How to win the war on drugs.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And illegal immigration as a bonus.

We have been waging a war on drugs for the past 50 years and given billions to Mexico to fight drug cartels and the problem has escalated. Murders or the border in Mexico, crime and lives lost here due to drugs dealing and using. We cannot quarantine all drug addicts in rehab and put all drug dealers in jail. But we can close the border and stop the flow of drugs into here and stop the flow of drug money going out to further finance drug cartels. If they cannot get their drug across the border they cannot get any money crossing back in and their business will go broke and they will take their business and crime elsewhere.

Put the military on the border and we solve the drug problem and at the same time stop illegal immigration. Solve the problem of 20 million illegal aliens in this country by closing businesses that hire illegal aliens. If they cannot work they will leave and they will not come.

We solve most of our economic problem by just by closing the border. We can close the border temporary declaring a state of emergency because of drugs and illegal immigration.

But this has about a chance as a snowball in hell of even being considered because our leaders are afraid of offending Mexico and offending and losing Hispanics votes and Mexico. Until we find those people who are not afraid to put America first, we continue as usually. Drugs and illegal aliens will continue as usual. We cannot sustain the status quo and survive as the greatest nation in the world.
Originally posted by LilOlLady
But this has about a chance as a snowball in hell of even being considered because our leaders are afraid of offending Mexico.

No truer words were ever spoken...

The United States is so afraid of offending Mexico that they even declared war on Mexico, invaded the country, kept Mexico City under military occupation for more than 1 year and forced the country to sign half of its territory away under the threat of total anexation.

No right thinking american citizen would ever doubt the fact that America really has a pathological fear of offending Mexico...
José;3817715 said:
No right thinking american citizen would ever doubt the fact that America really has a pathological fear of offending Mexico...

Jose, Mexico continues to exist solely because the United States allows her to. Given my druthers we'd carpet nuke the entire worthless stretch of land back into the age of the Dinosaurs.
José;3817715 said:
No right thinking american citizen would ever doubt the fact that America really has a pathological fear of offending Mexico...

Jose, Mexico continues to exist solely because the United States allows her to. Given my druthers we'd carpet nuke the entire worthless stretch of land back into the age of the Dinosaurs.

somebody should Nuke your useless ass all the way back to the Stone Age....
Originally posted by Angelhair
Get over it Jose - Mexico lost....... the USA won - thank you God!!!

Mexico GOT OVER IT, Angelhair.

I have said numerous times the moment Mexico lost the will the fight for the territories Cali, Texas, etc... went bye, bye. From that moment on they rightfully belonged to the USA.

This is how every single landgrab in the history of our species "works", Angelhair:

As long as the natives have the will to fight the invaders the disputed land is up for grabs. The moment they lose the will to fight or are defeated or anihilated the land belongs to the conqueror.

Mexico threw in the towel and immediately lost any right to the land, it's as simple as that.

I have told you this many, many times but you keep "forgetting" it because you want to portray me as Mexico's advocate.
Originally posted by Anachronism
Jose, Mexico continues to exist solely because the United States allows her to. Given my druthers we'd carpet nuke the entire worthless stretch of land back into the age of the Dinosaurs.

You already made abundantly clear to the whole Board your wet dream of turning the USA into a genocidal, ultra-totalitarian stalinist state that imposes draconian laws on the american people and treat foreign populations as subhumans, as human cockroaches to be exterminated whenever they pose the slightest threat to America (either real or imaginary).

Believe me, buddy, your posts leave absolutely nothing to the imagination : )
José;3818041 said:
You already made abundantly clear to the whole Board your wet dream of turning the USA into a genocidal, ultra-totalitarian stalinist state that imposes draconian laws on the american people and treat foreign populations as subhumans, as human cockroaches to be exterminated whenever they pose the slightest threat to America (either real or imaginary).

Believe me, buddy, your posts leave absolutely nothing to the imagination : )

GOOD. I wouldn't want any of you having any means to complain when we eventually drag you out of your homes for processing.
José;3818041 said:
You already made abundantly clear to the whole Board your wet dream of turning the USA into a genocidal, ultra-totalitarian stalinist state that imposes draconian laws on the american people and treat foreign populations as subhumans, as human cockroaches to be exterminated whenever they pose the slightest threat to America (either real or imaginary).

Believe me, buddy, your posts leave absolutely nothing to the imagination : )

GOOD. I wouldn't want any of you having any means to complain when we eventually drag you out of your homes for processing.

WE?.....a little pussy like you dragging someone out?......or will you be standing back while someone else does the dragging?.......
José;3817715 said:
Originally posted by LilOlLady
But this has about a chance as a snowball in hell of even being considered because our leaders are afraid of offending Mexico.

No truer words were ever spoken...

The United States is so afraid of offending Mexico that they even declared war on Mexico, invaded the country, kept Mexico City under military occupation for more than 1 year and forced the country to sign half of its territory away under the threat of total anexation.

No right thinking american citizen would ever doubt the fact that America really has a pathological fear of offending Mexico...

We don't have leaders like President Polk any more.

Mexican-American War
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The major consequence of the war was the forced Mexican Cession of the territories of Alta California and New Mexico to the U.S. in exchange for $18 million. In addition, the United States forgave debt owed by the Mexican government to U.S. citizens. Mexico accepted the Rio Grande as its national border, and the loss of Texas.

Mexican-American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sound like an amiable setlement to me.
I take it that none of your ancestors were part of that war?
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thank you for your authoritarian/draconian ideal. Suppose you want martial law also?

If our president did not wear a dress he would declare a state of emergency and put the military on the border and at raid every business in this country.
Or maybe we need someone who legally wear a dress to get the job done.
Originally posted by LilOlLady
I take it that none of your ancestors were part of that war?

Nope, but another José (from California) put up a heroic defence of Alta against the invading US army:


José Antonio Ezequiel Carrillo (1796–1862)

Battle of Dominguez Rancho, 9 October 1846. José Antonio Carrillo, near Los Angeles, leads Californio forces against 350 marines and sailors who retreated.


Leo Carrillo unveils portrait of his great-great grandfather José Antonio Carrillo, 1955​

Californio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Originally posted by LilOlLady
The major consequence of the war was the forced Mexican Cession of the territories of Alta California and New Mexico to the U.S. in exchange for $18 million. In addition, the United States forgave debt owed by the Mexican government to U.S. citizens. Mexico accepted the Rio Grande as its national border, and the loss of Texas.

Mexican-American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sound like an amiable setlement to me.

As amiable as a beatdown followed by an ass rape. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Y'all real good at declaring wars, butt, hard to imagine taking your advice on how to win a war.

Lets see, you declared a war on Vietnam, lost.

Declared a war on poverty, lost.

And your War on drugs, lost.

Admit it, prohibition doesnt work.

One just has to look at the percentage of blacks in jail vs white to know your war on drugs dint target drugs, did it?

Now the gangs rule the street and the cops have become union thugs loyal not to Duty butt to Democrat.

Just let me know where to send the thank you note.

José;3818010 said:
Originally posted by Angelhair
Get over it Jose - Mexico lost....... the USA won - thank you God!!!

Mexico GOT OVER IT, Angelhair.

I have said numerous times the moment Mexico lost the will the fight for the territories Cali, Texas, etc... went bye, bye. From that moment on they rightfully belonged to the USA.

This is how every single landgrab in the history of our species "works", Angelhair:

As long as the natives have the will to fight the invaders the disputed land is up for grabs. The moment they lose the will to fight or are defeated or anihilated the land belongs to the conqueror.

Mexico threw in the towel and immediately lost any right to the land, it's as simple as that.

I have told you this many, many times but you keep "forgetting" it because you want to portray me as Mexico's advocate.

It seems Mexico got over it; but YOU and many haven't. And it did not have anything to do with will - but inability. In all the years prior to this 'landgrab' that the USA paid 16,000,000 dollars for and that they readily accepted, what did Mexico do as far as progress??? They had no idea what to do with the land that they saw as vast desert so the 16,000,000 was enough for them to 'throw in the towel'. BTW, you really ARE Mexico's advocate. Read your comments. There is nothing unbias about them. As for example: invaders, landgrab, annihilated, conqueror, and all pertaining to the USA. Mexico in your eyes, seems to do no wrong. It' all the fault of the 'evil' USA.
Y'all real good at declaring wars, butt, hard to imagine taking your advice on how to win a war.

You're right. That's mostly because the American People do not have the stomach for actually FIGHTING a war anymore. The do not have the guts to look at images like Dresden, Germany; Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan; and the trenches of WWI's Western Front where men literally kicked, punched, and bit each other to death in the trenches. The American citizenry does not have the stomach to see that anymore. They put on their satin panties every morning and sing Kum Bi Ya each evening. It sickens and disgusts me what this nation has become in the last half century.

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