How Republicans Ended Reconstruction: The Hayes-Tilden Compromise


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Yep, you read the title correctly. This is not done to deny the past racism of the democratic party. It is being done to show how republicans were complicit and major actors in American racist law and policy.

In the 1876 Presidential election, Republican Rutherford Hayes lost the popular vote but won the electoral vote. Democrats challenged the results of the electoral votes in 3 states. This caused the election to be decided by congress.

Needless to say this caused a huge mess and democrats threatened to filibuster the results due to the fact that Hayes was part of the committee determining the election. In order to stop the filibuster Hayes made concessions to the democrats so he could become president. Hayes promised to remove federal troops from the south in order to become president. His removal of federal troops also removed any protection blacks had and whites began re establishing white supremaacy and ended reconstruction

Fauntroy, Michael K. (2007), Republicans and the Black vote, pp. 41-42, Lynne Rienner Publishers .
Dems have a long history of holding the nation hostage to get their way.

It would be nice if this party and stain on American history be put to rest. They are such pieces of shit, always have been, always will be.
Ended Reconstruction???

There will be TONS of reconstruction with all the buildings blacks have burned & looted in the last 4 months!

Well there was no reconstruction to begin with without the remnants of Lincoln's coaltion and especially Grant. Who viewed himself as Lincoln's tool in reconstruction and emancipation. But yeah, America's never had an appetite for unending war … up until Stalin came along.
Yep, you read the title correctly. This is not done to deny the past racism of the democratic party. It is being done to show how republicans were complicit and major actors in American racist law and policy.

In the 1876 Presidential election, Republican Rutherford Hayes lost the popular vote but won the electoral vote. Democrats challenged the results of the electoral votes in 3 states. This caused the election to be decided by congress.

Needless to say this caused a huge mess and democrats threatened to filibuster the results due to the fact that Hayes was part of the committee determining the election. In order to stop the filibuster Hayes made concessions to the democrats so he could become president. Hayes promised to remove federal troops from the south in order to become president. His removal of federal troops also removed any protection blacks had and whites began re establishing white supremaacy and ended reconstruction

Fauntroy, Michael K. (2007), Republicans and the Black vote, pp. 41-42, Lynne Rienner Publishers .

Reconstruction failed with the death of Lincoln and the overzealousness of the Radical Republicans. There intent was just but their execution was heavy handed and fated to result in a massive blowback.

Once they decided not to truly punish those who led the revolts, they locked themselves into reconciliation, and then with Lincoln dead and Johnson neutered by the impeachment they enacted hard policies that resulted in the loss of what they wanted to achieve when it became unsustainable and unpopular in the North.
Well there was no reconstruction to begin with without the remnants of Lincoln's coaltion and especially Grant. Who viewed himself as Lincoln's tool in reconstruction and emancipation. But yeah, America's never had an appetite for unending war … up until Stalin came along.

The problem was the guys who ended up running the reconstruction originally wanted far harsher terms, traitor trials, complete removal of many from any political role, that sort of thing. The issue was the ghost of Lincoln forced them to compromise with the promise of leniency, and then they went hardcore.

It was a situation that was destined to drag out until people in the North got sick of holding down the South, and that led to the compromise that allowed some of the old rulers to get back into power, and start the Jim Crow bullshit that led us to where we are now.

That, and an activist court in the Plessey Case.
Yep, you read the title correctly. This is not done to deny the past racism of the democratic party. It is being done to show how republicans were complicit and major actors in American racist law and policy.

In the 1876 Presidential election, Republican Rutherford Hayes lost the popular vote but won the electoral vote. Democrats challenged the results of the electoral votes in 3 states. This caused the election to be decided by congress.

Needless to say this caused a huge mess and democrats threatened to filibuster the results due to the fact that Hayes was part of the committee determining the election. In order to stop the filibuster Hayes made concessions to the democrats so he could become president. Hayes promised to remove federal troops from the south in order to become president. His removal of federal troops also removed any protection blacks had and whites began re establishing white supremaacy and ended reconstruction

Fauntroy, Michael K. (2007), Republicans and the Black vote, pp. 41-42, Lynne Rienner Publishers .

In other words, by 1876 Congress was under the control of the Democrats, with the exception of Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina. President Hayes' election was contested by a Democrat-held Congress, so he reached a compromise with the Democrats: In exchange for certification of his election, he acknowledged Democratic control of the entire South. This was known as the "Compromise of 1876", and it marked the end of Reconstruction period.

There was obviously no reason to have federal troops stationed in the South by 1876. The Civil War had been over for 11 years by then. And yet, the OP blames a Republican President for the racist actions of the Southern Democrats.

Go figure. How would the OP feel if Trump, a Republican President, staged federal troops in his city or town, in order to keep the peace? Especially since the OP is more than likely one of those who favors defunding his local law-enforcement agencies.
Humm, well, this issue is not as clear cut as some think it is. Reconstruction had imposed unfair, illegal penalties that had nothing to do with protecting civil rights. Many Southerners had their homes and/or belongings stolen with the connivance of Reconstruction officials. Hundreds of thousands of Southern citizens whose only crime was that they had not opposed the Confederacy were denied the right to vote, while newly freed slaves who knew nothing about the economy, government structure, the legal system, and American history were allowed to vote. Some of the Reconstruction state governments were horribly corrupt.

Some type of reconstruction was needed, but Radical Reconstruction went way too far and caused a lot of bitterness.

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