
Again, you had a chance to post something and you declined. Admit it, you have nothing.

I'd certainly like to see the list it would take an hour to type.
He has to last long enough for Dems to take a majority .
They did it under Bush. Republicans are amazing at fooling the American people. They have done it again and again. But then they overstep. Democrats need to concentrate on two things. The good things Democrats are offering America as opposed to the ruinous policies of the GOP and the terrible, horrible damage the GOP has caused this country since Reagan.

THIS. In spades.

If you look at when the transfer of wealth to the 1% began, wage stagnation, the massive increases in poverty, the massive incarceration of blacks and Hispanic men, all can be traced directly back to Saint Ronnie.

What jobs Reagan created weren't the result of his tax cuts, they were the result of huge increases in defence spending and by encouraging Americans credit card spending.

Even Reagan realized he'd fucked up and and started increasing taxes but it was too little too late.
This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

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WOW! Another rat leaving the sinking S.S. Orange One...who could have figured? But you should keep an eye on Pence, too, Hero! He was in the thick of all the flying shit as the head of the transition team, and the investigation is going to be all up his ass, too! Pence can't be clean!
Trump is doing a terrific job judging by the massive amount of crazed frenzy he is creating among the loony liberals and the leftist media. ... :thup: .. :cool:

Other than Gorsuch what has he done good! All he has done is step on landmine after landmine and none of his agenda, such as building the wall will move forward.

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Trump is doing a terrific job judging by the massive amount of crazed frenzy he is creating among the loony liberals and the leftist media. ... :thup: .. :cool:

Enough of this bullshit. You aren't fooling anyone. Your stupid spin only went so far, now you just sound like a moron. He's an abject failure as president in every way, is a fucking traitor and he's GOING to be impeached whether you like it or not.


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