I Fear For Justice Thomas’ Life


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Left has been known to stop at nothing.

1.While the Supreme Court as a whole embarrassed itself in refusing to confront the theft of the election, the clear refusal by some swing states, Pennsylvania in particular, to observe the mandates of the US Constitution, the most courageous and conservative, the most brilliant of Justices, Clarence Thomas called out the injustice.
This week he did more, putting his life on the line in confronting the cash cows of the internet. Corrupt individuals will, I fear, not give up their $billions, their control of the dissemination of information without a fight. A bloody fight.

2. Justice Thomas is an originalist, a textualist, and a believer in our God-granted unalienable rights, the single most prominent one being free speech. Thomas called out the control by big tech, and the oligarchs allied with the Democrats/Progressives who have stolen our freedom.

“ On Monday, Justice Clarence Thomas announced that the Supreme Court soon will have to put an end to Big Tech tyranny. Amen. If the high court fails to act, it could mean the end of free speech in the 21st century and the shriveling of our constitutional rights to mere “paper rights” — still there on paper but functionally hollowed out.”
Justice Thomas shows how we can end Big Tech censorship for good

3. Just three unelected power mad Leftists….Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and Jack Dorsey deserves dishonorable mention, control Facebook and Google…..and have the power to disappear every opposing voice in the United States. Even the Commander in Chief.

Justice Thomas correctly claims that the Supreme Court must do what the spineless Republicans didn’t do….reign in this unaccountable tyranny.

4. The totalitarians and their Libertarian go-alongs claim that these are private companies, and government should never impost restrictions on any privately owned endeavors. But there are clear examples that fly in the face of that excise.

“The Skyway was operated and maintained by the City of Chicago until January 2005 when Skyway Concession Company, LLC assumed its operations under a 99-year operating lease. The lease agreement between Skyway and the City of Chicago was the first privatization of an existing toll road in the United States.”
The Skyway – Chicago Skyway

Anyone willing to pay the toll gets to use the skyway.
Who would make the argument that you cannot use that skyway based on your political views?

5. The Big Tech companies are information highways. The aim of these companies should be to increase the amount of information, communication, speech, available…..not just the state version of speech.

Justice Thomas, taking them on, is akin to Mel Gibson’s character in ‘Braveheart,’ shouting FREEDOM!!
I fear for CT's life because he is Black and over-weight. Not a good combination.

He has been a GREAT justice, and I have nothing but contempt for the Lefties who continually attack him for - they would never admit it - being a Black Conservative.

In short, Long Live Clarence Thomas!

If they can 'disappear' you off their platform it's only a small step to 'disappear' you from everything.


6. Justice Thomas a Judge…but even more so, a scholar.

We can only hope that every law professional of good intent takes the message of Justice Thomas to heart. We have several ‘lawyers’ here on the board who are nothing more than apologists for the Democrat powers, neither knowledgeable, nor honorable. The understand nothing of our American heritage.

If all lawyers, judges, are of this sort, nothing will change, and American will continue, and increase in velocity, circling the drain.

7. Even the drones who simply parrot the Bolsheviks in power, speak of caselaw. And from the start of this nation, that was based on natural God-given rights. ‘That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not. They are that men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They come from our Creator by virtue of our simply being human beings.’ George Will

The prime mission of Militant Secularism is to reverse, to 'undo,' this foundational view of America.

It is not beyond them to try to use ‘capitalism’ to disguise their evil intents.
I Fear For Justice Thomas’ Life

Well that is because are unwell and have crazy paranoid fantasies running through your disturbed head 24/7.

I bet when overweight Thomas dies in about a decade or so you will scream at the internets that your conspiracy theory was proven true, no matter what the official cause of death is.

Ten years from now????

Will you have read your first book by then?
The good news is that we won't have to deal with elected democrat's and leftwing media types in Heaven...because they will all be in hell....

I bet that's not just tongue-in-cheek.

You know about the association between the godfather of the Democrats/Progressives and Satan.

In his book “Marx and Satan,” Richard Wurmbrand writes:

“At an age when most young men have beautiful dreams of doing good to others and preparing a career for themselves, the young Marx wrote the following lines in his poem Invocation of One in Despair :

So a god has snatched from me my all, In the curse and rack of destiny

All his worlds are gone beyond recall. Nothing but revenge is left to me.

I shall build my throne high overhead, Cold, tremendous shall its summit be. "

Revenge ….against God?

In whose service would those efforts be?

A full third of the world lives under Marxism…..and this is the force behind it: the Devil.
The Left has been known to stop at nothing.

1.While the Supreme Court as a whole embarrassed itself in refusing to confront the theft of the election, the clear refusal by some swing states, Pennsylvania in particular, to observe the mandates of the US Constitution, the most courageous and conservative, the most brilliant of Justices, Clarence Thomas called out the injustice.
This week he did more, putting his life on the line in confronting the cash cows of the internet. Corrupt individuals will, I fear, not give up their $billions, their control of the dissemination of information without a fight. A bloody fight.

2. Justice Thomas is an originalist, a textualist, and a believer in our God-granted unalienable rights, the single most prominent one being free speech. Thomas called out the control by big tech, and the oligarchs allied with the Democrats/Progressives who have stolen our freedom.

“ On Monday, Justice Clarence Thomas announced that the Supreme Court soon will have to put an end to Big Tech tyranny. Amen. If the high court fails to act, it could mean the end of free speech in the 21st century and the shriveling of our constitutional rights to mere “paper rights” — still there on paper but functionally hollowed out.”
Justice Thomas shows how we can end Big Tech censorship for good

3. Just three unelected power mad Leftists….Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and Jack Dorsey deserves dishonorable mention, control Facebook and Google…..and have the power to disappear every opposing voice in the United States. Even the Commander in Chief.

Justice Thomas correctly claims that the Supreme Court must do what the spineless Republicans didn’t do….reign in this unaccountable tyranny.

4. The totalitarians and their Libertarian go-alongs claim that these are private companies, and government should never impost restrictions on any privately owned endeavors. But there are clear examples that fly in the face of that excise.

“The Skyway was operated and maintained by the City of Chicago until January 2005 when Skyway Concession Company, LLC assumed its operations under a 99-year operating lease. The lease agreement between Skyway and the City of Chicago was the first privatization of an existing toll road in the United States.”
The Skyway – Chicago Skyway

Anyone willing to pay the toll gets to use the skyway.
Who would make the argument that you cannot use that skyway based on your political views?

5. The Big Tech companies are information highways. The aim of these companies should be to increase the amount of information, communication, speech, available…..not just the state version of speech.

Justice Thomas, taking them on, is akin to Mel Gibson’s character in ‘Braveheart,’ shouting FREEDOM!!
The DemNazis were so sure Hillary Rotten Clinton had it rigged that they offed Scalia imo, because they wanted to flip the courts. Also why Obama Bin Spying left 400 plus bench seats unfilled.
I Fear For Justice Thomas’ Life

Well that is because are unwell and have crazy paranoid fantasies running through your disturbed head 24/7.

I bet when overweight Thomas dies in about a decade or so you will scream at the internets that your conspiracy theory was proven true, no matter what the official cause of death is.
Ten years from now????

Will you have read your first book by then?

My book reading is just another fantasy you are constructing to deal with reality in unhealthy ways.

You actually have zero idea about it, but will make a claim about it anyway to make yourself feel better. :itsok:
The Left has been known to stop at nothing.

1.While the Supreme Court as a whole embarrassed itself in refusing to confront the theft of the election, the clear refusal by some swing states, Pennsylvania in particular, to observe the mandates of the US Constitution, the most courageous and conservative, the most brilliant of Justices, Clarence Thomas called out the injustice.
This week he did more, putting his life on the line in confronting the cash cows of the internet. Corrupt individuals will, I fear, not give up their $billions, their control of the dissemination of information without a fight. A bloody fight.

2. Justice Thomas is an originalist, a textualist, and a believer in our God-granted unalienable rights, the single most prominent one being free speech. Thomas called out the control by big tech, and the oligarchs allied with the Democrats/Progressives who have stolen our freedom.

“ On Monday, Justice Clarence Thomas announced that the Supreme Court soon will have to put an end to Big Tech tyranny. Amen. If the high court fails to act, it could mean the end of free speech in the 21st century and the shriveling of our constitutional rights to mere “paper rights” — still there on paper but functionally hollowed out.”
Justice Thomas shows how we can end Big Tech censorship for good

3. Just three unelected power mad Leftists….Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and Jack Dorsey deserves dishonorable mention, control Facebook and Google…..and have the power to disappear every opposing voice in the United States. Even the Commander in Chief.

Justice Thomas correctly claims that the Supreme Court must do what the spineless Republicans didn’t do….reign in this unaccountable tyranny.

4. The totalitarians and their Libertarian go-alongs claim that these are private companies, and government should never impost restrictions on any privately owned endeavors. But there are clear examples that fly in the face of that excise.

“The Skyway was operated and maintained by the City of Chicago until January 2005 when Skyway Concession Company, LLC assumed its operations under a 99-year operating lease. The lease agreement between Skyway and the City of Chicago was the first privatization of an existing toll road in the United States.”
The Skyway – Chicago Skyway

Anyone willing to pay the toll gets to use the skyway.
Who would make the argument that you cannot use that skyway based on your political views?

5. The Big Tech companies are information highways. The aim of these companies should be to increase the amount of information, communication, speech, available…..not just the state version of speech.

Justice Thomas, taking them on, is akin to Mel Gibson’s character in ‘Braveheart,’ shouting FREEDOM!!
The DemNazis were so sure Hillary Rotten Clinton had it rigged that they offed Scalia imo, because they wanted to flip the courts. Also why Obama Bin Spying left 400 plus bench seats unfilled.

It certainly was strange, and unexpected.

But the recent inaction by the Supreme Court per the stolen election seems to indicate that the Wehrmacht....er, Democrats had nothing to worry about.

Best hopes for Thomas, the bravest of the Justices.
I Fear For Justice Thomas’ Life

Well that is because are unwell and have crazy paranoid fantasies running through your disturbed head 24/7.

I bet when overweight Thomas dies in about a decade or so you will scream at the internets that your conspiracy theory was proven true, no matter what the official cause of death is.
Ten years from now????

Will you have read your first book by then?

My book reading is just another fantasy you are constructing to deal with reality in unhealthy ways.

You actually have zero idea about it, but will make a claim about it anyway to make yourself feel better. :itsok:

Can you name three or four of the books that have informed your geopolitical views?
View attachment 477615

If they can 'disappear' you off their platform it's only a small step to 'disappear' you from everything.



And that party has a history of putting American citizens in concentration camps.

I don't believe that they'd stop at murder.

View attachment 477641

Murder is such a harsh word...

There's always room for another convenient suicide.



Crows don't find it a harsh word.....

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A murder of crows is the collective noun for a group of crows.

A Murder of Crows - Wikipedia
The Left has been known to stop at nothing.

1.While the Supreme Court as a whole embarrassed itself in refusing to confront the theft of the election, the clear refusal by some swing states, Pennsylvania in particular, to observe the mandates of the US Constitution, the most courageous and conservative, the most brilliant of Justices, Clarence Thomas called out the injustice.
This week he did more, putting his life on the line in confronting the cash cows of the internet. Corrupt individuals will, I fear, not give up their $billions, their control of the dissemination of information without a fight. A bloody fight.

2. Justice Thomas is an originalist, a textualist, and a believer in our God-granted unalienable rights, the single most prominent one being free speech. Thomas called out the control by big tech, and the oligarchs allied with the Democrats/Progressives who have stolen our freedom.

“ On Monday, Justice Clarence Thomas announced that the Supreme Court soon will have to put an end to Big Tech tyranny. Amen. If the high court fails to act, it could mean the end of free speech in the 21st century and the shriveling of our constitutional rights to mere “paper rights” — still there on paper but functionally hollowed out.”
Justice Thomas shows how we can end Big Tech censorship for good

3. Just three unelected power mad Leftists….Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and Jack Dorsey deserves dishonorable mention, control Facebook and Google…..and have the power to disappear every opposing voice in the United States. Even the Commander in Chief.

Justice Thomas correctly claims that the Supreme Court must do what the spineless Republicans didn’t do….reign in this unaccountable tyranny.

4. The totalitarians and their Libertarian go-alongs claim that these are private companies, and government should never impost restrictions on any privately owned endeavors. But there are clear examples that fly in the face of that excise.

“The Skyway was operated and maintained by the City of Chicago until January 2005 when Skyway Concession Company, LLC assumed its operations under a 99-year operating lease. The lease agreement between Skyway and the City of Chicago was the first privatization of an existing toll road in the United States.”
The Skyway – Chicago Skyway

Anyone willing to pay the toll gets to use the skyway.
Who would make the argument that you cannot use that skyway based on your political views?

5. The Big Tech companies are information highways. The aim of these companies should be to increase the amount of information, communication, speech, available…..not just the state version of speech.

Justice Thomas, taking them on, is akin to Mel Gibson’s character in ‘Braveheart,’ shouting FREEDOM!!
they will be targeting him---------this is the nazi way.
The good news is that we won't have to deal with elected democrat's and leftwing media types in Heaven...because they will all be in hell....

I bet that's not just tongue-in-cheek.

You know about the association between the godfather of the Democrats/Progressives and Satan.

In his book “Marx and Satan,” Richard Wurmbrand writes:

“At an age when most young men have beautiful dreams of doing good to others and preparing a career for themselves, the young Marx wrote the following lines in his poem Invocation of One in Despair :

So a god has snatched from me my all, In the curse and rack of destiny

All his worlds are gone beyond recall. Nothing but revenge is left to me.

I shall build my throne high overhead, Cold, tremendous shall its summit be. "

Revenge ….against God?

In whose service would those efforts be?

A full third of the world lives under Marxism…..and this is the force behind it: the Devil.
What two people said that they would ascend to The Throne of God?

Satan & Allah.

Marx was just quoting them, or should I say, him?
The good news is that we won't have to deal with elected democrat's and leftwing media types in Heaven...because they will all be in hell....

I bet that's not just tongue-in-cheek.

You know about the association between the godfather of the Democrats/Progressives and Satan.

In his book “Marx and Satan,” Richard Wurmbrand writes:

“At an age when most young men have beautiful dreams of doing good to others and preparing a career for themselves, the young Marx wrote the following lines in his poem Invocation of One in Despair :

So a god has snatched from me my all, In the curse and rack of destiny

All his worlds are gone beyond recall. Nothing but revenge is left to me.

I shall build my throne high overhead, Cold, tremendous shall its summit be. "

Revenge ….against God?

In whose service would those efforts be?

A full third of the world lives under Marxism…..and this is the force behind it: the Devil.
What two people said that they would ascend to The Throne of God?

Satan & Allah.

Marx was just quoting them, or should I say, him?


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