How Often Does Your Governent Lie to You?

Please Rate the Relative Truthfulness of Your Government

  • Over Time, Has the Government Becoming Less Truthful with the American People?

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Is the Government Becoming More Open and Truthful with the American People?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Level of Truthfulness from Government is About the Same.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the Above.

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
There seems to be a lot of anger from both sides of the political spectrum about the Government not being truthful with We the People.

Many liberals for years have cited the lead up to the Iraq War as an example of the Government or an Administration lying to us, and there is still a lot of anger about this.

Many Conservatives are angry about the lead up to Obamacare, and a number of falsehoods that were told to sell the legislation.

Many on both sides of the political spectrum seem to be angry about NSA spying that started under Bush, and has continued and been expanded under Obama. Neither Administration was very honest about this program with We the People.

I stated in another thread that it is difficult for We the People to effectively monitor our Government, when our Government either hides information from us, or willfully lies. This lack of truthfulness has gone on for years, and both political parties have responsibility. So I want to gauge how people on this message board feel. Is the Government more truthful than it's ever been....less truthful....or about the same?

Let your voice be heard. :)

When it comes to lying, I think there's a distinction between "the government" and professional politicians. "The government" is essentially the mechanism through which politicians implement policy.

I don't think the mechanism itself - the people who work in the various departments - lie any more than the average person. They're just pawns in the game. The exceptions obviously are those who abuse their authority. They're doing that with our money, under the guise of "working for the people". These people are essentially behaving like unelected representatives, and that's dangerous.

The politicians? They lie with impunity, they lie regularly, they lie right to our face. Their "followers" excuse the lies because the liar is on "their side", and then they whine about the liars on the "other side". The very pinnacle of hypocrisy, practiced daily.

And again, all these lies are perpetrated with our money, under the pretense that they are "public servants". What an abject insult. Yet, there are those who are more than willing to tolerate the lies -- not to mention the bloat, waste and corruption -- because they are enamored with the thought of a more centralized, authoritarian central power.


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Actually, it's very explicable.

We don't reward these guys for honesty.

The last time a politician was honest with us was 1984, when Walter Mondale told us that taxes would have to go up to support the spending binge Reagan was on.

Mondale went on to lose 49 states (barely winning his home state) and Reagan went on to raise taxes in the "Tax Reform" of 1986.

So the politiicans tell us what we want to hear, and we reward them for it, and you wonder why they continue the behavior? Really?
Our government has told me they are being truthful. I have no reason not to believe them.
Actually, it's very explicable.

We don't reward these guys for honesty.

The last time a politician was honest with us was 1984, when Walter Mondale told us that taxes would have to go up to support the spending binge Reagan was on.

Mondale went on to lose 49 states (barely winning his home state) and Reagan went on to raise taxes in the "Tax Reform" of 1986.

So the politiicans tell us what we want to hear, and we reward them for it, and you wonder why they continue the behavior? Really?

Excellent point. Bush the elder said he wouldn't raise taxes...then he was honest later on and said they needed to be raised. He got crucified for it...the same as Mondale. Maybe deep down we want our politicians to lie to us.

As long as we allow this to continue, as long as we choose to look the other way, we have no one to blame but ourselves. And since both ends of the spectrum are so willing to tolerate -- even defend -- the lies of those on their "side", I see no reason to believe this travesty will end any time soon.

The winners? The liars.

Actually, it's very explicable.

We don't reward these guys for honesty.

The last time a politician was honest with us was 1984, when Walter Mondale told us that taxes would have to go up to support the spending binge Reagan was on.

Mondale went on to lose 49 states (barely winning his home state) and Reagan went on to raise taxes in the "Tax Reform" of 1986.

So the politiicans tell us what we want to hear, and we reward them for it, and you wonder why they continue the behavior? Really?

Excellent point. Bush the elder said he wouldn't raise taxes...then he was honest later on and said they needed to be raised. He got crucified for it...the same as Mondale. Maybe deep down we want our politicians to lie to us.

I believe this is the problem. The people really do want to be lied to. We want to hear what we want to hear. For instance, nobody on either side of the aisle really WANTS higher taxes. Both sides say they don't want higher taxes, but both sides increase them when they are in power. The people want to maintain the lifestyle we lead, but don't want to acknowledge that that lifestyle costs more money. So politicians lie to us to get into office, then turn around and do the opposite of what they said they would. Our naive populous has to shoulder some of the blame.
Actually, it's very explicable.

We don't reward these guys for honesty.

The last time a politician was honest with us was 1984, when Walter Mondale told us that taxes would have to go up to support the spending binge Reagan was on.

Mondale went on to lose 49 states (barely winning his home state) and Reagan went on to raise taxes in the "Tax Reform" of 1986.

So the politiicans tell us what we want to hear, and we reward them for it, and you wonder why they continue the behavior? Really?

Excellent point. Bush the elder said he wouldn't raise taxes...then he was honest later on and said they needed to be raised. He got crucified for it...the same as Mondale. Maybe deep down we want our politicians to lie to us.

I believe this is the problem. The people really do want to be lied to. We want to hear what we want to hear. For instance, nobody on either side of the aisle really WANTS higher taxes. Both sides say they don't want higher taxes, but both sides increase them when they are in power. The people want to maintain the lifestyle we lead, but don't want to acknowledge that that lifestyle costs more money. So politicians lie to us to get into office, then turn around and do the opposite of what they said they would. Our naive populous has to shoulder some of the blame.
Is it because they fear the truth? Wish to hide from it? Eventually the truth wins out.
Actually, it's very explicable.

We don't reward these guys for honesty.

The last time a politician was honest with us was 1984, when Walter Mondale told us that taxes would have to go up to support the spending binge Reagan was on.

Mondale went on to lose 49 states (barely winning his home state) and Reagan went on to raise taxes in the "Tax Reform" of 1986.

So the politiicans tell us what we want to hear, and we reward them for it, and you wonder why they continue the behavior? Really?

Bush made the promise and yes he was punished. Try again.
Actually, it's very explicable.

We don't reward these guys for honesty.

The last time a politician was honest with us was 1984, when Walter Mondale told us that taxes would have to go up to support the spending binge Reagan was on.

Mondale went on to lose 49 states (barely winning his home state) and Reagan went on to raise taxes in the "Tax Reform" of 1986.

So the politiicans tell us what we want to hear, and we reward them for it, and you wonder why they continue the behavior? Really?

Bush made the promise and yes he was punished. Try again.

Um... who was talking about Bush?
There seems to be a lot of anger from both sides of the political spectrum about the Government not being truthful with We the People.

Many liberals for years have cited the lead up to the Iraq War as an example of the Government or an Administration lying to us, and there is still a lot of anger about this.

Many Conservatives are angry about the lead up to Obamacare, and a number of falsehoods that were told to sell the legislation.

Many on both sides of the political spectrum seem to be angry about NSA spying that started under Bush, and has continued and been expanded under Obama. Neither Administration was very honest about this program with We the People.

I stated in another thread that it is difficult for We the People to effectively monitor our Government, when our Government either hides information from us, or willfully lies. This lack of truthfulness has gone on for years, and both political parties have responsibility. So I want to gauge how people on this message board feel. Is the Government more truthful than it's ever been....less truthful....or about the same?

Let your voice be heard. :)

Is the Government more truthful than it's ever been....less truthful....or about the same?
The Government is more corrupt and less truthful.
A farmer was told to help out the community.

He decided it was a good idea and stated he would do what he can to help the community.

A bus full of politicians crashed into his field, so he felt it was time to do his part for his community.

So he buried them...........

The police came out and stated, "you buried them..........were they all dead............"

The Farmer replied........some of them said they weren't dead, but you know how politicians lie.........

I no longer have any faith in the Gov't to tell me the truth anymore..........They are bought and paid for by the highest bidder, and I trust very few anymore...............They are usually Lying Sacks.
The last time that the US Federal government was honest was when they made Hemp For Victory. Watch the film, learn the truth, and vote accordingly.

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