How much do I differ from a austrian crowd/group?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
el caballero
Do you think I have the look to get assimilated as austrian if I changed my name, my traditions etc. to austrian name, austrian traditions, or I dont have the look which it takes?

The pictures are me with austrians. All people in these photos are austrian natives except me. In the school photo, im the guy in upper row standing third from right next to the tall blonde faelid (big guy) he is one to the right of me. In the first communion im the kid with dark-black hair, sitting, you will notice me im the only kid who is as dark.

Do you think I have the look to get assimilated as austrian if I changed my name, my traditions etc. to austrian name, austrian traditions, or I dont have the look which it takes?
Austrians aren't that differnent from Germans in looks. You might have idioms or sayings in German that betray your hometown, if you speak German in a different area. It's within the "Schengen Area" --- I assume you can freely travel there. I cannot from America.
hitler was austrian and he looked nothing like german...

races dont exist...

only thing in existence as a marker that would indicate any belonging is the blue eyes...

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