How The Governor Of Texas Just Guaranteed His Re-Election


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A new order by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott that allows state troopers to stop and turnaround vehicles carrying migrants on the basis that they could increase the spread of COVID-19 drew swift backlash and a threat of a lawsuit from the Justice Department on Thursday. In releasing the directive Wednesday, Abbott said “we must do more to protect Texans from this virus and reduce the burden on our communities.” The order allows the Texas Department of Public Safety to “stop any vehicle upon reasonable suspicion” that it was providing ground transportation to a group of migrants. Troopers could then reroute vehicles back to its point of origin or impound it.

The directive is not the first time during the pandemic that Abbott has put focus on migrants and the virus’ spread at a time of heightened worry over COVID-19. He raised similar worries over migrants in March — without providing any evidence that they were causing increased COVID-19 caseloads."

Congratulations Gov. Abbott, you just won re-election...This is a brilliant move and it's just what he needed...he is facing a stiff primary challenge from brave patriot Allen West who proposed that the same action be taken; so it was a smart for Abbott to actually do it and take credit for it. Fact of the matter is; the two most dangerous things facing Texas, if not the entire country; are the fake deadly vaccines and illegal alien flavored viruses -- and fearmongering foreigners using disease panic is an American tradition. Although COVID is not really much worse than a cold, the COVID that illegals have is far more dangerous to real Americans -- so this order will be the best way to protect Texas.

Here is how this can work....we have troopers mainly in towns in South Texas (but should be statewide), pull over cars with a bunch of wetbacks in them...because let's be honest...the only people who will be getting pulled over and searched will be them anyway; it won't affect real Americans like you and me....and if some of those wetbacks happen to be so-called legal citizens; then they have noting to worry about, what's the problem? Is it racial profiling, what?? The truth is, being forced to wear masks to go in our local Walmart is far more an oppressive act than being detained by law enforcement for looking like an illegal wetback -- stop looking like one and you won't have a problem.
It's terribly disingenuous to act like migrants carry a dangerous disease while otherwise almost totally ignoring covid spread elsewhere.
Well Biff the fact is no matter what the Governor does he will be slammed, so I just wonder what would you do?

Now remember Biff I understand you are writing in a way to get the biggest reaction possible but in your own words that are not a wannabe Trumpster tell me what would you do?
It's too bad we have so many two faced politicians that are unable to pull off things like this.

I've noted many times (with the corresponding links) that state officials are not Constitutionally allowed to enforce immigration. With the federal governments actions concerning Covid this might have been something he could have pulled off if not for his previous positions. He was among the first to lift restrictions and has taken the stand that it's up to each individual to do what they feel is best for them.

Here the Federal government will be able to point out he is singling out Hispanic looking people which would be the same thing that got Sheriff Arpaio arrested and convicted. As to the OP's point it probably will play well to the base but will in the end do nothing.

Yes, you can point to the Federal government being two faced here also. For some odd reason we support that.
Well Biff the fact is no matter what the Governor does he will be slammed, so I just wonder what would you do?

Now remember Biff I understand you are writing in a way to get the biggest reaction possible but in your own words that are not a wannabe Trumpster tell me what would you do?
Not scapegoat brown people in order to appease the racist inclinations of my base voters

"A new order by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott that allows state troopers to stop and turnaround vehicles carrying migrants on the basis that they could increase the spread of COVID-19 drew swift backlash and a threat of a lawsuit from the Justice Department on Thursday. In releasing the directive Wednesday, Abbott said “we must do more to protect Texans from this virus and reduce the burden on our communities.” The order allows the Texas Department of Public Safety to “stop any vehicle upon reasonable suspicion” that it was providing ground transportation to a group of migrants. Troopers could then reroute vehicles back to its point of origin or impound it.

The directive is not the first time during the pandemic that Abbott has put focus on migrants and the virus’ spread at a time of heightened worry over COVID-19. He raised similar worries over migrants in March — without providing any evidence that they were causing increased COVID-19 caseloads."

Congratulations Gov. Abbott, you just won re-election...This is a brilliant move and it's just what he needed...he is facing a stiff primary challenge from brave patriot Allen West who proposed that the same action be taken; so it was a smart for Abbott to actually do it and take credit for it. Fact of the matter is; the two most dangerous things facing Texas, if not the entire country; are the fake deadly vaccines and illegal alien flavored viruses -- and fearmongering foreigners using disease panic is an American tradition. Although COVID is not really much worse than a cold, the COVID that illegals have is far more dangerous to real Americans -- so this order will be the best way to protect Texas.

Here is how this can work....we have troopers mainly in towns in South Texas (but should be statewide), pull over cars with a bunch of wetbacks in them...because let's be honest...the only people who will be getting pulled over and searched will be them anyway; it won't affect real Americans like you and me....and if some of those wetbacks happen to be so-called legal citizens; then they have noting to worry about, what's the problem? Is it racial profiling, what?? The truth is, being forced to wear masks to go in our local Walmart is far more an oppressive act than being detained by law enforcement for looking like an illegal wetback -- stop looking like one and you won't have a problem.
The treasonous fascist Abbott is trying to incite State vs Federal conflict to incite his treasonous white-right base. I think it's about time for more Federal troops in the South as was necessary to force the miscreant white-right Southern rats to desegregate.

Texas needs a good stomping down. They need to learn their "place", eh?
It's too bad we have so many two faced politicians that are unable to pull off things like this.

I've noted many times (with the corresponding links) that state officials are not Constitutionally allowed to enforce immigration. With the federal governments actions concerning Covid this might have been something he could have pulled off if not for his previous positions. He was among the first to lift restrictions and has taken the stand that it's up to each individual to do what they feel is best for them.

Here the Federal government will be able to point out he is singling out Hispanic looking people which would be the same thing that got Sheriff Arpaio arrested and convicted. As to the OP's point it probably will play well to the base but will in the end do nothing.

Yes, you can point to the Federal government being two faced here also. For some odd reason we support that.
Decent folks support the Constitution, and recognize what happened at Appomattox. Texas is a STATE not a country. A backwards screwed-up very problematic state (always has been) seething with white-right racism and dysfunction, but there is no way in hell there will ever be a Texas Republic. It would be a human rights disaster. The State of Texas is bad enough. No thank you.
Decent folks support the Constitution, and recognize what happened at Appomattox. Texas is a STATE not a country. A backwards screwed-up very problematic state (always has been) seething with white-right racism and dysfunction, but there is no way in hell there will ever be a Texas Republic. It would be a human rights disaster. The State of Texas is bad enough. No thank you.
Lots of good people in Texas........

"A new order by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott that allows state troopers to stop and turnaround vehicles carrying migrants on the basis that they could increase the spread of COVID-19 drew swift backlash and a threat of a lawsuit from the Justice Department on Thursday. In releasing the directive Wednesday, Abbott said “we must do more to protect Texans from this virus and reduce the burden on our communities.” The order allows the Texas Department of Public Safety to “stop any vehicle upon reasonable suspicion” that it was providing ground transportation to a group of migrants. Troopers could then reroute vehicles back to its point of origin or impound it.

The directive is not the first time during the pandemic that Abbott has put focus on migrants and the virus’ spread at a time of heightened worry over COVID-19. He raised similar worries over migrants in March — without providing any evidence that they were causing increased COVID-19 caseloads."

Congratulations Gov. Abbott, you just won re-election...This is a brilliant move and it's just what he needed...he is facing a stiff primary challenge from brave patriot Allen West who proposed that the same action be taken; so it was a smart for Abbott to actually do it and take credit for it. Fact of the matter is; the two most dangerous things facing Texas, if not the entire country; are the fake deadly vaccines and illegal alien flavored viruses -- and fearmongering foreigners using disease panic is an American tradition. Although COVID is not really much worse than a cold, the COVID that illegals have is far more dangerous to real Americans -- so this order will be the best way to protect Texas.

Here is how this can work....we have troopers mainly in towns in South Texas (but should be statewide), pull over cars with a bunch of wetbacks in them...because let's be honest...the only people who will be getting pulled over and searched will be them anyway; it won't affect real Americans like you and me....and if some of those wetbacks happen to be so-called legal citizens; then they have noting to worry about, what's the problem? Is it racial profiling, what?? The truth is, being forced to wear masks to go in our local Walmart is far more an oppressive act than being detained by law enforcement for looking like an illegal wetback -- stop looking like one and you won't have a problem.
Calling people "wetbacks" in my presence is a good way to become injured, racist lowlife subhuman scum.

"And if the wetback happens to be legal..." You moron, the term only refers to illegal immigrants, who are "wet" because of having to swim the river. You can't even get your racist slurs right, halfwitted, ill-raised, son-of-racist-scum traitor. STFU boy.

"A new order by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott that allows state troopers to stop and turnaround vehicles carrying migrants on the basis that they could increase the spread of COVID-19 drew swift backlash and a threat of a lawsuit from the Justice Department on Thursday. In releasing the directive Wednesday, Abbott said “we must do more to protect Texans from this virus and reduce the burden on our communities.” The order allows the Texas Department of Public Safety to “stop any vehicle upon reasonable suspicion” that it was providing ground transportation to a group of migrants. Troopers could then reroute vehicles back to its point of origin or impound it.

The directive is not the first time during the pandemic that Abbott has put focus on migrants and the virus’ spread at a time of heightened worry over COVID-19. He raised similar worries over migrants in March — without providing any evidence that they were causing increased COVID-19 caseloads."

Congratulations Gov. Abbott, you just won re-election...This is a brilliant move and it's just what he needed...he is facing a stiff primary challenge from brave patriot Allen West who proposed that the same action be taken; so it was a smart for Abbott to actually do it and take credit for it. Fact of the matter is; the two most dangerous things facing Texas, if not the entire country; are the fake deadly vaccines and illegal alien flavored viruses -- and fearmongering foreigners using disease panic is an American tradition. Although COVID is not really much worse than a cold, the COVID that illegals have is far more dangerous to real Americans -- so this order will be the best way to protect Texas.

Here is how this can work....we have troopers mainly in towns in South Texas (but should be statewide), pull over cars with a bunch of wetbacks in them...because let's be honest...the only people who will be getting pulled over and searched will be them anyway; it won't affect real Americans like you and me....and if some of those wetbacks happen to be so-called legal citizens; then they have noting to worry about, what's the problem? Is it racial profiling, what?? The truth is, being forced to wear masks to go in our local Walmart is far more an oppressive act than being detained by law enforcement for looking like an illegal wetback -- stop looking like one and you won't have a problem.

Democrats see illegal immigration as a source of new votes for them.

That is all the democrats care about.

The hypocrisy regarding immigration and delta fraudulent is galactic.....
Well Biff the fact is no matter what the Governor does he will be slammed, so I just wonder what would you do?

Now remember Biff I understand you are writing in a way to get the biggest reaction possible but in your own words that are not a wannabe Trumpster tell me what would you do?
My suggestion for him to avoid being slammed is for him to quit being such a conspiracy theory believing idiot.
Someone has to do something about the illegals.. You know, since the traitorous admin gives them incentive to come.
Democrats see illegal immigration as a source of new votes for them.

That is all the democrats care about.

The hypocrisy regarding immigration and delta fraudulent is galactic.....
That was one of the lies that launched Limbaugh's carreer. It's stupid, and wrong, of course, but his audience never was very smart, anyway.

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