Hunter Biden associate describes "illusion of access"

Devon Archer, long time Hunter Biden associate, testified. He described that Hunter sold the 'illusion of access', but, in fact, no access was ever given. That's it, and, as Rep Dan Goldman states, (see video, below) there is no proof that Joe Biden was involved with Hunter Biden's deals.


Did Hunter Biden leverage the Biden name for personal gain? Yes, but that isn't uncommon for siblings of famous people, and Hunter admitted it and is not illegal.

Did Hunter commit a FARA violation? Perhaps, but that doesn't prove any wrongdoing on Joe Biden.

Did Hunter Biden lie on a gun background check application? Yes, but that doesn't prove any wrongdoing on Joe Biden.

In fact, there is no proof of Joe Biden corruption, nor even for Hunter, for that matter. A few process violations, and that is it. Have fun prosecuting the son of a US President, who, on a rebound from the death of his brother,. made some bad choices. I doubt that a jury would convict. You see,. folks, this is why US Attorney David Weiss, after five years of investigating Hunter Biden, hasn't brought charges, he doesn't think he can win in court. That doesn't have anything to do with 'sweetheart' treatment, it's called 'prosecutorial discretion.

And, for that matter, name one private citizen who never held office who was assigned a special prosecutor for a 5 year investigation whose name wasn't Hunter Biden?

That doesn't sound like the 'sweetheart' treatment, to me.

Hunter Biden associate describes "illusion of access"

A former Hunter Biden associate told Congress that Hunter sold "the illusion of access" by putting his father on speaker phone with business partners, but that then-Vice President Biden never talked shop, according to Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) and a source familiar with the testimony.

Why it matters: Top Republicans called for an impeachment inquiry into President Biden ahead of Devon Archer's closed-door testimony Monday — and suggested that he boosted their case — while Democrats said there was no smoking gun tying Biden to his son's business entanglements.

Zoom in: Archer, who was convicted of fraud in 2018, testified that Hunter put his father on the phone with friends and business associates roughly 20 times over 10 years.

  • But Archer "repeated over and over and over again that President Biden never discussed any business dealings or interests with Hunter or anyone else," Goldman told reporters after the hours-long transcribed interview.
  • Republicans cast doubt on the claim that Biden simply exchanged "niceties" during the phone calls. They also focused on Archer's testimony that embattled Ukrainian gas company Burisma wanted Hunter on its board for his family's "brand."
The intrigue: Archer testified that he knew nothing about the alleged $5 million bribes paid to the Biden family from a Burisma executive, as was claimed in an unverified FBI document touted and released by Republicans, according to one source familiar.

Rep Dan Goldman: "This is a fishing expedition". Now, if you are going to doubt his claim, understand that he is a former prosecutor, knows something about 'evidence' and knows that Archer's testimony, taken under oath, was transcribed and now in the Congressional Record, so he's not going to lie about what Archer said. Anyway, the transcripts will be available soon.

The "illusion of access" wasn't even uttered by Archer, it was part of a commiecrat question. So you can put your propaganda machine away now, the intelligent world knows the truth.

Moron, do you even understand that just because you can imagine something in your sick head doesn't mean it's true?

Do you realize that is Archer admitted anything, that then he would also be sentenced for it?
Obviously Archer knew he was making millions illegally, off the Biden gang.
Archer claiming there was nothing illegal makes him and the Bidens even more guilty, since now they are lying to cover it up.
Can you think of any legal reason why hundreds of millions from the billions we gave the Ukraine, went to Burisma Holdings?
Simple question - was Shokin corrupt?

Simple answer.
Shokin was probably the least corrupt, and it is illegal for a US VP to extort the firing of a protected civil servant.
A civil servant can only be fired after due cause is proven in a hearing.
No such hearing was convened, and Biden knew none could be since Shokin is clean.
So Biden was deliberately demanding for a crime.
He is on video.
That is no way to weasel out of it.
The "illusion of access" wasn't even uttered by Archer, it was part of a commiecrat question. So you can put your propaganda machine away now, the intelligent world knows the truth.


So? Hunter sold sizzle, but no stake.

No crime without the stake.

If you are metaphor challenged, let me know, and I'll my grand nephew over to explain it to you.
Simple answer.
Shokin was probably the least corrupt, and it is illegal for a US VP to extort the firing of a protected civil servant.
Wasn't an extortion. It's call applying leverage to achieve a foreign policy objective.
A civil servant can only be fired after due cause is proven in a hearing.
No such hearing was convened, and Biden knew none could be since Shokin is clean.
So Biden was deliberately demanding for a crime.
He is on video.
That is no way to weasel out of it.

No need, there was no crime. To wit:

The U.S. Congress approved $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine in the aftermath of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution. This was part of the United States' broader effort to support Ukraine amid tensions with Russia and internal reforms.

You see, they were appropriated BEFORE Biden used them as leverage. This is a key element here.

As for the situation regarding the firing of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, it was a complex matter involving various stakeholders. Shokin's office had been criticized by several international organizations, including the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, as well as U.S. government officials, for failing to adequately pursue corruption investigations.

Then-Vice President Joe Biden, as part of the Obama administration's policy towards Ukraine, pushed for anti-corruption measures. This included calling for Shokin's removal, and he publicly stated that he had threatened to withhold the $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Shokin was fired. The Ukrainian government subsequently removed Shokin from his position in March 2016.

Some critics have raised concerns about Biden's role in this situation, particularly given his son Hunter Biden's position on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company that had been under investigation by Shokin's office. However, there has been no concrete evidence to suggest that Joe Biden's push for Shokin's removal was for his personal benefit or tied specifically to the investigation of Burisma.

That's not 'extortion' that's diplomacy. You see, Joe Biden was not the beneficiary of that firing, the USA , our allies and the IMF was,

Biden's actions regarding UIkraine were in accordance with the White House and the State Department policy objectives.

The USA cannot 'extort', it's a nation. Biden was acting in his official capacity as VP, in that capacity, he is not "Joe Biden" he IS the United States, a nation.

A nation cannot extort A nation cannot violate US CODE, It can only leverage to achieve foreign policy goals.

In the Devon Archer's testimony to congress, he was asked about the Shokin firing, and here is his answer:

Q so do you have any basis to believe that Vice President Biden's call for
Shokin's removal was driven by anything other than the U.S. Government's anticorruption
policy in Ukraine?

A Yeah, I have no -- I have no other -- I have no proof or thought that he fired him for that reason.

Q You have no reason to believe otherwise?

A I have no reason to believe.

Archer also stated that Burisma execs viewed Shokin as good for the company. One can hardly believe Shokin was investigating Burisma, if it's top officers believed Shokin was good for the company. he was good for the company because it was widely known that Shokin wasn't doing his job of investigating corruption. That is why Obama, the state department, our allies, the IFM and Repub and Senate dems approved of the action.

No crime indicated in Archer's testimony.
That is transparently stupid.
Clearly you know full well that the Biden crimes of such magnitude that they would easily murder anyone who squealed, so there is no way Archer is telling the truth.
There is zero motivation for Archer to tell the truth, especially since that would likely be a death sentence.

You have no evidence to justify that opinion, other than your hatred for the Bidens.
The hundreds of millions Burisma Holdings got in kickbacks was no "illusion", nor was Joe Biden's illegal threats to get Shokin illegally fired.
That should be all the proof anyone needs.

Here is absolute proof:

And here is Shokin confirming the Biden crime family illegal dealings:
In a detailed and extensive interview, Shokin has responded to allegations from the Biden regime, laying out his side of the story regarding the investigations into Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that once employed Hunter.

It is unclear when this video was recorded or published but includes his reaction to Biden’s accusations.

At the time of Hunter Biden’s appointment, Viktor Shokin was Ukraine’s Prosecutor General, and there were investigations into Burisma’s owner.

Republicans for years have been hollering that Urkaine, Burisma, etc was corrupt.

And now you want us to believe the guy that was fired.

Devon Archer, long time Hunter Biden associate, testified. He described that Hunter sold the 'illusion of access', but, in fact, no access was ever given. That's it, and, as Rep Dan Goldman states, (see video, below) there is no proof that Joe Biden was involved with Hunter Biden's deals.


Did Hunter Biden leverage the Biden name for personal gain? Yes, but that isn't uncommon for siblings of famous people, and Hunter admitted it and is not illegal.

Did Hunter commit a FARA violation? Perhaps, but that doesn't prove any wrongdoing on Joe Biden.

Did Hunter Biden lie on a gun background check application? Yes, but that doesn't prove any wrongdoing on Joe Biden.

In fact, there is no proof of Joe Biden corruption, nor even for Hunter, for that matter. A few process violations, and that is it. Have fun prosecuting the son of a US President, who, on a rebound from the death of his brother,. made some bad choices. I doubt that a jury would convict. You see,. folks, this is why US Attorney David Weiss, after five years of investigating Hunter Biden, hasn't brought charges, he doesn't think he can win in court. That doesn't have anything to do with 'sweetheart' treatment, it's called 'prosecutorial discretion.

And, for that matter, name one private citizen who never held office who was assigned a special prosecutor for a 5 year investigation whose name wasn't Hunter Biden?

That doesn't sound like the 'sweetheart' treatment, to me.

Hunter Biden associate describes "illusion of access"

A former Hunter Biden associate told Congress that Hunter sold "the illusion of access" by putting his father on speaker phone with business partners, but that then-Vice President Biden never talked shop, according to Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) and a source familiar with the testimony.

Why it matters: Top Republicans called for an impeachment inquiry into President Biden ahead of Devon Archer's closed-door testimony Monday — and suggested that he boosted their case — while Democrats said there was no smoking gun tying Biden to his son's business entanglements.

Zoom in: Archer, who was convicted of fraud in 2018, testified that Hunter put his father on the phone with friends and business associates roughly 20 times over 10 years.

  • But Archer "repeated over and over and over again that President Biden never discussed any business dealings or interests with Hunter or anyone else," Goldman told reporters after the hours-long transcribed interview.
  • Republicans cast doubt on the claim that Biden simply exchanged "niceties" during the phone calls. They also focused on Archer's testimony that embattled Ukrainian gas company Burisma wanted Hunter on its board for his family's "brand."
The intrigue: Archer testified that he knew nothing about the alleged $5 million bribes paid to the Biden family from a Burisma executive, as was claimed in an unverified FBI document touted and released by Republicans, according to one source familiar.

Rep Dan Goldman: "This is a fishing expedition". Now, if you are going to doubt his claim, understand that he is a former prosecutor, knows something about 'evidence' and knows that Archer's testimony, taken under oath, was transcribed and now in the Congressional Record, so he's not going to lie about what Archer said. Anyway, the transcripts will be available soon.

How many threads are you going to have on this bullshit?

Hunter sold access. People paid FOR YEARS!

If they weren't getting anything, they wouldn't PAY, idiot.
Simple answer.
Shokin was probably the least corrupt

Simple answer is that Shokin was in fact corrupt. Everyone knows it, no one denied it. And THIS is who's say-so you uncritically present as fact.

There is little reason to expect Shokin to publicly admit his corruption. No reason he would say that he corruptly sat on Burisma case for two years without any movement. Every reason to think he would try to shit on a guy who got his corrupt ass finally fired.

His words, with zero evidence behind them are worth fuck all.
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How many threads are you going to have on this bullshit?

Hunter sold access. People paid FOR YEARS!

If they weren't getting anything, they wouldn't PAY, idiot.

Is it illegal to sell access?

Politicians sell access all the time. You can have quality time with just about anyone if you donate enough.

What law are they breaking?
Do you realize that is Archer admitted anything, that then he would also be sentenced for it?
Obviously Archer knew he was making millions illegally, off the Biden gang.
Archer claiming there was nothing illegal makes him and the Bidens even more guilty, since now they are lying to cover it up.
Can you think of any legal reason why hundreds of millions from the billions we gave the Ukraine, went to Burisma Holdings?

So lack of evidence and saying you did nothing illegal = guilty. And a preponderance of evidence and someone so stupid that they flap their gums and truth on a social media site admitting guilt = witch hunt and not guilty.

The clutered, twisted thinking of MAGAGATARDS!
Influence peddling, dumbfuck. Plus legit evidence of outright bribery.

Dumber fuck.




Three different words, three different meanings.

If those three, selling access in itself IS LEGAL.

Hunter liked to show his dad around. His associates got to say hello and small talk to VP. That is, of course, legal.

Aren't you tired of getting your ass handed to you by "dumbfucks"?
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Devon Archer, long time Hunter Biden associate, testified. He described that Hunter sold the 'illusion of access', but, in fact, no access was ever given. That's it, and, as Rep Dan Goldman states, (see video, below) there is no proof that Joe Biden was involved with Hunter Biden's deals.


Did Hunter Biden leverage the Biden name for personal gain? Yes, but that isn't uncommon for siblings of famous people, and Hunter admitted it and is not illegal.

Did Hunter commit a FARA violation? Perhaps, but that doesn't prove any wrongdoing on Joe Biden.

Did Hunter Biden lie on a gun background check application? Yes, but that doesn't prove any wrongdoing on Joe Biden.

In fact, there is no proof of Joe Biden corruption, nor even for Hunter, for that matter. A few process violations, and that is it. Have fun prosecuting the son of a US President, who, on a rebound from the death of his brother,. made some bad choices. I doubt that a jury would convict. You see,. folks, this is why US Attorney David Weiss, after five years of investigating Hunter Biden, hasn't brought charges, he doesn't think he can win in court. That doesn't have anything to do with 'sweetheart' treatment, it's called 'prosecutorial discretion.

And, for that matter, name one private citizen who never held office who was assigned a special prosecutor for a 5 year investigation whose name wasn't Hunter Biden?

That doesn't sound like the 'sweetheart' treatment, to me.

Hunter Biden associate describes "illusion of access"

A former Hunter Biden associate told Congress that Hunter sold "the illusion of access" by putting his father on speaker phone with business partners, but that then-Vice President Biden never talked shop, according to Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) and a source familiar with the testimony.

Why it matters: Top Republicans called for an impeachment inquiry into President Biden ahead of Devon Archer's closed-door testimony Monday — and suggested that he boosted their case — while Democrats said there was no smoking gun tying Biden to his son's business entanglements.

Zoom in: Archer, who was convicted of fraud in 2018, testified that Hunter put his father on the phone with friends and business associates roughly 20 times over 10 years.

  • But Archer "repeated over and over and over again that President Biden never discussed any business dealings or interests with Hunter or anyone else," Goldman told reporters after the hours-long transcribed interview.
  • Republicans cast doubt on the claim that Biden simply exchanged "niceties" during the phone calls. They also focused on Archer's testimony that embattled Ukrainian gas company Burisma wanted Hunter on its board for his family's "brand."
The intrigue: Archer testified that he knew nothing about the alleged $5 million bribes paid to the Biden family from a Burisma executive, as was claimed in an unverified FBI document touted and released by Republicans, according to one source familiar.

Rep Dan Goldman: "This is a fishing expedition". Now, if you are going to doubt his claim, understand that he is a former prosecutor, knows something about 'evidence' and knows that Archer's testimony, taken under oath, was transcribed and now in the Congressional Record, so he's not going to lie about what Archer said. Anyway, the transcripts will be available soon.

Non of that matters.... What matters is what it looks like.
Most people make judgement on appearances.
That's the point of the whole process.



Three different words, three different meanings.

If those three, selling access in itself IS LEGAL.

Aren't you tired of getting your ass handed to you by "dumbfucks"?

ALL committed by the xiden crime family.
You first, asshat. You have been screaming about Trump FOR YEARS, and come up with NOTHING.
Nothing but lies from YOUR side!

So go piss up a rope, douchebag.

2 impeachments, 4 indictments, 70+ counts.

Westwall says....NOTHING!

Dummy, with nothing like that who needs something?

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