I am Seriously Puzzled about This...

I use to have a friend like you, and he was educated in history and politics, much like you appear to be from your replies.
The problem with both my friend and apparently you as well, is that you sound like an educated idiot.
Based on most all the replies youve made in this thread alone, it shows how you have a twisted outlook.
If the entire world was living in peace and harmony, and we all ate rainbow ice cream, you still wouldnt be happy.

Since you are new here, I'm going to give you the JoeB backstory.

Graduated from UIC in 1985, then went Active Duty Army for another six years (Was in for five years during my college time.)

In the 1980's, I was probably more right wing than you are. Then again, was affiliated with the military, and Reagan and Bush were good for the military.

Got out in 1992 at the rank of Staff Sergeant after the Gulf War, which I thought was a farce, but still voted for Bush-41 because Perot was nuts and Clinton was a sleaze. Voted for Dole and Bush-43 as well.

Then in 2007, I had a serious medical issue, and spent a year fighting with my insurance company and my employer. And despite a great work record and having seniority, my employer pretty much screwed me over. My boss boasted, "That's why I am glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Pretty much realized at that point, that the only real struggle isn't over religion or who gets to marry who or the stuff I used to get upset about. It was the struggle between the working class and the investor class. And despite having some investments, I am clearly working class. I ended 2008 with a massive reduction in pay with my new job, a busted 401K and an underwater mortgage. The fact Bush wasn't banging his interns was no consolation.

Now, that said... in 2008, I still voted for McCain. Because he was a man of honor and integrity, even if I didn't agree with him all the time. Obama was inexperienced and frankly, I really didn't like some of the company he kept.

but the GOP wasn't interested in helping folks like me, they were looking out for the Bankers that got us into this mess.

So we get going into 2012, the Republicans, instead of trying to get right with working class folks, instead doubled down on the worship of Greed and the exaltation of Religious Crazy. They nominated the Crazy Mormon and I was pretty much out at that point.

I realized abortion really doesn't matter. It has no effect on my life. Or Gay Marriage. Or whether or not a Tranny can run in a marathon. All the fake moral panics don't really matter to my pocketbook.

Which brings us to Trump. Trump dropped all the pretense and just appealled directly to the worst bigotry of the GOP base. And a lot of Republicans who should have known better went along with it hoping they could achieve their objectives of screwing the working class to benefit the investor class. He's not a well man, and everyone around him knows it.

Meanwhile, the GOP has become so invested in his cult that McCain is despised, the Bushes are despised, even Reagan probably wouldn't be welcome at this point. (Seriously, he gave illegals amnesty. HERESY in the cult of Trump.)

Someday I might vote for Republicans again, but I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me.
Thanks for your service.

You keep referring to Trump as a Republican, but he is Republican in name only. Thats just the party he chose because it was the one that mostly aligned with his agenda. Remember when he said if the republicans didnt nominate him, he was going to run independent ?
You seem to keep forgetting that he is not a politician. One of the main reasons that he chose to run, was to expose the corruption, take on China, and so many other things, for the sole purpose of returning this country to the roots from which it came.
And from your education, life experiences, and personal preferences, you seem to keep finding a hidden agenda that is just not there.
Which brings us to Trump. Trump dropped all the pretense and just appealed directly to the worst bigotry of the GOP base. And a lot of Republicans who should have known better went along with it hoping they could achieve their objectives of screwing the working class to benefit the investor class. He's not a well man, and everyone around him knows it.
And then you say "screw the working class" after you know the record numbers for the working class, prior to the China virus.
Let me guess, you will explain to me why those numbers were good, and its because of something else Trump did that was bad, right ?
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There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.

They're Democrats. Democrats have this bizarre belief that if they claim they are Republicans but they are voting for Democrats they will persuade other Republicans to vote for Democrats. It's stupid. But so is everything Democrats say

That does not hold water. All the life long Republicans who refuse to back Trump are Republicans who believe in small government, low taxes and balanced budgets.

Trump is not a Republican. He is a con man,using your party To destroy everything in sight. Good or bad. Smart Republicans know this. The reason they are voting for Biden

I always like a leftist Democrat telling me who's a Republican, LOL.

I'm a Democrat, you're not a real one. Real Democrats are voting for Trump this time

You disagree With what Republicans have stood for?

My Dad was a died in the wool Democrat. He also believed in keeping his word. He would despise what his party is today.

Republicans are pretty useless. But Democrats have lost their minds. I have lived in many major cities that I loved and am now afraid to return to. Democrats are advocating the moronic "Green New Deal." Which is a century from our technological capabilities.

And as you so clearly stated, you're such total scumbags you can't even allow a Democrat to be civil to a Republican.

How would your dad have felt about that? Remove someone from office for simply being civil?

I did not say remove, I want her to retire.

i already said how I feel about the green new deal. They lost!

But it is asinine to think we do not need clean energy for the future. Oil companies are already doing just that. Companies all over The world are changing. We are not in the 1950’s anymore.

You oppose clean energy. We could do nuclear power and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose them both. Democrats don't believe in climate change, it's just a hammer to get socialism
It will not die if we can get rid of the corrupt McConnell Senate!

Are you sure? In 2009, the reason why we didn't get a good Health Care Reform package, was because guys like Joe Lieberman (D-Israel) and Webb and a few others opposed things like a public option and a Medicare Buy in. And even though the Democrats had a large majority, they refused to end the filibuster.

So even if they get the majority and end the filibuster this time, you'll still have 51 egos larger than life making legislation in the Senate.

You forgot about Grassley and Max Baucus. Grassley came right out, voted against it. Lieberman’s wave was an Insurance lobbyist and Joe became one. Max Baucus left to become an Ambassador.

All 3 needed to be run out of town on a rail Grassley is still there voting on farm bills to help his million dollar farm.

BTW, I think Diane Feinstein needs to go ,too,after her horrible performance hugging Lindsey Graham and complimenting him.

You're just lost in hate, huh? You want even the most leftist Democrats removed if they are civil
No, hate is Trump’s bag, not mine. Lindsey made a mockery of the hearing. You do not congratulate someone for destroying an Institution.

You clearly said hate is your bag when you said DiFi should be removed for being civil. Buy a mirror, what you will see is not pretty
It will not die if we can get rid of the corrupt McConnell Senate!

Are you sure? In 2009, the reason why we didn't get a good Health Care Reform package, was because guys like Joe Lieberman (D-Israel) and Webb and a few others opposed things like a public option and a Medicare Buy in. And even though the Democrats had a large majority, they refused to end the filibuster.

So even if they get the majority and end the filibuster this time, you'll still have 51 egos larger than life making legislation in the Senate.

You forgot about Grassley and Max Baucus. Grassley came right out, voted against it. Lieberman’s wave was an Insurance lobbyist and Joe became one. Max Baucus left to become an Ambassador.

All 3 needed to be run out of town on a rail Grassley is still there voting on farm bills to help his million dollar farm.

BTW, I think Diane Feinstein needs to go ,too,after her horrible performance hugging Lindsey Graham and complimenting him.

You're just lost in hate, huh? You want even the most leftist Democrats removed if they are civil
No, hate is Trump’s bag, not mine. Lindsey made a mockery of the hearing. You do not congratulate someone for destroying an Institution.

You clearly said hate is your bag when you said DiFi should be removed for being civil. Buy a mirror, what you will see is not pretty
I believe in truth. Feinstein was not speaking truth.

As to your opinion of me.Ffft!

You want to destroy Republicans, not work with them. You directly stated that. It had nothing to do with "truth," she was simply being civil. And for that you call for her removal. It's clear what you are and that you're driven by hate

I love how you twist words. Smart Republicans are leaving the Trump idiocy behind. I welcome each one. Democrats welcome inclusion.

This is what a ridiculous person you are. You want Diane Feinstein out for being civil to a Republican, then you say you welcome inclusion. Do you ever read your own stupid shit?
Those people aren't republicans. I don't care how much they dislike Trump's tweets, no actual Republican would support these Biden campaign promises in particular:

Green New Deal: $100 trillion in proposed spending, making the budgets over the past 4 years look paltry by comparison.

Anti-2nd Amendment: promises to ban semi-automatic rifles, and make Beto O'Rourke his gun control zar.
The green new deal was an AOC/ Bernie deal. They lost, Biden won. His plan gradually changes, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

And if you do not believe in Science and Global warming you are like an ostrich with it’s head in the sand.
Good f
McCain in his last vote, proved his character. Knowing he had the best health care in the world refused to take it away from millions.

John McCain was a bitter old man who only cared about himself. He hated Trump so much and took that anger to his grave with him. That's the only reason he voted against getting rid of Commie Care.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.


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There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
If you don’t oppose it, you’re complicit in the hate, the cruelty, the dishonesty, the disgusting behavior.

Real Democrats are voting for Trump
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Why are you surprised by this? Some 5 million Republicans voted for Hillary 4 years ago.
That does not hold water. All the life long Republicans who refuse to back Trump are Republicans who believe in small government, low taxes and balanced budgets.

Trump is not a Republican. He is a con man,using your party To destroy everything in sight. Good or bad. Smart Republicans know this. The reason they are voting for Biden

So in your opinion, a smart Republican is one that would put a man with dementia in the strongest position of the world? That doesn't sound too smart to me.
But did he brag about grabbing them by the p****? You guys believe any story you are told. We actually heard Trump say that!

You are not a guy which is why you don't understand Trump. All of us guys have been with other guys who like to brag about the women they've banged. Most of them are FOS and just trying to impress their peers. Women usually don't hear this kind of talk from guys for obvious reasons, but every guy here has. Guys bragging about how many women they've had is kind of like Facebook people self-impressed with how many FB friends they have, even though they don't know or never met most of them. But they get to brag to others because it makes them feel so popular.
The green new deal was an AOC/ Bernie deal. They lost, Biden won. His plan gradually changes, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

And if you do not believe in Science and Global warming you are like an ostrich with it’s head in the sand.

Don't listen to that job creation Creepy Joe was talking about. It's a lie. Converting to a much less reliable, much more expensive energy will not create any new jobs. They may replace some of the jobs that were lost in the fossil fuel industry. Given the fact that thanks to fracking, the US is the number one exporter of fuel, and that alone provides tens of thousands of jobs. So if we convert to green, remember one thing: you can't export green energy all over the world. Net job loss.
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But did he brag about grabbing them by the p****? You guys believe any story you are told. We actually heard Trump say that!

You are not a guy which is why you don't understand Trump. All of us guys have been with other guys who like to brag about the women they've banged. Most of them are FOS and just trying to impress their peers. Women usually don't hear this kind of talk from guys for obvious reasons, but every guy here has. Guys bragging about how many women they've had is kind of like Facebook people self-impressed with how many FB friends they have, even though they don't know or never met most of them. But they get to brag to others because it makes them feel so popular.

MaryAnne11 would understand a woman being a cat. The Girl Scouts congratulated ACB for being a woman on the SCOTUS and Democrat women made them take it down. No one is more misogynist than a catty Democrat woman
Trump is the one with a Chinese bank account. And look at Ivanka’s patents.

I suggest you Google the Tucker Carlson interview with former partner of Hunter and Joe. His name is Tony Bobulinski. Listen to what he has to say about the Biden's and China. He's an honorable vet, a successful businessman, a Democrat supporter and voter. He surrendered emails, his cell phone to get the text messages from Hunter, and even has a recorded phone call with one of their minions pointing to the Biden corruption family. As for Chinese patents, they are about as valuable as a prize at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box.

MaryAnne11 would understand a woman being a cat. The Girl Scouts congratulated ACB for being a woman on the SCOTUS and Democrat women made them take it down. No one is more misogynist than a catty Democrat woman

Leftists are so funny. All they do is tell us how everything Trump says is a lie, but that's the one thing he said they believe is true.
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The guy who thinks that all the professionals in the various government agencies are part of a Deep State Conspiracy to get him?

Gee, now why would he think that? Because of the spying that went on in his campaign? Because the FBI lied to get surveillance warrants for him? Because of an impeachment without one impeachable offense or crime? Because of a near two year investigation on Russia collusion with no evidence to launch such an investigation? Correct, such paranoia.

Or the guy who listens to the generals, the doctors, and the diplomats on how to run the country.

That's called a lapdog, not a leader.
Just another self-inflicted wound. Meanwhile, the two parties make it impossible for a third party to emerge, and America is more concerned about who the Kardashian girls are banging.

No, it's impossible to get a third party because the Democrats have drifted so far left. Many people don't vote for their candidate because they would be such a great leader, they vote for him or her to keep the opposition out. I didn't vote for Romney, I don't even like the guy. I voted against Obama. I didn't vote for Rino McCain, I voted to keep Obama out. I didn't vote for George Bush, I voted to keep Al Gore out.

The left does the exact same thing. That's why you'll never see a third party in this country.
Just another self-inflicted wound. Meanwhile, the two parties make it impossible for a third party to emerge, and America is more concerned about who the Kardashian girls are banging.

No, it's impossible to get a third party because the Democrats have drifted so far left. Many people don't vote for their candidate because they would be such a great leader, they vote for him or her to keep the opposition out. I didn't vote for Romney, I don't even like the guy. I voted against Obama. I didn't vote for Rino McCain, I voted to keep Obama out. I didn't vote for George Bush, I voted to keep Al Gore out.

The left does the exact same thing. That's why you'll never see a third party in this country.
Yes, that's one side of the story.
That you really believe he didn't have sex with Stormy and Cohen paid her out of his own pocket is sort of cute in a naive way. The Easter Bunny will be by next Spring to see you too.

Reagan Democrats were real. The blob stating that there were thousands of democrats at his rallies is pure fiction.

Believe what you like, but it's been reported at numerous rallies of his.

You might not believe this, but some Democrats are concerned over the economy, and realize increasing taxes on our job creators will bring them harm. Some Democrats live on a budget, and realize the cost of their gasoline, propane or natural gas doubling in price would be devastating to their budgets. Some Democrats understand what chaos it would be virtually opening up the border. Some Democrats live in the suburbs, and don't want to see low-income, high-crime lowlifes inserted to their currently safe and secure neighborhoods which will cut their property value in half. Some Democrats don't make enough money for health insurance, and don't want to face losing their badly needed income tax return like they did under DumBama.

Yes, I do believe there are Democrats out there with these concerns.
So in your opinion, a smart Republican is one that would put a man with dementia in the strongest position of the world?

We've always said we think the Republicans are stuipd for putting Trump in office.

You need to explainyourself. You say it's stupid to put someone senile into office, then you declare you want the obviously senile Trump in office. Are you having senility issues yourself?

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