How many illegals will come before even the leftists become concerned?

How Many Illegals Should the U.S. Allow?

  • No illegals should be allowed to enter the USA

  • Only those declared entitled to asylum by a judge should be let in

  • Illegal migrants are not a problem for the USA

  • Most illegals should be deported immediately and the border closed

  • Other and I will explain in my post

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Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
With Mayor Bowser asking for National Guard help to deal with the 'humanitarian crisis' due to Abbott sending a few busloads of illegals to DC, the question remains. How many illegal migrants are too many?

On the news this morning, a CBP official said more than 2 million new illegal migrants crossed the border in 2021 and so far this year they know of 1.7+ million illegal migrant encounters and an unknown number, probably thousands, who have avoided the CBP. Thousands are arriving every day. Only a handful are detained. There is no effort to keep them out. In fact the CBP is not allowed to even try.

So my question for our leftists friends here is how many are too many? How many illegals can the U.S.A. take in, provide free phones, travel cash, free education, free health care, subsidized housing, provide drivers' licenses or legal ID cards, etc. etc. etc. before the USA becomes as poor as the countries those people left?

With petty and violent crime escalating to alarming levels in all places where there are concentrations of illegals, we know at least some are truly bad actors. The CBP reports that most of the women and many of the children, some as young as 8 and 10, have been sexually molested and/or brutally raped on the journey. Thousands of children are arriving unaccompanied by a relative. Child and sex trafficking is rampant. Thousands of pounds of illegal dangerous drugs are pouring across the border every month. Dozens of migrants die due to the dangers every month.

Biden and Mayorkas say the border is secure. What say you? Is all of this okay? Or not?
Multiple votes are permitted in the poll and you can change your vote.

Edit: P.S. I am using the term 'illegal migrants' intentionally because these people fit the description of 'illegal' per U.S. law. If you prefer, you can substitute "undocumented" for illegal as it does not change the thesis of the OP.
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With Mayor Bowser asking for National Guard help to deal with the 'humanitarian crisis' due to Abbott sending a few busloads of illegals to DC, the question remains. How many illegal migrants are too many?

On the news this morning, a CBP official said more than 2 million new illegal migrants crossed the border in 2021 and so far this year they know of 1.7+ million illegal migrant encounters and an unknown number of those who avoided the CBP. Thousands are arriving every day. Only a handful are detained. There is no effort to keep them out. In fact the CBP is not allowed to even try.

So my question for our leftists friends here is how many are too many? How many illegals can the U.S.A. take in, provide free phones, travel cash, free education, free health care, subsidized housing, provide drivers' licenses or legal ID cards, etc. etc. etc. before the USA becomes as poor as the countries those people left?

With petty and violent crime escalating to alarming levels in all places where there are concentrations of illegals, we know at least some are truly bad actors. The CBP reports that most of the women and many of the children, some as young as 8 and 10, have been sexually molested and/or brutally raped on the journey. Thousands of children are arriving unaccompanied by a relative. Child and sex trafficking is rampant. Thousands of pounds of illegal dangerous drugs are pouring across the border every month. Dozens of migrants die due to the dangers every month.

Biden and Mayorkas say the border is secure. What say you? Is all of this okay? Or not?

Now that the DemoKKKrats are losing Hispanic support in droves, guess what? Walls work!

If you ever read the Cloward Piven strategy of the 60s, you would immediately understand what's being done to us.

The object is to overwhelm the system causing the entirety of the welfare economic system to fail. There aren't enough jobs for the unskilled illiterate. How high will taxes have to go before public benefits exhaust? Illegal invaders have already overwhelmed housing. This kind of invasion is supposed to break us as a country, as a people.
Now that the DemoKKKrats are losing Hispanic support in droves, guess what? Walls work!

Well it's a start. But how about restoring Trump's 'remain in Mexico' until their request for asylum is adjudicated policy that slowed the illegals to a trickle easily handled by the CBP? Millions who didn't want to 'remain in Mexico' simply stopped coming. Trump threatened Mexico with strong tariffs if they didn't stop the migration and there were 25,000 Mexican troops on their southern border stopping the caravans from coming up.

In just 1-1/2 years, Biden has allowed more illegals into the country than constitutes the entire population of Los Angeles. Almost 4 times more than the entire homeless population of the USA in 2020. And many if not most of those newly arriving illegals become homeless themselves.
If you ever read the Cloward Piven strategy of the 60s, you would immediately understand what's being done to us.

The object is to overwhelm the system causing the entirety of the welfare economic system to fail. There aren't enough jobs for the unskilled illiterate. How high will taxes have to go before public benefits exhaust? Illegal invaders have already overwhelmed housing. This kind of invasion is supposed to break us as a country, as a people.
Tucker Carlson I don't think mentioned that particular strategy, but earlier this week he did a segment on the unprecedented growth of the U.S. population in recent years despite an almost negative birth rate among citizens and suggested the illegal migration is seriously causing major league problems. It begs the question of exactly how many people here are U.S. citizens maybe?

For sure the rule that the census cannot inquire about citizenship is hurting us.
Well it's a start. But how about restoring Trump's 'remain in Mexico' until their request for asylum is adjudicated policy that slowed the illegals to a trickle easily handled by the CBP? Millions who didn't want to 'remain in Mexico' simply stopped coming. Trump threatened Mexico with strong tariffs if they didn't stop the migration and there were 25,000 Mexican troops on their southern border stopping the caravans from coming up.

In just 1-1/2 years, Biden has allowed more illegals into the country than constitutes the entire population of Los Angeles. Almost 4 times more than the entire homeless population of the USA in 2020. And many if not most of those newly arriving illegals become homeless themselves.

Give it time. The faster Hispanic support for DemoKKKrats erodes, the faster they'll implement policies to keep Hispanics out of the country. Just watch...
Give it time. The faster Hispanic support for DemoKKKrats erodes, the faster they'll implement policies to keep Hispanics out of the country. Just watch...
We can hope. But until they demand that all these millions of illegals leave, I think we're pretty much screwed.
With Mayor Bowser asking for National Guard help to deal with the 'humanitarian crisis' due to Abbott sending a few busloads of illegals to DC, the question remains. How many illegal migrants are too many?

On the news this morning, a CBP official said more than 2 million new illegal migrants crossed the border in 2021 and so far this year they know of 1.7+ million illegal migrant encounters and an unknown number, probably thousands, who have avoided the CBP. Thousands are arriving every day. Only a handful are detained. There is no effort to keep them out. In fact the CBP is not allowed to even try.

So my question for our leftists friends here is how many are too many? How many illegals can the U.S.A. take in, provide free phones, travel cash, free education, free health care, subsidized housing, provide drivers' licenses or legal ID cards, etc. etc. etc. before the USA becomes as poor as the countries those people left?

With petty and violent crime escalating to alarming levels in all places where there are concentrations of illegals, we know at least some are truly bad actors. The CBP reports that most of the women and many of the children, some as young as 8 and 10, have been sexually molested and/or brutally raped on the journey. Thousands of children are arriving unaccompanied by a relative. Child and sex trafficking is rampant. Thousands of pounds of illegal dangerous drugs are pouring across the border every month. Dozens of migrants die due to the dangers every month.

Biden and Mayorkas say the border is secure. What say you? Is all of this okay? Or not?
Multiple votes are permitted in the poll and you can change your vote.
How do you know they're 'illegal'; that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn't mean he's 'illegal.'

The better question is when will conservatives become concerned about their ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate with regard to immigrants and immigration.
It's hard to understand, there's no question or doubt that the policies that our gov't is pursuing can only lead to disastrous consequences. A couple million a year, every year is not sustainable into perpetuity, how is that not patently obvious? Is it not beyond doubt that we cannot afford to feed, house, cloth, and teach all the immigrants legal or not that come here every day? How many of the couple million per year illegals are gang members, drug dealers, sex traffickers, criminals, and terrorists? And the Left wants to abolish or reduce our police forces? Are you freakin' kidding me?

When will the Left become concerned? When it becomes politically expedient and not before.
How do you know they're 'illegal'; that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn't mean he's 'illegal.'

The better question is when will conservatives become concerned about their ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate with regard to immigrants and immigration.
"that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn't mean he's 'illegal.'"
What the hell does that mean?
When Clinton said illegal immigration is bad, wrong needs to stop, Dem leftists said that is right! When Obama said the same thing Dem leftists said that is right! When Trump says it Orange Man Bad!!!! Xenophobe racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you know they're 'illegal'; that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn't mean he's 'illegal.'

The better question is when will conservatives become concerned about their ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate with regard to immigrants and immigration.
Those coming across the border without visas and without identification are by definition 'illegal'.

"An illegal immigrant is a person who has entered the country without official authorization. Federal immigration law provides means by which certain aliens can become naturalized citizens with full rights of citizenship. Immigration law determines who may enter, how long they may stay and when they must leave."

But let's assume these folks aren't 'illegal'. How many can we take and provide all those benefits without seriously harming the USA citizens and the nation's ability to help anybody? Give me a number.
Biden's wall should help.

Completing the wall is a start but it will only help a small area of Arizona. Most of the illegals are coming into Texas at Biden's invitation and the CBP is spending all their time providing humanitarian aid and are not allowed to do their job of protecting the country from invasion.

The only thing that will help is for Biden to cut off all assistance to the migrants other than immediate humanitarian aid and demand they leave or they will be forcibly removed. The Trump policies of "remain in Mexico" and demanding Mexico not allow the caravans into their country must be reinstated immediately. Trump had the illegals down to a trickle easily handled by the CBP. The CBP is not allowed to even try to keep them out now.

Former Democratic judges declare invasion, now run for reelection as Republicans in Texas border communities​

How do you know they're 'illegal'; that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn't mean he's 'illegal.'

The better question is when will conservatives become concerned about their ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate with regard to immigrants and immigration.
I take no issue with legal immigration....You know, the kind where they apply at a embassy or consulate and go through the process.....I do take issue with the walk across illegals.

I really don't like to name call but I swear, you are special kind of idiot.
"that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn't mean he's 'illegal.'"
What the hell does that mean?
jones is the type of idiot who would say if someone shop lifted something in a store and didnt get caught,,he didnt commit a crime because,well no one saw him do if you got across the border and no one caught you,you are not an illegal....of course many of these types of people live far from the border so illegals dont affect them personally....
With Mayor Bowser asking for National Guard help to deal with the 'humanitarian crisis' due to Abbott sending a few busloads of illegals to DC, the question remains. How many illegal migrants are too many?

On the news this morning, a CBP official said more than 2 million new illegal migrants crossed the border in 2021 and so far this year they know of 1.7+ million illegal migrant encounters and an unknown number, probably thousands, who have avoided the CBP. Thousands are arriving every day. Only a handful are detained. There is no effort to keep them out. In fact the CBP is not allowed to even try.

So my question for our leftists friends here is how many are too many? How many illegals can the U.S.A. take in, provide free phones, travel cash, free education, free health care, subsidized housing, provide drivers' licenses or legal ID cards, etc. etc. etc. before the USA becomes as poor as the countries those people left?

With petty and violent crime escalating to alarming levels in all places where there are concentrations of illegals, we know at least some are truly bad actors. The CBP reports that most of the women and many of the children, some as young as 8 and 10, have been sexually molested and/or brutally raped on the journey. Thousands of children are arriving unaccompanied by a relative. Child and sex trafficking is rampant. Thousands of pounds of illegal dangerous drugs are pouring across the border every month. Dozens of migrants die due to the dangers every month.

Biden and Mayorkas say the border is secure. What say you? Is all of this okay? Or not?
Multiple votes are permitted in the poll and you can change your vote.

Edit: P.S. I am using the term 'illegal migrants' intentionally because these people fit the description of 'illegal' per U.S. law. If you prefer, you can substitute "undocumented" for illegal as it does not change the thesis of the OP.
All of a sudden it's a problem and Trumps mess


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