How to Indict a ham


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
sandwich or just a Former Potus who likes to ham it up.
As in ... Easy Peasy ... Lemon Squeeze. As Fox personality
John Roberts is cautioning Fox listerners as to what's coming down.
The actual Indictment of Donald Trump.For what.
For a Misdomeanor at best.A Campaign Finance violation.If that.
For what ... How about a Non-disclosure Agreement { NDA } gone
rogue.Or made to look that way.
Who and where is going to Indict a Former Potus.
How about Manhattan Districts DA { Alvin Bragg } heavily funded c/o George Soros.
Who apparently delights in reducing Felonies to Misdomeanors and vice versa
Taking Misdomeanors and making them in Felonies.Real American, right
Roberts preparing his Fox audience for theatrics like Trump
going into Court handcuffed.Don't scoff ... It wasn't long ago when
a Trump WH ADviser { Peter Navarro } was put in legs irons and handcuffed
while being arrested at a Nashville airport.

sandwich or just a Former Potus who likes to ham it up.
As in ... Easy Peasy ... Lemon Squeeze. As Fox personality
John Roberts is cautioning Fox listerners as to what's coming down.
The actual Indictment of Donald Trump.For what.
For a Misdomeanor at best.A Campaign Finance violation.If that.
For what ... How about a Non-disclosure Agreement { NDA } gone
rogue.Or made to look that way.
Who and where is going to Indict a Former Potus.
How about Manhattan Districts DA { Alvin Bragg } heavily funded c/o George Soros.
Who apparently delights in reducing Felonies to Misdomeanors and vice versa
Taking Misdomeanors and making them in Felonies.Real American, right
Roberts preparing his Fox audience for theatrics like Trump
going into Court handcuffed.Don't scoff ... It wasn't long ago when
a Trump WH ADviser { Peter Navarro } was put in legs irons and handcuffed
while being arrested at a Nashville airport.

Notice the pattern. Biden is in big they announce that they might be trying to indict Trump on a Friday.

This is going to blow up in their fat faces in a Yuge way.

Notice the pattern. Biden is in big they announce that they might be trying to indict Trump on a Friday.

This is going to blow up in their fat faces in a Yuge way.

It's what saner americans have come to understand.The definition
of what Democrats DO. They Lie,Mismanage and trash talk while
playing the blame game.Never fix nuthin'.Make matters far worse.
These unhinged freak moonbats are going to push the few sane democrats remaining to sympathize with God Emperor.
I don't think so. This is why they do the shit they do.
Democrat voters only need one silly excuse to throw away their principles and vote for some butt-reaming shit-for-brians.
Claiming to be ready to indict Trump is a good excuse for some of them.
Abortion is another excuse, even when most of the scumbags that support it are either cross-dressing pink-haired weirdos or old 60s hippies who's uterus has dried up decades ago.
They'll hold their noses and vote for the shitstorm because none of them can imagine what it will mean for them down the road.

I don't think so. This is why they do the shit they do.
Democrat voters only need one silly excuse to throw away their principles and vote for some butt-reaming shit-for-brians.
Claiming to be ready to indict Trump is a good excuse for some of them.
Abortion is another excuse, even when most of the scumbags that support it are either cross-dressing pink-haired weirdos or old 60s hippies who's uterus has dried up decades ago.
They'll hold their noses and vote for the shitstorm because none of them can imagine what it will mean for them down the road.

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I did stipulate "the few sane" in that statement.
And when did that happen?

Remember, normal people aren't familiar with your latest cult propaganda. You have to explain what your fascist masters trickled down into your greedy eager throats today.
The House has been allowed to look thru the Biden Family banking accounts and found tons of evidence of payments from China to as much as 6 Biden family members. Millions of dollars being transferred illegally to the Bidens. The only question is what did they get in return for these payments.
Notice the pattern. Biden is in big they announce that they might be trying to indict Trump on a Friday. This is going to blow up in their fat faces in a Yuge way.

Pretty funny really.
  • Hunter is forced to admit his laptop full of embarrassing criminal family secrets is real after all, so tries to sue the store where he abandoned it at!
  • Joe Biden is caught with millions in bank deposits gifted him from China, so the DOJ announces they might try to indict Trump on a petty misdemeanor so small that he would be the first ever indicted for it!
  • The DOJ and FBI just spent the last two years pressuring media not to carry unfavorable stories about Joe while censoring social media to protect Joe's image, so now they want to prosecute Trump for giving some ambulance-chasing bitch a settlement just to shut her up and make her go away! :71:
Pretty funny really.
  • Hunter is forced to admit his laptop full of embarrassing criminal family secrets is real after all, so tries to sue the store where he abandoned it at!
  • Joe Biden is caught with millions in bank deposits gifted him from China, so the DOJ announces they might try to indict Trump on a petty misdemeanor so small that he would be the first ever indicted for it!
  • The DOJ and FBI just spent the last two years pressuring media not to carry unfavorable stories about Joe while censoring social media to protect Joe's image, so now they want to prosecute Trump for giving some ambulance-chasing bitch a settlement just to shut her up and make her go away! :71:
The DOJ isn't doing this by themselves. The NY DA is responsible for the case. The DOJ is just hoping that it changes the headlines long enough for everyone to forget about what Biden has been doing for years. They used that Chinese spy balloon to get everyone off of the document scandal....and now this indictment is designed to distract everyone from the criminal acts of the Bidens.
The DOJ isn't doing this by themselves. The NY DA is responsible for the case. The DOJ is just hoping that it changes the headlines long enough for everyone to forget about what Biden has been doing for years. They used that Chinese spy balloon to get everyone off of the document scandal....and now this indictment is designed to distract everyone from the criminal acts of the Bidens.

In other words, they are still doing again an effort to influence, alter and change an election by tampering with it trying to charge Trump with election interference as they tried in his first impeachment looking into the Bidens, as they themselves repeatedly do so themselves while looking the other way on the Biden's repeated efforts to do so!
The House has been allowed to look thru the Biden Family banking accounts and found tons of evidence of payments from China to as much as 6 Biden family members.
That was last week's idiot propaganda.

Is that really the most current nonsense you have? Shame on you for not using the most recent cult talking points.
That was last week's idiot propaganda.

Is that really the most current nonsense you have? Shame on you for not using the most recent cult talking points.
I guess giving aid and comfort to the enemy for cash isn't a big deal for you.
If Trump had been caught red-handed doing the same they would have drug him out of the White House with his feet tied together and drug him to the Capital behind a tank.
I guess giving aid and comfort to the enemy for cash isn't a big deal for you.
The funny part is how you're just repeating Russian propaganda now. And you don't care, since Russian and Republican talking points are identical. You serve the enemy, and you're so proud to do so.

Now, run along. Putin wants another coat of saliva applied, so your skills are needed.
The funny part is how you're just repeating Russian propaganda now. And you don't care, since Russian and Republican talking points are identical. You serve the enemy, and you're so proud to do so.

Now, run along. Putin wants another coat of saliva applied, so your skills are needed.
Yeah.....everything is Russian propaganda...that must mean that Russia is running the US Capital and both branches of congress.
The House is a c*nt hair from referring this to federal prosecutors.
If Trump had been caught red-handed doing the same they would have drug him out of the White House with his feet tied together and drug him to the Capital behind a tank.

Perhaps worse is the fact that while many in the GOP might have helped with that, or at least not minded, these same people are the ones who have done NOTHING about Biden and the democrats and have allowed them to get away with so much.
Perhaps worse is the fact that while many in the GOP might have helped with that, or at least not minded, these same people are the ones who have done NOTHING about Biden and the democrats and have allowed them to get away with so much.
Maybe because it takes Congress and their majorities
to implement change.As example look what a simple majority
in Congress { Our Senate } has managed with the V.P. { Harris }
as the tiebreaker { like around 2 dozen times } managed to
get passed.Blocking { negating } what a Republican minority in
Congress by one member has warranted.
sandwich or just a Former Potus who likes to ham it up.
As in ... Easy Peasy ... Lemon Squeeze. As Fox personality
John Roberts is cautioning Fox listerners as to what's coming down.
The actual Indictment of Donald Trump.For what.
For a Misdomeanor at best.A Campaign Finance violation.If that.
For what ... How about a Non-disclosure Agreement { NDA } gone
rogue.Or made to look that way.
Who and where is going to Indict a Former Potus.
How about Manhattan Districts DA { Alvin Bragg } heavily funded c/o George Soros.
Who apparently delights in reducing Felonies to Misdomeanors and vice versa
Taking Misdomeanors and making them in Felonies.Real American, right
Roberts preparing his Fox audience for theatrics like Trump
going into Court handcuffed.Don't scoff ... It wasn't long ago when
a Trump WH ADviser { Peter Navarro } was put in legs irons and handcuffed
while being arrested at a Nashville airport.

So...why didn't the trump DOJ indict H. Clinton?
So...why didn't the trump DOJ indict H. Clinton?
Because quite simply ... Republicans are not literally
LIVID Political Ballbusters.Start paying attention.
I mean,this has been going on for decades.
Forget Nixon. What about Newt Gingrich.Or Tom DeLay.
Or even Trent Lott.Many others.Like The longest serving
Republican Speaker of the House { Dennis Hastert }.
Democrats Live to be Ballbusters.That is their M.O..
Definable Modus Operadi run amuck.
It's documented and sure-fire.Like hungry Pigs at
a trough.

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