I am really down guys, any positive sentiments would be appreciated.

Ok. If you want to watch him suffer just to make you feel better about yourself, he's your property. do what you want.
He isnt suffering. I spent a great deal of money and effort keeping him healthy. He is getting old, we all are. I dont want to.be put down because I have aches and pains do I?
He isnt suffering. I spent a great deal of money and effort keeping him healthy. He is getting old, we all are. I dont want to.be put down because I have aches and pains do I?
I already said to do what you want. I personally don't put a pet on the same level as a human, but that's just me. If that's the biggest problem you have, I can't work up much sympathy for you. Keep whining though. I'm sure others will pat your hand and say "poor baby"
I already said to do what you want. I personally don't put a pet on the same level as a human, but that's just me.
Of course. This isn't a choice between a human and a dog. He is a source of comfort for me and gives me purpose. He knows me better than everyone except my Mother, he is close to.my side when I am down. I am responsible for him.
Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.

You become what you think. Did you know that? It's true in my experience, and even better, it's true Biblically.

Whatever is true
If there is any excellence
If there is anything worthy of praise
--Phil 4:8

When I was much younger I used to be what I would call a "venter". I was a less pleasant person to be around and even more important, I was a less happy person all the way around.

I was born again in Christ Jesus and slowly began to focus on gratitude and joy rather than other things. This changed my brain. Did you know the way you think makes well-worn pathways in your brain? Like ruts in the road--your tires just go there, even if your hands are off the wheel.

It seems your pathways are looking on the shadowy side of the street. You might indeed have every reason in the world to do so. Many people are born into difficult circumstances and face them all their lives. I'm not disputing that. But if you make some new pathways, you will probably find the resolve and fortitude to change your external circumstances.

Some people do gratitude journaling. I never did, but I bet there are some great Christian ones out there.

Praying for you.
Well, the years of abuse from my wife which is going to lead to divorce, 18 years of my life down the drain. I foolishly let my.drivers license expire so if I move, it is going to cost me much more. Now my dog is struggling and I spend as much on him as myself for food, he needs back leg wheels probably. He has been very close to my side today as he always is when he senses I am down. It is all too much, in a system that people don't realize is far more abusive than they could imagine.
My prayers go out to you shockedcanadian, I hope things get much better for you soon.
Just too miuch going on for one man. Too many years of battlling and I tried to deal with it the best I could, dealt with so much and didn't break. Thus, I'm trained for this through experience, truly, however this is an entirely different ball of wax. That is all, thank you for your time.
Hookers and booze is a time honored tradition. If they don't have those in Canada you can substitute polar bears and maple syrup.

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