How many died today?

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
The Democra's battle cry for Health Care Reform was that over 47,000 people would die every day because they didn't have health care. If this was true, why doesn't the benefits of health care reform kick in earlier than 4 years from now. Think of all the potential Democratic voters lives they could be saving. How much hypocracy is there here in this fine example of Democratic leadership?
Didn't we do this shit a month ago?

The Bill has is now law

If you want to make it better...I'm with you
When the Clintons tried it the numbers were: 30 million uninsured and every year that number doubles! or something like that so that by today there would be 500 Billion uninsured Americans
The Democra's battle cry for Health Care Reform was that over 47,000 people would die every day because they didn't have health care. If this was true, why doesn't the benefits of health care reform kick in earlier than 4 years from now. Think of all the potential Democratic voters lives they could be saving. How much hypocracy is there here in this fine example of Democratic leadership?

Thats cuz it was never about "saving" people.
The Democra's battle cry for Health Care Reform was that over 47,000 people would die every day because they didn't have health care. If this was true, why doesn't the benefits of health care reform kick in earlier than 4 years from now. Think of all the potential Democratic voters lives they could be saving. How much hypocracy is there here in this fine example of Democratic leadership?

Um, just to keep the record straight, according to Rep. Grayson it was 45,000/year not /day! Although, he was still full of shit, but that is besides the point.

And therefore, according to grayson, each days total is 129.83.

That means over 189K people will die before it kicks in. According to his logic and math.

I'm with all of you...

We need to start funneling more money into the Healthcare Bill to get more care....RIGHT NOW

We should start by bringing back the Public Option
The Democra's battle cry for Health Care Reform was that over 47,000 people would die every day because they didn't have health care. If this was true, why doesn't the benefits of health care reform kick in earlier than 4 years from now. Think of all the potential Democratic voters lives they could be saving. How much hypocracy is there here in this fine example of Democratic leadership?

Now there's a good campaign theme for GOP'ers to run on...

...the healthcare bill we tried to kill doesn't go far enough, fast enough.

lol, then the Republicans can explain how their vow to repeal it will save more lives, faster.

unbelievable :lol:
The Democra's battle cry for Health Care Reform was that over 47,000 people would die every day because they didn't have health care. If this was true, why doesn't the benefits of health care reform kick in earlier than 4 years from now. Think of all the potential Democratic voters lives they could be saving. How much hypocracy is there here in this fine example of Democratic leadership?

Count Dracula, huh?

How fitting.
States can start new Medicaid expansion Thursday

As of April 1, states can apply for federal funding to expand their Medicaid programs to cover low-income people earning up to 133 percent of the poverty level, or $14,404 for an individual and $29,326.50 for a family of four. If implemented nationwide, this vast increase would bring 15 million more people into the safety-net program, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Read more: States can start new Medicaid expansion Thursday | McClatchy

P.S., keep in mind the Republicans are vowing to repeal this, so they'll be taking this coverage away from people who will have had it for a time. That'll make for some heartwarming human interest stories.
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The Democra's battle cry for Health Care Reform was that over 47,000 people would die every day because they didn't have health care. If this was true, why doesn't the benefits of health care reform kick in earlier than 4 years from now. Think of all the potential Democratic voters lives they could be saving. How much hypocracy is there here in this fine example of Democratic leadership?

Count Dracula, huh?

How fitting.

Count Flatula works better.
Only one that I know of.
He was stealing tomatoez in my field.


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That means over 189K people will die before it kicks in. According to his logic and math.

I'm with all of you...

We need to start funneling more money into the Healthcare Bill to get more care....RIGHT NOW

We should start by bringing back the Public Option

Don't worry. We'll start by taxing you first.

Works for me

I'm willing to use my tax dollars to save the lives of my fellow Americans
The Democra's battle cry for Health Care Reform was that over 47,000 people would die every day because they didn't have health care. If this was true, why doesn't the benefits of health care reform kick in earlier than 4 years from now. Think of all the potential Democratic voters lives they could be saving. How much hypocracy is there here in this fine example of Democratic leadership?

"Thoughtful" people phase in major legislation slowly to avoid a jarring impact on the economy for one and second, so people can have a longer time to study it and write amendments to correct unforeseen issues that might be discovered on a such a comprehensive bill to avoid a major negative financial impact to the economy.

Not like dipshit Confederate Republicans, who passed an enormous drug bill that could cost up to 15 TRILLION for the sole purpose of buying senior votes completely disregarding the damage such a bill would do to the economy. A clear case of "party over country".

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy -

six years ago this month when a Republican president and a Republican Congress enacted the Medicare drug benefit, which former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker has called "the most fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation since the 1960s."


What followed was one of the most extraordinary events in congressional history. The vote was kept open for almost three hours while the House Republican leadership brought massive pressure to bear on the handful of principled Republicans who had the nerve to put country ahead of party. The (Republican) leadership even froze the C-SPAN cameras so that no one outside the House chamber could see what was going on.

(All but 16 Democrats voted no.)


Just to be clear, the Medicare drug benefit was a pure giveaway with a gross cost greater than either the House or Senate health reform bills how being considered. Together the new bills would cost roughly $900 billion over the next 10 years, while Medicare Part D will cost $1 trillion.


worst hypocrite I've ever come across in Washington, but he's got to be in the top 10 because he apparently thinks the unfunded drug benefit, which added $15.5 trillion (in present value terms) to our nation's indebtedness, according to Medicare's trustees, was worth sacrificing his integrity to enact into law


But at least the Democrats don't go on Fox News day after day proclaiming how fiscally conservative they are, and organize tea parties to rant about deficits, without ever putting forward any plan for reducing them. Nor do they pretend that they have no responsibility whatsoever for projected deficits, at least half of which can be traced directly to Republican policies, according to Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag.


How can you guys debate anything when you follow the "party line" of a political party that does NOT have the best interests of the country at heart???????????????
The Democra's battle cry for Health Care Reform was that over 47,000 people would die every day because they didn't have health care. If this was true, why doesn't the benefits of health care reform kick in earlier than 4 years from now. Think of all the potential Democratic voters lives they could be saving. How much hypocracy is there here in this fine example of Democratic leadership?

The 'crisis' is now over, barry is working on a new crisis for us to pay more for.

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