HuffPost Reporter Reports on a Reporter Calling Another Reporter Names

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018

Conservative Columnist Goes To Town On 'Most Dangerous Threat' Tucker Carlson

That "conservative" columnist is none other than prickly neocon warmonger Max Boot. Here's Max's careful dissection of Tucker's arguments:

Conservative columnist Max Boot warned in his latest op-ed for The Washington Post why Fox News personality Tucker Carlson may now pose “the most dangerous threat” to American democracy.
Carlson “seems to be on a mission to make America’s worst problems even worse,” declared Boot.
To Lee Moran, the HuffPost writer, any sentence that uses the word "seems" isn't a declaration.
Boot recalled some of Carlson’s more egregious takes in recent weeks — from his repeated casting of doubt on coronavirus vaccines to his peddling of falsehoods about the police killing of George Floyd.
This is the "point-and-sputter" argument. If you click on the links, you get more HuffPost non-reporting which are just more point-and-sputter non-arguments from Twitter twats.
“That Carlson is spreading dingbat, dishonest conspiracy theories from such a powerful perch is certain to have deleterious, even deadly, consequences for the country,” cautioned Boot.
Deadly! Whoa! That sounds like an emergency! Obviously, to save lives, we should just remove Tucker Carlson from the airwaves! Never mind Max Boot hasn't made any actual argument. He's just called names and point-and-sputtered. And Lee Moran is reporting it as, um, news, I guess?
Boot noted how Carlson, whose prime-time show is watched by millions, just this week attempted to “paint Fox News as a lonely, embattled champion of free speech.”
“No one is trying to punish Fox News for expressing ‘slightly different’ views. I am a staunch believer in free speech,” said Boot.
who just got done claiming that people will certainly die if Tucker Carlson is allowed to spread his insane lies on the air. But I'm a believer in free speech, y'all. A staunch believer. And Lee Moran fucking reports this.
“But that is not what Carlson represents. He is peddling lunatic conspiracy theories that endanger people’s lives and shred our social fabric,” the pundit concluded. “The executives at Fox News — and at the cable systems that carry it — should be ashamed of themselves for beaming this dangerous claptrap into millions of homes.”
See, it's only free speech if Max Boot agrees with it. I'll tell you what's "dangerous claptrap", it's the contemptible Max Boot and his calls for censorship. Every genocidal totalitarian regime shuts down people's speech, always labeling the views of their victims as "dangerous". Hey Max, you and your Bolshevik buddies represent the single greatest slaughter of innocents ever in the history of the planet--66 million Russian Christians. I'd say that qualifies you as fucking dangerous. My God he is as morally despicable as he is physically repugnant. And Lee Moran is the one who should feel ashamed to have given this budding little Bolshevik tyrant the dignity of repeating his bile. What the fuck is wrong with you, Lee? Are you really that blind and clueless?

Check out Max and Tucker going head-to-head on Tucker's show during the 2016 campaign at the bottom of this article.



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