I cant friggen believe This!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
College Professor to Student: "Real Freedom will come when American Soldiers Murder Superiors "
Vows to kick young conservatives off campus

Student Fights Back

HERNDON, VA – Warren Community College English professor, John Daly, said that “Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors.” Rebecca Beach, a freshman at Warren Community College in Washington, New Jersey, received this unexpected reply to a recent email she sent the faculty at her school announcing the appearance of decorated Iraq war hero, Lt. Col. Scott Rutter, on Thursday, November 17 to discuss America’s accomplishments in Iraq.

In the email, Daly told Rebecca that he will ask students in his English and writing classes to boycott the event and also vowed “to expose [her] right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like [Rebecca’s] won’t dare show their face on a college campus.” Daly’s mean spirited and hateful comments were directed at Rebecca for organizing Lt. Col. Scott Rutter and for hanging up fliers contrasting the number of people killed under communism to those liberated under Ronald Reagan.

Since Professor John Daly has created a hostile learning environment for Rebecca, she is demanding that Warren Community College President William Austin institute seminars on free speech and sensitivity to teach intolerant leftists, such as Daly, to be respectful of differing opinion

Daly’s insane email to Rebecca also claimed that “CAPTIALISM has killed many more” people than communism [emphasis his] and that the “poor and working class people” are recruited to “fight and die for EXXON and other corporations.”

“John Daly was hired to teach English, not to verbally attack students and lead leftist protests,” said Jason Mattera, spokesman for Young America’s Foundation.


The full unedited text of Daly’s email follows.

November 13, 2005

Dear Rebecca:

I am asking my students to boycott your event. I am also going to ask others to boycott it. Your literature and signs in the entrance lobby look like fascist propaganda and is extremely offensive. Your main poster "Communism killed 100,000,000" is not only untrue, but ignores the fact that CAPITALISM has killed many more and the evidence for that can be seen in the daily news papers. The U.S. government can fly to dominate the people of Iraq in 12 hours, yet it took them five days to assist the people devastated by huricane Katrina. Racism and profits were key to their priorities. Exxon, by the way, made $9 Billion in profits this last quarter--their highest proft margin ever. Thanks to the students of WCCC and other poor and working class people who are recruited to fight and die for EXXON and other corporations who earning megaprofits from their imperialist plunders. If you want to count the number of deaths based on political systems, you can begin with the more than a million children who have died in Iraq from U.S.-imposed sanctions and war. Or the million African American people who died from lack of access to healthcare in the US over the last 10 years.

I will continue to expose your right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like your won't dare show their face on a college campus. Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors and fight for just causes and for people's needs--such freedom fighters can be counted throughout American history and they certainly will be counted again.

Prof. John Daly

This came from-- yaf.org
And you will hear Democrats make fun of the Republicans and Libertarians who are persecuted by such people attempting to discount the amount of persecution and to suggest that it is only "anecdotal" and therefore not evidence that it is an established and respectable way to act on campus.

What an asshat that 'professor' is. I thought we sent our kids to college to learn tolerance, not to be instilled with liberal ferver and indoctrinated and brainwashed to simple-minded repetition of inane chatter.
Got a better idea. lets get his students to boycott his classes and get his ass fired.

Daly - Detail

http://www.warren.cc.nj.us/portal/h...6&iCat=297&iChannel=23&nChannel=Faculty Staff

John Peter Daly
Adjunct Instructor of English
(908) 328-5756
[email protected]

Fall 2005 Teaching Schedule

ENG 041 B Basic Writing TR 2pm-3:50pm
ENG 041 G Basic Writing TR 12pm-1:50pm
ENG 042 B Developmental Reading TR 9am-10:50am

Biographical Profile

B.A., Kean University
M.A., California State University at Northridge (magna cum laude)

Professor Daly received his MA in Linguistics from California State University , Northridge in 2000. John enjoys teaching writing most of all, aside from his interests in socio-linguistic theory. His 12 years experience working in public health research adds another dimension to his interests. His research background translates into years of hands-on experience in writing research documents and papers in the professional world. Two video-workbook collections that he produced and wrote have won awards and are currently used by the Canadian Department of Health. Often linguists do not use their skills to teach grammar and writing, but Professor Daly finds that linguists have a special view on language that may help students—particularly students who have had trouble in these areas in the past. English courses generally are taught from a rule-based perspective. Students become overwhelmed with these rules and often find the exceptions make them impossible to manage. Linguistics view language from a descriptive point of view—that is they understand language in the same way you might organize a sock draw—by dumping the contents on the ground and seeing what goes together until finally ending up with a super-efficient drawer (or deeper understand of grammar and writing). Students often respond to this approach.
gop_jeff said:
This guy teaches sub-college level English, but thinks he can lecture his students on foreign policy?

Two words: complete ass-clown.
No joke. There is a reason he is teaching in a jr. college, though many do have truly excellent professors. Notice he is not a professor. I want to know, how many Master's were NOT awarded Magnum Cum Laude in the past 20 years? Seriously. I think everyone in my classes had strait A's, deserved or not. It's a joke, especially in Education.
Last time I had a professor like this, it was a poli-sci class, and I almost had to go to the academic standards committee to get one of my papers graded fairly. The subject: How the American media has ruined democracy. It was a 5 page essay on how the media has not only made running for office so unsavory as to deter many qualified candidates, but also drags out everything any past friends and relatives have done, inflates any past mistakes, nearly morphs the thing into little more than a mudthrowing contest, and even takes sides. I concluded by stating that the media had lost all integrity and no longer performed its intended service. My parents, an English teacher and a CPA (credit management specialist), proofread it, as well as a Ph.D. economics professor who's been teaching for thirty years. All of them said it was one of the better papers they'd ever read. I got a D until I threatened to go to the academic standards committee to claim grading my opinion rather than its presentation. She couldn't do it, so she had a friend grade it, who gave me an A.

College politics sucks. They even learn to cheat early, as some members of the student council were threatened with severe disciplinary action and possible criminal prosecution for bribing voters. It was a standard Democrat move. They had a program (debate team) they wanted to fund, but didn't want to take the time to convince other people that it was a worthy program that deserved funding. Instead, they passed an added tuition fee ($.25/credit hour) to fund it. The day of the vote, the mechanism was rigged up so that there could be one vote per school e-mail address, meaning non-students could vote, and students with a second e-mail (given to certain positions, such as newspaper editor) could vote twice. It may have passed if the student paper didn't bring the whole issue to the forefront. The council reps (including one really big a$$hole who sat there the whole time with a cheap cigar sticking out of his mouth like some f-ing big-shot) set up a few tables outside to "encourage students to vote." If you voted from those computers, you got a free donut/burger depending on the time of day. However, they'd only let you vote 'yes,' there. Typical liberals, sneaking in taxes to fund what they know nobody will approve. Whatever happened to fundraisers?
I am astonished that any of you can be suprised by this. Honestly. We DO send our kids to college to be instilled with liberal fever. Please do not make me search through the internet again to find that list of things the Communists wanted to make happen and are now coincidentally the platform of the Democratic Party.

There is no freedom of speech in the University. If you hear a leftist say they are for freedom of speech, just not offensive speech you can tune out right there because they are lying through their teeth. The only freedom of speech they care about is whether you think Bush is Satan incarnate or just Damien. You send your kids to public school so that they can be enlightened by the caring and compassionate government, and turned against the backward ways of their superstitious, ignorant , and hateful parents.

I was listening to Roger Hedgecock the other day and he as absolutely right. The canary in the coal mine in the case of creeping Fascism is when the government takes control of the children. They know that is the only way they can succeed in taking away our rights because we don't really need them because we have the Government to protect us. We don't need to own guns. The Government can take care of us. Backward hick conservatives want guns because they hate people. They hate the government, even though the government protects them and even lets them get free stuff. Why do they hate the government? Only evil people who hate education and hapiness can possibly hate the government. They should just be locked up for everyone's safety.
yet another reason to not waste my time at a college. They don't prepare you for a career. They indoctirnate you to be a liberal zombie. You have to have a mind of your own before you goto to college otherwise, your done for. Why do they insist on kids going straight to college at 18 years old. they can brainwash them the most. Luckily they cant get their asses up and force them to vote. Thats what has been saving us thus far. The sheer laziness of this generation.

Bill O'Reilly said it best last night. Anyone that is actively working for the defeat of America is a TRAITOR!
Stephanie said:
College Professor to Student: "Real Freedom will come when American Soldiers Murder Superiors "
Vows to kick young conservatives off campus

Student Fights Back

HERNDON, VA – Warren Community College English professor, John Daly, said that “Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors.”

This professor does a grave injustice to our men and women in uniform. His words are a slap in the face of anyone who has served in the military in a time of conflict. These men an women have recognized a higher calling in their willingness to put themselves in harm's way for their country.

The cause is irrelevant...they are doing their duty. To Professor Daly, I say with utter disdain and contempt, "Fuck you."
Bullypulpit said:
This professor does a grave injustice to our men and women in uniform. His words are a slap in the face of anyone who has served in the military in a time of conflict. These men an women have recognized a higher calling in their willingness to put themselves in harm's way for their country.

The cause is irrelevant...they are doing their duty. To Professor Daly, I say with utter disdain and contempt, "Fuck you."
KEEERRRRRAPPPP!!! Bully, don't tell me you are slowly turning to the "dark side"! Kudos for you!
Avatar4321 said:
Got a better idea. lets get his students to boycott his classes and get his ass fired.

A "liberal" teacher getting fired?! C'mon Avatar... you know that ain't gonna happen... :(

They'll just tell him to shut up and shuffle him off somewhere out of sight, but they'll keep him on the pay roll. After all, he's just repeating the liberal left's party line diatribe.
CSM said:
KEEERRRRRAPPPP!!! Bully, don't tell me you are slowly turning to the "dark side"! Kudos for you!

He's not. He's been watching and learning how to change colors from hitlery clinton.
gop_jeff said:
This guy teaches sub-college level English, but thinks he can lecture his students on foreign policy?

Two words: complete ass-clown.
Hear hear! (although is that three words? Or 1 word and 1 hypenated word?)
He won't get fired. I have one word, tenure. However, I do agree that many of the more common liberal lies (don't get me wrong, there are conservative lies, but I'm not talking about those) get passed for truth on campus. I saw a booth for some women's rights group set up one day, and half the booth was anti-Bush stuff. I asked why, and she said Bush was anti-woman because he was against abortion and hadn't personally ensured that all women everywhere were getting equal pay for equal work (another myth, as the statistics fail to account for the seniority lost by women who take a few years off to raise a kid).
no1tovote4 said:
What an asshat that 'professor' is. I thought we sent our kids to college to learn tolerance, not to be instilled with liberal ferver and indoctrinated and brainwashed to simple-minded repetition of inane chatter.

Which is why I am going to encourage my kids to get schooled in a trade like construction or other profession that requires actual logic and skills, and that will have more of a secure field. Construction, esp home and office building, is so in demand for skilled laborers. If you are trained and licensed to operate stuff like backhoes and bulldozers, you can make big bucks with good benefits.

Though I think I might have a future Nascar driver in my home, as my son loves watching the races, playing with his hotwheels, and driving his powerwheels car. He even loves to watch the NASCAR Imax movie over and over...and over...and over.
fuzzykitten99 said:
Which is why I am going to encourage my kids to get schooled in a trade like construction or other profession that requires actual logic and skills, and that will have more of a secure field. Construction, esp home and office building, is so in demand for skilled laborers. If you are trained and licensed to operate stuff like backhoes and bulldozers, you can make big bucks with good benefits.

Though I think I might have a future Nascar driver in my home, as my son loves watching the races, playing with his hotwheels, and driving his powerwheels car. He even loves to watch the NASCAR Imax movie over and over...and over...and over.

Construction can be very lucrative. It can also have long droughts. At the end of the day, some classes for management will ultimately lead them to the most success, construction wise. Otherwise they'll just get manipulated by those who have taken those management classes, and will end up a grunt the rest of their life.
The ClayTaurus said:
Construction can be very lucrative. It can also have long droughts. At the end of the day, some classes for management will ultimately lead them to the most success, construction wise. Otherwise they'll just get manipulated by those who have taken those management classes, and will end up a grunt the rest of their life.

Then let them go to another company that doesn't do that. My husband Tim works in road construction, and did the same just recently, having been under the same type of situation. He worked for a guy who would promise him management options, and all sorts of stuff, but would never follow through or would change things at the last minute. Tim only stuck around because his job history was needed to buy our house last year, and he decided to give NTS one more season, and if nothing changed, then he'd be out of there. And he did such. He is now doing the same type of job, just for a different company, with better pay and benefits. Granted, he now has to drive 20 miles one way to the shop, instead of the 1 mile, and doesn't get to take a company truck home every day. But he is enjoying his job again, and seems much happier, which in turn makes me happy. Tim was hired because of his multiple skills, and extensive knowledge (6 years' worth) of his field. He now has even more options with this company, as they promote within all the time.

there are other options, and its not like you are stuck at the same place if you really don't want to be, especially if you are experienced in the job you are applying for. Hell, I'm getting out of my job if I don't get that new position in our new service center opening up next spring.
There's NO WAY the guy should be fired - he was using his freedom of speech too. Seriously. Yes, the guy is a tool, and probably should be casterated.

He's still got the right to express his opinion. Just ironic he's using that right to try to shut down OTHERS' views.

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