Hypocrisy 101


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Mar 31, 2004
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Mowing a grassy knoll....
The most disgusting thing about the Anybody But Bush / moveon-dot-org / DNC / Kerry 04 campaign / fill in any leftwing group is their blatant hypocrisy.

Consider this:

Bush = Hitler
Yet the Kerry crew is trying to take the SBVT book of the shelf and get their TV ad's pulled. That sounds more like fascist behavior, No?

Kerry is a war hero vs Clinton being a draft dodger
All of a sudden after 30+ years of hating the military, military service is the main criteria by which we should judge qualifications to be POTUS. Clinton had zero military service and Bob Dole did, yet who was elected?

Libs current love affair with a Vietnam Vet
Weren't they all baby killers? Kerry has insinuated this himself, yet all the leftover hippies now think he is the greatest thing since squeeze bottle ketchup.

Kerry and the 527's
Kerry wants Bush to denounce anyone who criticizes his patriotism, yet Kerry has never said a word about moveon-dot-org's slanderous lies, and gave Michael Mooron the star treatment at the convention.

War in Iraq/Abu GrabAss scandal
Such outrage over the leashes and panties, yet Saddams mass graves, rape rooms and human paper shredders were overlooked.

7 minutes vs 40 minutes on 9/11
The Dhimmicraps complain about Bush sitting in a school for 7 minutes (while arrangements were made to get him out of there) and Kerry admits he sat at a table dumfounded for over 40 minutes.

I could go on and on as I am sure I have missed many other points. It just makes me sick how much crap is spewing out of the Dems, yet they have the audacity to claim that it is the "Republican Smear Machine" that is doing all of the negative campaigning. Oops, there's another one..............
DNC would never question a 'war record'?




Continuing on our theme of, "Hey, why is there only outrage when someone questions a Democrat's war record?" we turn back to the archives of the New Republic. Thanks to some assistance from Dorothy McCartney and Kathryn Lopez, we blow off the dust of the October 12, 1992 New Republic (sorry, not online).

A familiar name, Sidney Blumenthal, is examining President George Herbert Walker Bush's war record. This is a long excerpt, with a few of Blumenthals' extraneous thoughts about Clinton, Vietnam, and Bush on the campaign trial omitted:

Since the first day of the Republican convention there has been no issue emphasized more by the Republicans than Bill Clinton's draft record... From August 25 to September 21 the Bush-Quayle campaign fired off eighteen press releases attacking Clinton on the draft. The issue also points to... deeply troubling feelings from his past that Bush has wished to submerge for five decades.

Even Bob Dole:




Let's not hear any more talk about how high-minded the left was about Bob Dole and his medals eight years ago.
The Nation argued that Bob Dole got his first Purple Heart for a self-inflicted wound. Robert Ellis, who, like Dole 10th Mountain Division in World War II, sought to debunk the "myth" of Dole's heroism:

Dems would never 'lie' about their war records, if criticizing another's patriotism:



In a remarkably short article, the AP talks of Harkin's disappearance from the Kerry campaign stump:

Republicans are suggesting that Sen. Tom Harkin has been pulled from a campaign swing for Sen. John Kerry for calling Vice President Dick Cheney a "coward."



August 18, 2004
TOM HARKIN, FAKE WAR HERO: In an update to an earlier post, I noted some comments by Donald Sensing about Sen. Tom Harkin, most recently seen attacking the patriotism of Dick Cheney. Sensing observed: "Harkin himself claimed to have battled Mig fighters over North Vietnam while a Navy pilot. He was a pilot, but never went to Vietnam."

A reader emailed to say that he didn't think Sensing's sourcing was good enough for a charge of that magnitude. It seemed to me that I remembered some Harkin truth-stretching from back then, and I trust Sensing, but in keeping with Walter Cronkite's warnings about poorly sourced stories on the Internet, I decided to do some research at lunchtime. In a book called Stolen Valor : How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History, I found this passage, which is considerably worse for Harkin than Sensing's short summary. I'm reproducing it as an image for the benefit of doubters.
The most disgusting thing about the Anybody But Bush / moveon-dot-org / DNC / Kerry 04 campaign / fill in any leftwing group is their blatant hypocrisy.

Consider this:

Bush = Hitler
Yet the Kerry crew is trying to take the SBVT book of the shelf and get their TV ad's pulled. That sounds more like fascist behavior, No?

Kerry is a war hero vs Clinton being a draft dodger
All of a sudden after 30+ years of hating the military, military service is the main criteria by which we should judge qualifications to be POTUS. Clinton had zero military service and Bob Dole did, yet who was elected?

Libs current love affair with a Vietnam Vet
Weren't they all baby killers? Kerry has insinuated this himself, yet all the leftover hippies now think he is the greatest thing since squeeze bottle ketchup.

Kerry and the 527's
Kerry wants Bush to denounce anyone who criticizes his patriotism, yet Kerry has never said a word about moveon-dot-org's slanderous lies, and gave Michael Mooron the star treatment at the convention.

War in Iraq/Abu GrabAss scandal
Such outrage over the leashes and panties, yet Saddams mass graves, rape rooms and human paper shredders were overlooked.

7 minutes vs 40 minutes on 9/11
The Dhimmicraps complain about Bush sitting in a school for 7 minutes (while arrangements were made to get him out of there) and Kerry admits he sat at a table dumfounded for over 40 minutes.

I could go on and on as I am sure I have missed many other points. It just makes me sick how much crap is spewing out of the Dems, yet they have the audacity to claim that it is the "Republican Smear Machine" that is doing all of the negative campaigning. Oops, there's another one..............

That's a great summary of LMM hypocricy.
I'll add a further example:

Michael Moore make a crockumentary that among other things, accuses Bush of being an accomplice in the murder of 3,000 Americans, the total destruction one of the world's tallest buildings, the partial destructrion of the world's largest building, the death of the wife (Barbara Olson) of his own Solicitor-General. As far as I know, there has been not one word of criticism of Moore from Kerry or any other leading Democrat. Worse still, Moore was invited to Kerry's own convention, in his own home town and treated like a hero. He even got to sit next to a former president, Jimmy Carter.
The media see nothing wrong with any of this. It is simply stunning.
Libs current love affair with a Vietnam Vet
Weren't they all baby killers? Kerry has insinuated this himself, yet all the leftover hippies now think he is the greatest thing since squeeze bottle ketchup.

HEY, I'm a friggin hippie damn it. :piss2:
I was thinking about all this tonight while watching the media rip the Swifboats up one side and down the other. Where was the media when MoveOn was running all this crap. Why isn't ther a major firestorm about MM and MoveOn? I don't get it. No one can deny there is hypocracy here. It's so blatant it makes me sick. Hell,I don't even consider the Swiftboat ads "attack ads". O'Reilly had on a professor tonight from Harvard and she refused to acknowledge the MM and MoveOn crap. Then. there's Hardball. Don't even get me started on that ape. Oh ,I also was watching Brit Hume on Fox and they were having an argument as to wether or not Kerry put in for his purple hearts or someone else recomended them for him. Anyone know?
krisy said:
I was thinking about all this tonight while watching the media rip the Swifboats up one side and down the other. Where was the media when MoveOn was running all this crap. Why isn't ther a major firestorm about MM and MoveOn? I don't get it. No one can deny there is hypocracy here. It's so blatant it makes me sick. Hell,I don't even consider the Swiftboat ads "attack ads". O'Reilly had on a professor tonight from Harvard and she refused to acknowledge the MM and MoveOn crap. Then. there's Hardball. Don't even get me started on that ape. Oh ,I also was watching Brit Hume on Fox and they were having an argument as to wether or not Kerry put in for his purple hearts or someone else recomended them for him. Anyone know?

I believe Kerry recommended himself, but of course he's denying this. He can clear this up by authorizing the release of ALL is military records. The Washington Post managed to secure the release of 6 documents from the Department of the Navy. Trouble is, Kerry's dossier contains over 100. Until Kerry agrees to release them, I'm going to believe the SwiftVets are telling the truth.
britinusa said:
I believe Kerry recommended himself, but of course he's denying this. He can clear this up by authorizing the release of ALL is military records. The Washington Post managed to secure the release of 6 documents from the Department of the Navy. Trouble is, Kerry's dossier contains over 100. Until Kerry agrees to release them, I'm going to believe the SwiftVets are telling the truth.

Hmmm...sounds like there might be something to hide. It seems like it should not be hard to find this out,but apparently it is. I don't understand why someone who is running on Vietnam wouldn't make his records public.
From the "NY Slimes"

Kerry, in New York, Accuses G.O.P. of Using Negative Tactics

Published: August 24, 2004

Senator John Kerry accused President Bush and his allies today of "using the tactics of fear and smear" to keep from talking about "the issues that matter" in the presidential election.

Speaking in New York City, where the Republican National Convention is to begin on Monday, Mr. Kerry, the Democratic nominee, used blunt language to describe what he called "the clear choices" between him and his opponent, and to challenge the Bush-Cheney campaign for what he called its "attack politics."


Funny, Isn't the whole Kerry campaign based on hiding the facts (say his voting record?) and focusing on reporting for duty/it's 1969 all over again?

To quote the 5th Dimension: "Let the sunshine in..........."
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