How to stop Nord Stream 2?Hack German Parliament, blame Putin, impose sanctions, sell the US's LNG


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Never underestimate Deep State and its nastiness.

NSA speied on Top German Politicians for decades, collected billions of high brisance materials.

WikiLeaks says NSA spied on top German politicians 'for decades'

Documents released by WikiLeaks appear to show the US spied on close aides of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other officials for years. The leaks show Merkel's private and professional opinions on a range of issues.
WikiLeaks says NSA spied on top German politicians 'for decades' | DW | 08.07.2015

Today NSA releases collected material free for everybody, German presstitutes and carrier politicians begin to blame Putin.

„Sollte Wladimir Putin für Hackerangriff verantwortlich geredet werden, …“

Who will investigate?

Sure, Deep State personally.

Berlin Asks Top US Spy Agency to Help Investigate Mass Governmental Hack

Berlin Asks Top US Spy Agency to Help Investigate Mass Governmental Hack

Results of 'investigations'

Putin is to blame.
Nord Stream II shall be stopped
Germany ( and Europe ) purchases the US's LNG

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