How long until the Right Wing turns against the military??


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Well, the last resort of anti-government hatred from the right wing will be the military. They aren't there yet. But it is coming. Sorry all you fine folks in uniform, but the right wing's loyalty to you men and women is only bumper sticker deep.

Just saw the commerical on FoxNews for "Your World" Wedensday morning edition. A "former Army Ranger" is gonna be on to say let the sequester happen. Why? According to Fox this former soldier is gonna "Expose all about the waste he saw".

Yep. Here it comes. One tiny step towards turning the right wing masses against the "waste" in the military. Like, for example, Im sure the right day...will be pissed that our tax dollar goes to pay the rent and mortgage of military people. Why? No one in the private sector gets free rent and mortgage, or massive per diem. Or how the new recruits go to "MEPS" and get $100 in govt taxpayer money for 1 meal while waiting. Just wait. The right wing will turn on the military. Just wait. Their mighty dollar trumps all.
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In reality, they already have. They only give lip service to supporting the military. Who constantly votes for cuts that would affect the enlisted men? Who constantly denigrates the service of men that have served in combat and have suffered physical injury doing that? When Romney was talking about the 47%, he was talking about most of our enlisted personel.

The 'Conservative' right wing care nothing for our service men and women. To them, they are expendable as Kleenex's.
It's just a matter of time...

Yep. Sad but true. They loved the military....especially when they could start wars and funnel money into defense contractors (who they conveniently held stock with).

But it is just a matter of time. They'll start the same "We dont get THAT in the private sector" nonsense, like the military's sweet 20 year retirement. Yep. Start at 18. Retire at 38, with lifelong beneifts and pay, all on the taxpayer's dime. Even if you did nothing but cook or fix jeeps in the military for 20 years. God Bless 'em, but the right wing will turn on them.

And the FAR right will eventually get back to their true Founder's Roots, where the "standing army" was seen as a potential for tyranny and to be opposed, held in check, and really not funded nearly at the levels it is now. Kinda the reason they believed in milita and private arms- so that the nation could get away with a small army, and have militia to step up in case of foreign invasion. Isnt that right...right wingers?
Project much?

too damn funneh....

How about a quarter past never? That sound right to you?
In reality, they already have. They only give lip service to supporting the military. Who constantly votes for cuts that would affect the enlisted men? Who constantly denigrates the service of men that have served in combat and have suffered physical injury doing that? When Romney was talking about the 47%, he was talking about most of our enlisted personel.

The 'Conservative' right wing care nothing for our service men and women. To them, they are expendable as Kleenex's.

Very true. The right wing has gone whacko, and the last bastion of support for the govt they have is the military, and that is only bumper sticker deep. The Rand Paul wing of the right is becoming more vocal and radical, and the military is NOT something they support behind closed doors. In fact, look at history. If the right wing is good for something in the last 20 years, it is starting new wars to send our men and women to fight....and then not take care of them when they get back.
It's just a matter of time...

Yep. Sad but true. They loved the military....especially when they could start wars and funnel money into defense contractors (who they conveniently held stock with).

But it is just a matter of time. They'll start the same "We dont get THAT in the private sector" nonsense, like the military's sweet 20 year retirement. Yep. Start at 18. Retire at 38, with lifelong beneifts and pay, all on the taxpayer's dime. Even if you did nothing but cook or fix jeeps in the military for 20 years. God Bless 'em, but the right wing will turn on them.

And the FAR right will eventually get back to their true Founder's Roots, where the "standing army" was seen as a potential for tyranny and to be opposed, held in check, and really not funded nearly at the levels it is now. Kinda the reason they believed in milita and private arms- so that the nation could get away with a small army, and have militia to step up in case of foreign invasion. Isnt that right...right wingers?

ROFLMFAO, what kind of drugs are you on, most of the right are them you dumb shit.
If the government ever declares/imposes martial law to maintain order and security due to widespread right-wing civil disobedience - the righties will despise the military. Righties currently fantasize, in the recesses of their minds, that in such an event the military would support them and turn on the government.

Martial law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who knows, but all it took is Obama being sworn in for Democrats to become overwhelmingly pro military and war.

Same goes for the war on terror, torture, deficits, homeland security, the patriot act, stimulus, government run HC and so on... You know, all things they all hated Bush for doing.
If the government ever declares/imposes martial law to maintain order and security due to widespread right-wing civil disobedience - the righties will despise the military. Righties currently fantasize, in the recesses of their minds, that in such an event the military would support them and turn on the government.

You are absolutely right about one thing: The right wingers love the military, but would do a 180 under martial law. One reason the right loves the military, but at best tolerates cops...and often hates that the military doesnt do domestic law enforcment. Many nations, if not most, have the military doing a lot of domestic LE. Brazil, for example, uses it's military as the police. Mexico too.

I wonder how much the right wing would love the Marines if the Marines were in charge of highway traffic enforcment? They think US cops now are quick tempered haha!!?? And with less freedom of descretion, the idea of warnings would be gone. Or if the Army was in charge of policing all cities over 100,000 people. Yep. The right would turn instantly against the military.

Now, how would the military act in a policing role in America? I think very well. As good, if not better eventually, than US cops do now. How do I know? Because such a large % of cops are ex-military, and a lot of current military are future cops. They are cut out of the same personality clothe.

But, just wait. Right wingers WILL turn on the military- economically and ideologically.
Well, the last resort of anti-government hatred from the right wing will be the military. They aren't there yet. But it is coming. Sorry all you fine folks in uniform, but the right wing's loyalty to you men and women is only bumper sticker deep.

Just saw the commerical on FoxNews for "Your World" Wedensday morning edition. A "former Army Ranger" is gonna be on to say let the sequester happen. Why? According to Fox this former soldier is gonna "Expose all about the waste he saw".

Yep. Here it comes. One tiny step towards turning the right wing masses against the "waste" in the military. Like, for example, Im sure the right day...will be pissed that our tax dollar goes to pay the rent and mortgage of military people. Why? No one in the private sector gets free rent and mortgage, or massive per diem. Or how the new recruits go to "MEPS" and get $100 in govt taxpayer money for 1 meal while waiting. Just wait. The right wing will turn on the military. Just wait. Their mighty dollar trumps all.

So if Republicans want to cut wasteful military spending they're traitors?

Is that really what you're saying?
Who knows, but all it took is Obama being sworn in for Democrats to become overwhelmingly pro military and war.

Same goes for the war on terror, torture, deficits, homeland security, the patriot act, stimulus, government run HC and so on... You know, all things they all hated Bush for doing.

Good point. But I dont see the GOP regaining power any time in the near future. The demographics have changed too much, and their message has grown too stale.

So, as 4 years, 8 years, 12 years, 15 years, etc, etc, goes by without them regaining power....the right will become more radical, more bitter, more angry.....the the point that ANY AND ALL government employees are the enemy, even the military.

That day is coming. And Fox is taking a tiny step tomorrow with it's "Ex Ranger reveals all about waste in the military" piece.
In reality, they already have. They only give lip service to supporting the military. Who constantly votes for cuts that would affect the enlisted men? Who constantly denigrates the service of men that have served in combat and have suffered physical injury doing that?


When Romney was talking about the 47%, he was talking about most of our enlisted personel.

The 'Conservative' right wing care nothing for our service men and women. To them, they are expendable as Kleenex's.

It must be snowing in hell because liberal turds are protesting their devotion to the military.

Democrat desperation to prevent any actual cuts in the budget couldn't be more obvious.

Can you name one single program you are willing to cut?
Well, the last resort of anti-government hatred from the right wing will be the military. They aren't there yet. But it is coming. Sorry all you fine folks in uniform, but the right wing's loyalty to you men and women is only bumper sticker deep.

Just saw the commerical on FoxNews for "Your World" Wedensday morning edition. A "former Army Ranger" is gonna be on to say let the sequester happen. Why? According to Fox this former soldier is gonna "Expose all about the waste he saw".

Yep. Here it comes. One tiny step towards turning the right wing masses against the "waste" in the military. Like, for example, Im sure the right day...will be pissed that our tax dollar goes to pay the rent and mortgage of military people. Why? No one in the private sector gets free rent and mortgage, or massive per diem. Or how the new recruits go to "MEPS" and get $100 in govt taxpayer money for 1 meal while waiting. Just wait. The right wing will turn on the military. Just wait. Their mighty dollar trumps all.

So if Republicans want to cut wasteful military spending they're traitors?

Is that really what you're saying?

No. Anybody who tries to cut military spending is a traitor, and gives aid and comfort to our enemies. Just ask the Republicans of 2001-2008.
Well, the last resort of anti-government hatred from the right wing will be the military. They aren't there yet. But it is coming. Sorry all you fine folks in uniform, but the right wing's loyalty to you men and women is only bumper sticker deep.

Just saw the commerical on FoxNews for "Your World" Wedensday morning edition. A "former Army Ranger" is gonna be on to say let the sequester happen. Why? According to Fox this former soldier is gonna "Expose all about the waste he saw".

Yep. Here it comes. One tiny step towards turning the right wing masses against the "waste" in the military. Like, for example, Im sure the right day...will be pissed that our tax dollar goes to pay the rent and mortgage of military people. Why? No one in the private sector gets free rent and mortgage, or massive per diem. Or how the new recruits go to "MEPS" and get $100 in govt taxpayer money for 1 meal while waiting. Just wait. The right wing will turn on the military. Just wait. Their mighty dollar trumps all.

So if Republicans want to cut wasteful military spending they're traitors?

Is that really what you're saying?

Ok. Where you want to start?

How about THIS: When a military reservist gets activated, but, his job keeps him within driving distance of his civilian home, he STILL gets his rent or mortgage paid through the taxpayer. Despite him sleeping in his own bed at night. Is THAT waste?

Or, when a Coast Guard reservist gets activated and "deployed" to, say, San Diego, they get their housing paid for, AND get a very generous per diem for all meals. The private sector doesnt get that. Should we pay more than, say, 2 months rent for that guy? And FREE FOOD for a job in a US city? The private sector doesnt get that.

What about the 20 year retirement. That should be ONLY for combat arms jobs, right? I mean a mechanic or electrician or cook in the military who never even carried a gun on-duty....retires at age 38 with lifetime pay and benefits?

SURELY a true fiscal conservative wouldnt agree with all that on the taxpayer dime, right?
Who knows, but all it took is Obama being sworn in for Democrats to become overwhelmingly pro military and war.

Same goes for the war on terror, torture, deficits, homeland security, the patriot act, stimulus, government run HC and so on... You know, all things they all hated Bush for doing.

Good points. Always remember, Democrat bombs are good, Republican bombs are bad. Anyone seen Cindy Sheehan or Code Pink lately?? Oh...nevermind, they only get coverage when a Republican is president, and the military is only evil, and a "bunch of nazis" as Democrat Dickhead Durbin called them when a Republican is president.

Isn't it something; long, long before I was born, people like the original poster were spitting on our troops and calling them baby killers. Now they act like they love and support military. Who knows, maybe these left wing moonbats will come up with a story that Jane Fonda was really a highly classified Navy SEAL working behind enemy lines during Vietnam, and those who fought in Vietnam have her completely wrong.
Well, the last resort of anti-government hatred from the right wing will be the military. They aren't there yet. But it is coming. Sorry all you fine folks in uniform, but the right wing's loyalty to you men and women is only bumper sticker deep.

Just saw the commerical on FoxNews for "Your World" Wedensday morning edition. A "former Army Ranger" is gonna be on to say let the sequester happen. Why? According to Fox this former soldier is gonna "Expose all about the waste he saw".

Yep. Here it comes. One tiny step towards turning the right wing masses against the "waste" in the military. Like, for example, Im sure the right day...will be pissed that our tax dollar goes to pay the rent and mortgage of military people. Why? No one in the private sector gets free rent and mortgage, or massive per diem. Or how the new recruits go to "MEPS" and get $100 in govt taxpayer money for 1 meal while waiting. Just wait. The right wing will turn on the military. Just wait. Their mighty dollar trumps all.

So if Republicans want to cut wasteful military spending they're traitors?

Is that really what you're saying?

Ok. Where you want to start?

How about THIS: When a military reservist gets activated, but, his job keeps him within driving distance of his civilian home, he STILL gets his rent or mortgage paid through the taxpayer. Despite him sleeping in his own bed at night. Is THAT waste?

Or, when a Coast Guard reservist gets activated and "deployed" to, say, San Diego, they get their housing paid for, AND get a very generous per diem for all meals. The private sector doesnt get that. Should we pay more than, say, 2 months rent for that guy? And FREE FOOD for a job in a US city? The private sector doesnt get that.

What about the 20 year retirement. That should be ONLY for combat arms jobs, right? I mean a mechanic or electrician or cook in the military who never even carried a gun on-duty....retires at age 38 with lifetime pay and benefits?

SURELY a true fiscal conservative wouldnt agree with all that on the taxpayer dime, right?

No, I don't agree with all that, especially the part about retiring at age 38.

Well, the last resort of anti-government hatred from the right wing will be the military. They aren't there yet. But it is coming. Sorry all you fine folks in uniform, but the right wing's loyalty to you men and women is only bumper sticker deep.

Just saw the commerical on FoxNews for "Your World" Wedensday morning edition. A "former Army Ranger" is gonna be on to say let the sequester happen. Why? According to Fox this former soldier is gonna "Expose all about the waste he saw".

Yep. Here it comes. One tiny step towards turning the right wing masses against the "waste" in the military. Like, for example, Im sure the right day...will be pissed that our tax dollar goes to pay the rent and mortgage of military people. Why? No one in the private sector gets free rent and mortgage, or massive per diem. Or how the new recruits go to "MEPS" and get $100 in govt taxpayer money for 1 meal while waiting. Just wait. The right wing will turn on the military. Just wait. Their mighty dollar trumps all.

So if Republicans want to cut wasteful military spending they're traitors?

Is that really what you're saying?

Ok. Where you want to start?

How about THIS: When a military reservist gets activated, but, his job keeps him within driving distance of his civilian home, he STILL gets his rent or mortgage paid through the taxpayer. Despite him sleeping in his own bed at night. Is THAT waste?

Or, when a Coast Guard reservist gets activated and "deployed" to, say, San Diego, they get their housing paid for, AND get a very generous per diem for all meals. The private sector doesnt get that. Should we pay more than, say, 2 months rent for that guy? And FREE FOOD for a job in a US city? The private sector doesnt get that.

What about the 20 year retirement. That should be ONLY for combat arms jobs, right? I mean a mechanic or electrician or cook in the military who never even carried a gun on-duty....retires at age 38 with lifetime pay and benefits?

SURELY a true fiscal conservative wouldnt agree with all that on the taxpayer dime, right?

You ever been in the military, I ask because you show a startling ignorance of it.

When Obama sends the military out to seize guns - that will end the wingnut love affair with the military.

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