I am Crick - couldn't log in



When the board first came up, UserName was filled out with "Kirche" and the password was filled in. On several attempts to replace Kirche with Crick, Crick was erased and Kirche filled back in. I could not get the site to take my password. When I attempted to use the Forgot Password link, it took my email address and then went immediately to a 404 Not Found error. I finally registered as a new user as I could see no other way to get in. It doesn't seem possible to communicate with management unless you're logged in.
After having gotten in as Crick-2, I got out, erased my cookies and tried coming in as Crick again. This time the Forgot Password worked and I have a new password and am in. The Crick-2 (see above) could be deleted. How do I do that?
The password field was filled in (with asterisks of course) but when I tried to just use what it had put there, it rejected the password. Is everyone else seeing Kirche there?
Nope. So do tell.
George Carlin said that "Fuck" is a powerful word and could (and should) be used in different ways rather than just as an insult:

"I am Fuck! Fuck of the Mountain! It's going to be a victory for Fuck of the Mountain!"

OP's thread title reminded me of that.
After having gotten in as Crick-2, I got out, erased my cookies and tried coming in as Crick again. This time the Forgot Password worked and I have a new password and am in. The Crick-2 (see above) could be deleted. How do I do that?

You can @mention your post to one of the Admins or Mods...they'll delete it.

But, glad you were finally able to get in. We just got new software and most of us old members are trying to figure things out. I'm still not 100% sure how everything works but have figured out most of what I need to survive....:D

Hope you enjoy posting here....Welcome.
When the board first came up, UserName was filled out with "Kirche" and the password was filled in. On several attempts to replace Kirche with Crick, Crick was erased and Kirche filled back in. I could not get the site to take my password. When I attempted to use the Forgot Password link, it took my email address and then went immediately to a 404 Not Found error. I finally registered as a new user as I could see no other way to get in. It doesn't seem possible to communicate with management unless you're logged in.

BTW, "Kirche" is German for "church".

Are you the church-going type?


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