How long before someone gets violent?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The latest Leftist outrage against Trump is an assertion by some of the Leftists that Secretaries of the individual States have the power to unilaterally, without trial or hearing, simply remove Trump's name from the Presidential ballot in 2024. This is based on a rather loose, rather illiterate reading of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which reads as follows:

"No person shall...hold any office, civil or military, under the United States...who, having previously taken an oath, officer of the United support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. "

Those with even a modicum of historical comprehension know that this provision was directed at Confederate officials and officers, all of whom are now very much deceased.

As noted in the linked article, not a single person persecuted (I use that word intentionally) by the January 6th committee or the U.S. Justice Department has even been accused of "insurrection" or "rebellion," let alone convicted of same, and there is a very good reason for that: it is unsustainable at law.

But the assertion is that Secretaries of State can do this on their own trial, no hearing...just DO IT.

As a practical matter, this probably makes no difference because only the Secretary of a looney, out-of-touch Leftist State (e.g., Massachusetts, California), would do such a thing, and Trump would have about as much chance of winning the Electoral Votes of such a State as I would.

But still, there are millions and millions of Republicans - some of them (us) "extreme MAGA Republicans" in California, Massachusetts, Illinois, etc., who might seriously take umbrage with such a gambit.

It is a curiosity already that there have been no successful assaults on any of the anti-American bastards who have been carrying out the atrocities against Trump thus far. With the new blizzard of bullshit indictments, the number of possible targets is increasing geometrically. You can bet that the NYT, CNN, and so on are just salivating at the prospect of such an attack, so they can call it "yet another Republican assault on democracy."

I'd never do anything like that, but there are some crazy bastards out there.

The latest Leftist outrage against Trump is an assertion by some of the Leftists that Secretaries of the individual States have the power to unilaterally, without trial or hearing, simply remove Trump's name from the Presidential ballot in 2024. This is based on a rather loose, rather illiterate reading of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which reads as follows:

"No person shall...hold any office, civil or military, under the United States...who, having previously taken an oath, officer of the United support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. "

Those with even a modicum of historical comprehension know that this provision was directed at Confederate officials and officers, all of whom are now very much deceased.

As noted in the linked article, not a single person persecuted (I use that word intentionally) by the January 6th committee or the U.S. Justice Department has even been accused of "insurrection" or "rebellion," let alone convicted of same, and there is a very good reason for that: it is unsustainable at law.

But the assertion is that Secretaries of State can do this on their own trial, no hearing...just DO IT.

As a practical matter, this probably makes no difference because only the Secretary of a looney, out-of-touch Leftist State (e.g., Massachusetts, California), would do such a thing, and Trump would have about as much chance of winning the Electoral Votes of such a State as I would.

But still, there are millions and millions of Republicans - some of them (us) "extreme MAGA Republicans" in California, Massachusetts, Illinois, etc., who might seriously take umbrage with such a gambit.

It is a curiosity already that there have been no successful assaults on any of the anti-American bastards who have been carrying out the atrocities against Trump thus far. With the new blizzard of bullshit indictments, the number of possible targets is increasing geometrically. You can bet that the NYT, CNN, and so on are just salivating at the prospect of such an attack, so they can call it "yet another Republican assault on democracy."

I'd never do anything like that, but there are some crazy bastards out there.

Tucker Carlson seems to think that the left has decided there's something about Trump that's so threatening, we're speeding toward assassination.

Well yeah. It has been a reckless move by Democrats ever since they started with Fake Russian Collusion. Doing this so they could consolidate their power, they could care less if it causes division and unrest. It sometimes seems like they are just hoping for it.
Tucker Carlson seems to think that the left has decided there's something about Trump that's so threatening, we're speeding toward assassination.

There are crazies on both ends of the political spectrum, anything can always happen but yeah... Trump is now the most hated man in America by SOME. He's made out to be the worst human on planet earth ... worse than Kim Jong ILL..worse than Putin, XI..... Some crazy Democrat/ leftist in their insanity hate Trump more. Sadly, I think he has a very hight threat level right now.

The latest Leftist outrage against Trump is an assertion by some of the Leftists that Secretaries of the individual States have the power to unilaterally, without trial or hearing, simply remove Trump's name from the Presidential ballot in 2024. This is based on a rather loose, rather illiterate reading of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which reads as follows:

"No person shall...hold any office, civil or military, under the United States...who, having previously taken an oath, officer of the United support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. "

Those with even a modicum of historical comprehension know that this provision was directed at Confederate officials and officers, all of whom are now very much deceased.

As noted in the linked article, not a single person persecuted (I use that word intentionally) by the January 6th committee or the U.S. Justice Department has even been accused of "insurrection" or "rebellion," let alone convicted of same, and there is a very good reason for that: it is unsustainable at law.

But the assertion is that Secretaries of State can do this on their own trial, no hearing...just DO IT.

As a practical matter, this probably makes no difference because only the Secretary of a looney, out-of-touch Leftist State (e.g., Massachusetts, California), would do such a thing, and Trump would have about as much chance of winning the Electoral Votes of such a State as I would.

But still, there are millions and millions of Republicans - some of them (us) "extreme MAGA Republicans" in California, Massachusetts, Illinois, etc., who might seriously take umbrage with such a gambit.

It is a curiosity already that there have been no successful assaults on any of the anti-American bastards who have been carrying out the atrocities against Trump thus far. With the new blizzard of bullshit indictments, the number of possible targets is increasing geometrically. You can bet that the NYT, CNN, and so on are just salivating at the prospect of such an attack, so they can call it "yet another Republican assault on democracy."

I'd never do anything like that, but there are some crazy bastards out there.
Just like that illegal "coalition of states" "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact"
they tried in early 2017. Patently unConstitutional.

Democrats: Always looking for a way to cheat an election and disenfranchise voters because they can't win running on the issues or

their policies or track record.

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Oh, the horror of it all.

DGS is not intimating that righties should wreak violence on their foes.

That would only result in the destruction of the political right.
Well yeah. It has been a reckless move by Democrats ever since they started with Fake Russian Collusion. Doing this so they could consolidate their power, they could care less if it causes division and unrest. It sometimes seems like they are just hoping for it.

The Russian Collusion hoax was pure Marxist/Alinskyite tactic taken right out of Rules for Radicals:

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

I doubt that even Democrats believed there was any actual "collusion", but it divided the country more than it ever had been for the last seven years.
One assumes that any such assertion would be shot down post haste in any federal court if codified into law, but I see any such law as highly unlikely. One cannot deny a candidacy based on an allegation, but if the attempt were to be made, would violence be the result? Lord knows we have plenty of crazies out there and anything is possible, but circumstances can change and things could become even more out of control than they are now.
Violence is highly probable by the right.. statically undeniable.


The latest Leftist outrage against Trump is an assertion by some of the Leftists that Secretaries of the individual States have the power to unilaterally, without trial or hearing, simply remove Trump's name from the Presidential ballot in 2024. This is based on a rather loose, rather illiterate reading of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which reads as follows:

"No person shall...hold any office, civil or military, under the United States...who, having previously taken an oath, officer of the United support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. "

Those with even a modicum of historical comprehension know that this provision was directed at Confederate officials and officers, all of whom are now very much deceased.

As noted in the linked article, not a single person persecuted (I use that word intentionally) by the January 6th committee or the U.S. Justice Department has even been accused of "insurrection" or "rebellion," let alone convicted of same, and there is a very good reason for that: it is unsustainable at law.

But the assertion is that Secretaries of State can do this on their own trial, no hearing...just DO IT.

As a practical matter, this probably makes no difference because only the Secretary of a looney, out-of-touch Leftist State (e.g., Massachusetts, California), would do such a thing, and Trump would have about as much chance of winning the Electoral Votes of such a State as I would.

But still, there are millions and millions of Republicans - some of them (us) "extreme MAGA Republicans" in California, Massachusetts, Illinois, etc., who might seriously take umbrage with such a gambit.

It is a curiosity already that there have been no successful assaults on any of the anti-American bastards who have been carrying out the atrocities against Trump thus far. With the new blizzard of bullshit indictments, the number of possible targets is increasing geometrically. You can bet that the NYT, CNN, and so on are just salivating at the prospect of such an attack, so they can call it "yet another Republican assault on democracy."

I'd never do anything like that, but there are some crazy bastards out there.
As well as the fact that Trump has never been convicted of ANYTHING.
There are crazies on both ends of the political spectrum, anything can always happen but yeah... Trump is now the most hated man in America by SOME. He's made out to be the worst human on planet earth ... worse than Kim Jong ILL..worse than Putin, XI..... Some crazy Democrat/ leftist in their insanity hate Trump more. Sadly, I think he has a very hight threat level right now.

Well, we know that he's intelligent enough to know the risks. He's been wearing kevlar for quite some time now. Hope he steps up the security.

Tuck is irrelevant and will continue to be irrelevant. Pay him no mind.

Irrelevant to you, because he says things you disagree with. Tucker Carlson has 9.9 million followers on Twitter and large part of the world hears him when he speaks.

You on the other hand, are just a straw boss on some obscure discussion board that hardly anyone has ever heard of. How much more "irrelevant" could anyone possibly be?
Non referenced graphic is pointless and useless.

Also were all the Geroge Floyd Riots and further violence just 1 incident?
They went worldwide, because you know, people in Europe and Australia and other countries care so much about policing in America. :auiqs.jpg:

No, the globalist shitheads paid them to riot is what happened. Derp!
Somehow, they all had the same professionally printed signs at the same time, too. Same chants and slogans as well.
Wake up, people! You're getting played.
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