Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
This is the FINAL Majority Staff Report of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance.

Read carefully. Joe Biden lied. John Kerry lied. The Vice President and the Secretary of State LIED!


  • Ukraine Report_FINAL.pdf
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Business as usual for the Washington Establishment. Perpetual wars equals endless defense contracts, the Generals get their kickbacks and the politicians get their campaign or “foundations” contributions.

The only man with the spine to stand against it is President Trump, that’s why they want him gone so bad. Hundreds of billions of dollars need to be made.
This is the FINAL Majority Staff Report of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance.

Read carefully. Joe Biden lied. John Kerry lied. The Vice President and the Secretary of State LIED!

Why is this JUST NOW coming out? They have references in that report to news items up to 2019???

THIS is why nobody ever gets punished in the Swamp... Biden BRAGGED about his interference for Burisma at a CFR meeting in 2018 or 19... Running CONTRARY to even State Dept policy at the time he did that in 2015.. And folks at CFR laughed with him...
Why is this JUST NOW coming out? They have references in that report to news items up to 2019???
I think much of what is in this FINAL report has already been published as a PRELIMINARY report. That is why I did not put this under BREAKING NEWS.

The wheels of our Legislative branch and all of its investigations turn notoriously slowly, I think as a ruse to give the taxpayers the false impression that our elected officials and their massive staffs are actually working.

You may have noted the mention of its completion being hampered by issues related to COVID-19, essentially a 2020 problem.
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The Bidens have been selling government influence for years. That's criminal. But it becomes far worse when you consider Hunter's drug addiction and what blackmail material communist countries have no doubt accumulated on him. I have a feeling that the picture of him falling asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth is only the tip of the iceburg. The Biden's are a risk to our national security. Be smart, stick with Trumpy.
The Bidens have been selling government influence for years. That's criminal. But it becomes far worse when you consider Hunter's drug addiction and what blackmail material communist countries have no doubt accumulated on him. I have a feeling that the picture of him falling asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth is only the tip of the iceburg. The Biden's are a risk to our national security. Be smart, stick with Trumpy.
And the bidens are a drop in the bucket , kerry is still peddling in iran and christ the clintons were the top of the heap when it comes to sellingAmerica and Americans for their financial gain. You only have one question to ask yourself . Are you an American or are you a Democrat? Its just that simple.
The Bidens have been selling government influence for years. That's criminal. But it becomes far worse when you consider Hunter's drug addiction and what blackmail material communist countries have no doubt accumulated on him. I have a feeling that the picture of him falling asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth is only the tip of the iceburg. The Biden's are a risk to our national security. Be smart, stick with Trumpy.

Look, let us be honest about what is going on.

The $3.5 million raked in by the Biden family from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, is helping to finance Joe Biden’s Campaign. And so, the charge that the communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership is known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of, is proven to be true once again.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
The wheels of our Legislative branch and all of its investigations turn notoriously slowly, I think as a ruse to give the taxpayers the false impression that our elected officials and their massive staffs are actually working.

Ruse isn't working.. Congress is SOOO bad at investigating anything, that now the "bad guys/girls" just ignore their requests.. They're as irrelevant at "justice" and ethics as they are on making law..

Nancy Pelosi was NOT LYING about ACAct when she said "We have to pass the bill to see what's IN it".. She was telling the absolute truth.. But no one in the public or media SPEAKS "swamp"...

That bill and EVERY IMPORTANT BILL -- is now a "fill in the blank" exercise for the Agency Bureaucrats to WRITE the laws.. Congress critters don't even do THAT any more...
The Bidens have been selling government influence for years. That's criminal. But it becomes far worse when you consider Hunter's drug addiction and what blackmail material communist countries have no doubt accumulated on him. I have a feeling that the picture of him falling asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth is only the tip of the iceburg. The Biden's are a risk to our national security. Be smart, stick with Trumpy.
Exactly! I saw today that the Chicoms have videos of Hunter having sex with and torturing prepubescent Chinese girls.

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