Humanitarian aid or military...


Retired USN Nurse(Vietnam
Dec 31, 2009
Humanitarian aid or military occupation? |

:doubt: There they go!!! trying to put thoughts into our heads, and the negative thoughts at that.When another country is in need and there is no hope in sight.Their homes are gone their lives are in shambles, Why then,do people think!!!YEAH!!! RIGHT!!! Occupy this country with our troops. Are troops were asked to aid in the search and rescue of these poor people in Haiti and to help keep things running in the right direction. Not try and take over and control, like they did in Iraq and Somalia and Afghanistan. They were asked to help like everyone there who has volunteered, not to kill or destroy. This aid to this country is being blown way out of truth and made into something it is not. In my opinion " Bad thoughts bring actions.!!! I don't know if anyone else agrees with me or not, but this is what i believe and think. Get your minds off of the M-16 and get it on the right track.
:cuckoo: People always have their Fangs hanging out, ready for Blood!!! What happened to just plain humanitarian help.? SHEESH!!! A bunch of greedy blood thirsty political bastards. All they have on their minds is KILL, !!!KILL!!! CONTROL!!!!.The era of Nazism, and racist terrorism. God!!! Help us!!!!.:(
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Maybe they are there to protect people from the criminals who escaped from prisons and are runnning rampant? Maybe the Haitian government asked them to be there? Maybe the Haitian people are grateful to see them there? Maybe all the ones with the Hugo Chavez mentality in this world ARE just plain nuts? Geez, what a concept.

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