How Jews became a majority in Jerusalem in 1800's, migration during the Ottoman Empire:

No actually you're braying and we're laughing at you.

Yet to see you post the truth or facts.

You're reputation precedes you.
No I just posted text from a UN document from the UN archives. My reputation is that of posting fact from archival documents, mostly from the UN archives. You, on the other hand, post fairy tale propaganda from Zionist propaganda sites.
Meaningless spam of a UN document from 1949 after the Arabs had finished invading and attacking Israel? Are you also retarded or what?

We are talking about the gradual migration of Jews for 2000 years, especially after the 15th century when the Ottomans invited the Jews over, which resulted in a Jewish majority population in Jerusalem in the 1800's.

Got anything to counter that? If not then shove the UN document up your Mecca.
No it was after the Europeans finished expelling the non-Jewish inhabitants of the part of Palestine illegally assigned to the Europeans.

Christians and Muslims were 90% of the population of Palestine in 1896.

The spam video posted 600 times, which doesn't show people's faith or background, and proves jackshit, doesn't counter the fact that the Jews were a majority in Jerusalem in the 1800's and this majority gradually migrated over a period of 500 years or more.

Gee what repetive spam bullshit is Monte going to post for the thousandth time?
No it was after the Europeans finished expelling the non-Jewish inhabitants of the part of Palestine illegally assigned to the Europeans.

Christians and Muslims were 90% of the population of Palestine in 1896.

Ilegally assigned ? Now that's some bullshit.
Illegal because.

Article 22 of the League of Nations obliged the Mandatory to develop (and provide for the well-being) of the people of Palestine to eventual independence. The people of Palestine in 1921 were 95% Christians and Muslims. Britain clearly did not provide for the well-being of the people of Palestine.


To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant.

The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League.

The character of the mandate must differ according to the stage of the development of the people, the geographical situation of the territory, its economic conditions and other similar circumstances.

Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone.

The British, in signing upon joining the League of Nations agreed that they would take immediate steps to procure a release from obligations (Balfour Declaration) that contravened the terms of the LoN Covenant per Article 20 below:

Covenant of the League of Nations

The Members of the League severally agree that this Covenant is accepted as abrogating all obligations or understandings inter se which are inconsistent with the terms thereof, and solemnly undertake that they will not hereafter enter into any engagements inconsistent with the terms thereof.

In case any Member of the League shall, before becoming a Member of the League, have undertaken any obligations inconsistent with the terms of this Covenant, it shall be the duty of such Member to take immediate steps to procure its release from such obligations."
A/AC 25/6

UNITED NATIONS Lake Success, New York
28 December 1949​

"The Problem The Arab refugees-nearly three-quarters of a million men, women and children-are the symbol of the paramount political issue in the Near East. Their plight is the aftermath of an armed struggle between Arabs and Israelis, a struggle marked by a truce that was broken and an armistice from which a peace settlement has not emerged. Before the hostilities in Palestine these families lived in that section of Palestine on the Israeli side of the present armistice lines. Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands. Tens of thousands are in temporary. camps ; some are in caves ; the majority have found shelter in Arab towns and villages, in mosques, churches, monasteries, schools and abandoned buildings. "

Appendix IA page 15.

So you admit that the Palestinians were not forced to leave by European Jewish invasion and colonisation then. But in fact willingly gave up their homes and abandoned them. After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands
A/AC 25/6

UNITED NATIONS Lake Success, New York
28 December 1949​

"The Problem The Arab refugees-nearly three-quarters of a million men, women and children-are the symbol of the paramount political issue in the Near East. Their plight is the aftermath of an armed struggle between Arabs and Israelis, a struggle marked by a truce that was broken and an armistice from which a peace settlement has not emerged. Before the hostilities in Palestine these families lived in that section of Palestine on the Israeli side of the present armistice lines. Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands. Tens of thousands are in temporary. camps ; some are in caves ; the majority have found shelter in Arab towns and villages, in mosques, churches, monasteries, schools and abandoned buildings. "

Appendix IA page 15.

So you admit that the Palestinians were not forced to leave by European Jewish invasion and colonisation then. But in fact willingly gave up their homes and abandoned them. After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands
A/AC 25/6

UNITED NATIONS Lake Success, New York
28 December 1949​

"The Problem The Arab refugees-nearly three-quarters of a million men, women and children-are the symbol of the paramount political issue in the Near East. Their plight is the aftermath of an armed struggle between Arabs and Israelis, a struggle marked by a truce that was broken and an armistice from which a peace settlement has not emerged. Before the hostilities in Palestine these families lived in that section of Palestine on the Israeli side of the present armistice lines. Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands. Tens of thousands are in temporary. camps ; some are in caves ; the majority have found shelter in Arab towns and villages, in mosques, churches, monasteries, schools and abandoned buildings. "

Appendix IA page 15.

So you admit that the Palestinians were not forced to leave by European Jewish invasion and colonisation then. But in fact willingly gave up their homes and abandoned them. After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands

It does not say anything about willingly abandoning their homes, does it.

In fact, the Israelis themselves, in intelligence reports, confirm that 95% of the Christians and Muslims were forced to leave by the Jews.

"a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled “The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948”. This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. “At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations.” To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which “directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration”. A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to “fears” and “a crisis of confidence” affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
A/AC 25/6

UNITED NATIONS Lake Success, New York
28 December 1949​

"The Problem The Arab refugees-nearly three-quarters of a million men, women and children-are the symbol of the paramount political issue in the Near East. Their plight is the aftermath of an armed struggle between Arabs and Israelis, a struggle marked by a truce that was broken and an armistice from which a peace settlement has not emerged. Before the hostilities in Palestine these families lived in that section of Palestine on the Israeli side of the present armistice lines. Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands. Tens of thousands are in temporary. camps ; some are in caves ; the majority have found shelter in Arab towns and villages, in mosques, churches, monasteries, schools and abandoned buildings. "

Appendix IA page 15.

So you admit that the Palestinians were not forced to leave by European Jewish invasion and colonisation then. But in fact willingly gave up their homes and abandoned them. After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands
A/AC 25/6

UNITED NATIONS Lake Success, New York
28 December 1949​

"The Problem The Arab refugees-nearly three-quarters of a million men, women and children-are the symbol of the paramount political issue in the Near East. Their plight is the aftermath of an armed struggle between Arabs and Israelis, a struggle marked by a truce that was broken and an armistice from which a peace settlement has not emerged. Before the hostilities in Palestine these families lived in that section of Palestine on the Israeli side of the present armistice lines. Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands. Tens of thousands are in temporary. camps ; some are in caves ; the majority have found shelter in Arab towns and villages, in mosques, churches, monasteries, schools and abandoned buildings. "

Appendix IA page 15.

So you admit that the Palestinians were not forced to leave by European Jewish invasion and colonisation then. But in fact willingly gave up their homes and abandoned them. After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands
Calm down. I am just exposing the facts from official reports archived by the UN.

This fact
So you admit that the Palestinians were not forced to leave by European Jewish invasion and colonisation then. But in fact willingly gave up their homes and abandoned them. After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands
No I just posted text from a UN document from the UN archives. My reputation is that of posting fact from archival documents, mostly from the UN archives. You, on the other hand, post fairy tale propaganda from Zionist propaganda sites.

Did you even bother to read the tiny part you cherry picked ?

So you admit that the Palestinians were not forced to leave by European Jewish invasion and colonisation then. But in fact willingly gave up their homes and abandoned them. After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands
No it was after the Europeans finished expelling the non-Jewish inhabitants of the part of Palestine illegally assigned to the Europeans.

Christians and Muslims were 90% of the population of Palestine in 1896.

Not according to your latest link freddy boy, that says that they left willingly doesn't it

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands
Illegal because.

Article 22 of the League of Nations obliged the Mandatory to develop (and provide for the well-being) of the people of Palestine to eventual independence. The people of Palestine in 1921 were 95% Christians and Muslims. Britain clearly did not provide for the well-being of the people of Palestine.


To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant.

The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League.

The character of the mandate must differ according to the stage of the development of the people, the geographical situation of the territory, its economic conditions and other similar circumstances.

Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone.

The British, in signing upon joining the League of Nations agreed that they would take immediate steps to procure a release from obligations (Balfour Declaration) that contravened the terms of the LoN Covenant per Article 20 below:

Covenant of the League of Nations

The Members of the League severally agree that this Covenant is accepted as abrogating all obligations or understandings inter se which are inconsistent with the terms thereof, and solemnly undertake that they will not hereafter enter into any engagements inconsistent with the terms thereof.

In case any Member of the League shall, before becoming a Member of the League, have undertaken any obligations inconsistent with the terms of this Covenant, it shall be the duty of such Member to take immediate steps to procure its release from such obligations."

Which another of your links shows that Palestine was not covered by the LoN Covenant in as much as it was earmarked for the Jewish national home
A/AC 25/6

UNITED NATIONS Lake Success, New York
28 December 1949​

"The Problem The Arab refugees-nearly three-quarters of a million men, women and children-are the symbol of the paramount political issue in the Near East. Their plight is the aftermath of an armed struggle between Arabs and Israelis, a struggle marked by a truce that was broken and an armistice from which a peace settlement has not emerged. Before the hostilities in Palestine these families lived in that section of Palestine on the Israeli side of the present armistice lines. Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands. Tens of thousands are in temporary. camps ; some are in caves ; the majority have found shelter in Arab towns and villages, in mosques, churches, monasteries, schools and abandoned buildings. "

Appendix IA page 15.

So you admit that the Palestinians were not forced to leave by European Jewish invasion and colonisation then. But in fact willingly gave up their homes and abandoned them. After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands

It does not say anything about willingly abandoning their homes, does it.

In fact, the Israelis themselves, in intelligence reports, confirm that 95% of the Christians and Muslims were forced to leave by the Jews.

"a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled “The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948”. This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. “At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations.” To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which “directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration”. A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to “fears” and “a crisis of confidence” affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

But it does in the part you cherry picked, or cant you read English

After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands
A/AC 25/6

UNITED NATIONS Lake Success, New York
28 December 1949​

"The Problem The Arab refugees-nearly three-quarters of a million men, women and children-are the symbol of the paramount political issue in the Near East. Their plight is the aftermath of an armed struggle between Arabs and Israelis, a struggle marked by a truce that was broken and an armistice from which a peace settlement has not emerged. Before the hostilities in Palestine these families lived in that section of Palestine on the Israeli side of the present armistice lines. Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands. Tens of thousands are in temporary. camps ; some are in caves ; the majority have found shelter in Arab towns and villages, in mosques, churches, monasteries, schools and abandoned buildings. "

Appendix IA page 15.

So you admit that the Palestinians were not forced to leave by European Jewish invasion and colonisation then. But in fact willingly gave up their homes and abandoned them. After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands

It does not say anything about willingly abandoning their homes, does it.

In fact, the Israelis themselves, in intelligence reports, confirm that 95% of the Christians and Muslims were forced to leave by the Jews.

"a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled “The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948”. This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. “At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations.” To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which “directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration”. A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to “fears” and “a crisis of confidence” affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

But it does in the part you cherry picked, or cant you read English

After all this is what you link states as fact.

Abandoning their homes and villages, their fields and orange groves, their shops and benches, they fled to nearby Arab lands
It doesn't say they left willingly. And, why would they. Think logically. They fled to avoid being murdered by Jews.

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