How is the boycott going?

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You're mentally ill filth.
Well you know how it is, one Aryan's freedom fighter is another Semitic's terrorist...oh, I got that the wrong way around. You know what I mean, I'm sure.

The Stroop Report - "The Warsaw Ghetto Is No More"

The Stroop Report (May 1943) | Jewish Virtual Library

[...] The units had been informed that we intended to terminate the operation today. In the morning the Jews had already become aware of this-instruction. This is why a renewed search by the searching parties was undertaken after an interval of 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The result was, as always, that again Jews and bandits were discovered to be in various blocks. From one block shots were even fired against the cordoning units. An attack by a special battle group was ordered and in order to smoke the bandits out, every building was now set on fire. The Jews and bandits held out, every building was now set on fire. The Jews and bandits held their fire up to the last moment and then concerted their fire against the units. They even used carbines. A number of bandits who were shooting from balconies were hit by our men and crashed down.

Furthermore, today we discovered a place said to have been the headquarters of the "P PR"; we found it unoccupied and destroyed it. It was on this 5th day of operations that obviously we

I found the worst of the terrorists and activists, who so far had always found ways and means to dodge every searching or evacuation action.

Hard to imagine that people would fight back against their oppressors isn't it? The bastards.
1st post
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.
Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.

Wrong. Zionists are today's nazis and the Israelis are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and European Jewish Nationalism. There, fixed it for you.

Another islamonazi stooge that uses Zionist out of context and as a racist slur. This is why rat boy does not reply to posts that point this out all the time.
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

Only if both cultures are allowed to make equal and unrestricted use of it.
Segregation in Israel does not begin or end on buses | +972 Magazine

So it is not in Israel at all but in the west bank, what more would we expect from such a pair of LIARS 972 and rat boy
Warsaw ghetto was shooting rockets at the Germans, or blowing up school buses and restaurants filled with German civilians? Bullshit comparisons by a known liar and a dirtbag.
So you're not denying the collective punishment by dietary restrictions and the exaggerated reprisals, you're merely justifying those measures. Very Aryan of you.

Try again as there are no dietary restriction on Palestinians by Israel, in fact they are better fed than many people in the US and UK. The reprisals are in line with IHL so are not exaggerated but low key and restrained.
Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.

Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and completes withdrawal from the Israeli market | Who Profits
And tomorrow, Israel will still be successful, you and the Pali terrorists will still be a fraud and your self-hate will still be the object of ridicule.

Allah has played a cruel joke on you islamos.
Your words sound hollow, Hollie.
Typically pointless, Habib.

Your words are not your own, just childish name-calling you plagiarized from another islamist on the board.

The last decade thereabouts, since Israel withdrew from Gaza, has shown exactly what "Palestinian" self government is capable of achieving: fomenting an islamist terrorist enclave. Such behavior simply doesn't speak to giving them more land for an even more despicable islamo-terror state. Establishing a "Palestinian" state just reeks of creating a new Al Qaeda nation.

At some point, Hamas needs to be separated from international welfare dollars as that money only goes to further an already entrenched group of swine suckling at the nipple of the free world. Hamas needs to be removed from Gaza, prevented from re-establishing their arsenal and the rational world needs to end the welfare fraud that defines "Palestinian" arabs. If the free world wont do it, maybe ISIS will.

At any rate, the start-and-stop Israeli responses to the attacks from Gaza are insufficient, and the difficult task of reversing the Hamas coup of 2007 needs to be undertaken. In the event that ISIS does enter Gaza and puts the Hamas terrorists in leading rolls within those lovely videos that ISIS produces: head-chopping, burning, smooshing, drowing, pushing off building rooftops, etc., that may well be the upset point where Israel decides to get serious about eliminating the moslem savages and lets loose with a campaign to make Gaza an islamist terrorist free zone.

Nice rehash from your Habara talking points handbook, and I notice you've still not looked up the definition of plagiarism. :cool:

Nice deflection from reality by wearing the last islamonazi buzz word

the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
So guilty as charged
You're mentally ill filth.
Well you know how it is, one Aryan's freedom fighter is another Semitic's terrorist...oh, I got that the wrong way around. You know what I mean, I'm sure.

The Stroop Report - "The Warsaw Ghetto Is No More"

The Stroop Report (May 1943) | Jewish Virtual Library

[...] The units had been informed that we intended to terminate the operation today. In the morning the Jews had already become aware of this-instruction. This is why a renewed search by the searching parties was undertaken after an interval of 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The result was, as always, that again Jews and bandits were discovered to be in various blocks. From one block shots were even fired against the cordoning units. An attack by a special battle group was ordered and in order to smoke the bandits out, every building was now set on fire. The Jews and bandits held out, every building was now set on fire. The Jews and bandits held their fire up to the last moment and then concerted their fire against the units. They even used carbines. A number of bandits who were shooting from balconies were hit by our men and crashed down.

Furthermore, today we discovered a place said to have been the headquarters of the "P PR"; we found it unoccupied and destroyed it. It was on this 5th day of operations that obviously we

I found the worst of the terrorists and activists, who so far had always found ways and means to dodge every searching or evacuation action.

Hard to imagine that people would fight back against their oppressors isn't it? The bastards.

Off topic and irrelevant to the thread, why is it you use 70 year old actions to justify your RABID RACIST JEW HATRED
5th post
Good Aryans would never inflict dietary restriction as collective punishment.

Israel forced to release study on Gaza blockade

Israel forced to release study on Gaza blockade - BBC News

Israeli government officials now acknowledge the food restrictions were partly intended to put pressure on Hamas by making the lives of people in Gaza difficult, says the BBC's Jon Donnison in Gaza City.

In 2006, Israeli government adviser Dov Weisglass was widely quoted as having said: "The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger."

Oh did I say Aryans again? You know what I meant.
Good Aryans would never inflict dietary restriction as collective punishment.

Israel forced to release study on Gaza blockade

Israel forced to release study on Gaza blockade - BBC News

Israeli government officials now acknowledge the food restrictions were partly intended to put pressure on Hamas by making the lives of people in Gaza difficult, says the BBC's Jon Donnison in Gaza City.

In 2006, Israeli government adviser Dov Weisglass was widely quoted as having said: "The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger."

Oh did I say Aryans again? You know what I meant.

Such a pity then that the report does not say what you claim, and it is the biased BBC reporter that puts words in that were not there. The gazans get 2,000 calories per person regardless of age, sex and mobility, I consume 1200 calories a day which is considered to be the average intake of an active person in the west. You do realise that many Palestinians suffer from obesity, type 2 diabetes and other medical problems due to over eating.
You really should do more research and less blind cut and pastes

Your extreme racist remarks have been noted and will be reported in future
10th post
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.
Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.

Wrong. Zionists are today's nazis and the Israelis are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and European Jewish Nationalism. There, fixed it for you.

Nope, you just copied my post and changed the wording around Achmed.

Palestinian Nazi history is undeniable and well documented. Keep squealing.
Warsaw ghetto was shooting rockets at the Germans, or blowing up school buses and restaurants filled with German civilians? Bullshit comparisons by a known liar and a dirtbag.
So you're not denying the collective punishment by dietary restrictions and the exaggerated reprisals, you're merely justifying those measures. Very Aryan of you.

Ha ha ha. Collective punishment by dietary restrictions. What a load of hogwash. Shove that up your Mecca, why don't you?
You're mentally ill filth.
Well you know how it is, one Aryan's freedom fighter is another Semitic's terrorist...oh, I got that the wrong way around. You know what I mean, I'm sure.

The Stroop Report - "The Warsaw Ghetto Is No More"

The Stroop Report (May 1943) | Jewish Virtual Library

[...] The units had been informed that we intended to terminate the operation today. In the morning the Jews had already become aware of this-instruction. This is why a renewed search by the searching parties was undertaken after an interval of 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The result was, as always, that again Jews and bandits were discovered to be in various blocks. From one block shots were even fired against the cordoning units. An attack by a special battle group was ordered and in order to smoke the bandits out, every building was now set on fire. The Jews and bandits held out, every building was now set on fire. The Jews and bandits held their fire up to the last moment and then concerted their fire against the units. They even used carbines. A number of bandits who were shooting from balconies were hit by our men and crashed down.

Furthermore, today we discovered a place said to have been the headquarters of the "P PR"; we found it unoccupied and destroyed it. It was on this 5th day of operations that obviously we

I found the worst of the terrorists and activists, who so far had always found ways and means to dodge every searching or evacuation action.

Hard to imagine that people would fight back against their oppressors isn't it? The bastards.

You mean the Jews were fighting and winning against the Arab Muslim genocidal savages.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")
So to conclude, the boycott has been an failure of epic proportions.

Hey IslamoNazi propagandists, maybe another 100 years, ya never know eh? What a bunch of jerkoffs. Ha ha ha.
Tunnels-to-kindergartens propaganda Netanyahu peddled to NYT and CNN is exploded by Israeli news site -

One of the most important strikes in the propaganda war for Israel in the last month was dealt by the New York Times and CNN when they ran long pieces giving credence to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that Hamas was building tunnels out of Gaza aimed at kindergartens in nearby kibbutzes.

Back on July 22, Netanyahu asserted– on the basis of this cartoon drawing he tweeted– that the tunnels were aimed at Israeli kindergartens.

Netanyahu tweeted this cartoon evidence on July 22

In fact (and as we reported), the only Israelis attacked from the tunnels were Israeli soldiers. But a week after Netanyahu’s statement, both the Times and CNN took the prime minister’s claim at face value. The Times’s piece, “Tunnels Lead Right to Heart of Israeli Fear” gave priority to rumors over actual information, and reported that “one tunnel was found over the weekend” in Kibbutz Be’eri. The piece quoted a resident of the kibbutz saying,

“The tunnels, it’s game-changing. We can’t do anything if the terrorists will come to our kindergarten. The tunnels, it’s very surprising, it can hit you don’t know where.”

Now it turns out no tunnel was found in Kibbutz Be’eri.

The Israeli site +972 has blown that propaganda completely out of the water. A well-researched article in Hebrew that it translated from an educational worker near Gaza states that the tunnels do not appear to be targeted at civilians and they come out more than a mile from any kibbutz, let alone the kindergartens.

In short, the tunnels fear was hysteria, drummed up by the Israeli government to heighten war fever, and then purveyed by the New York Times and CNN.

The piece at +972 — which is headlined in part, “In reality, every tunnel so far has been used against military targets alone” — was published in Hebrew on “Local Call,” and written by Emanual Yelin, who lives in Be’er Sheva and is said to work near the Gaza border. Yelin is a full-on Israeli patriot, but he has no truck with the lies and propaganda disseminated around the tunnels.

Here are excerpts of the Q-and-A he asks and answers.

Q. Was Benjamin Netanyahu right in his national address when he said “we will not end the mission, we will not end the operation, without neutralizing the tunnels that exist solely to annihilate our civilians and to kill our children?”

A. No. It is certain that this is not their sole purpose, and probably not their primary purpose, either. We’ve already seen six instances in which Hamas was able to use the tunnels against Israel. Once when Gilad Shalit was captured, and the rest during the current operation. In all instances, Hamas’ target were IDF soldiers, not the communities….

Q. So what is the purpose of the tunnels?

Most likely to hurt IDF forces and capture soldiers. Little by little we are starting to hear military reporters saying this explicitly…

Q. So we can be certain that the tunnels will not be used for terrorism against civilians in the kibbutzim along the barrier wall?

A. No. We must not become complacent…

Q. But if they didn’t want to hurt communities, why did they dig tunnels under dining halls and kindergartens inside those communities?

A. Here’s the thing: they didn’t. It turns out that there were no tunnels into the communities. The tunnel into the Kisufim dining hall? That was an old sewer line [Hebrew] mistakenly identified as a tunnel shaft…

Q. So where do the tunnels go?

A. Probably just a few hundred meters from the barrier wall and a few kilometers from the communities. It’s hard to find accurate data about where the exit shafts are. But in all five instances of infiltration, the militants emerged 200-400 meters away from the wall, as can be seen on the maps in the IDF Spokesperson videos. For example, the alleged penetration into Kisufim was 1.5 kilometers away from the community. And actually, the tunnel’s exit point is just as close to Kibbutz Sufa.

See more at: Tunnels-to-kindergartens propaganda Netanyahu peddled to NYT and CNN is exploded by Israeli news site
Post of the day! Netanyahu Has always been a lying sack of shit. It seems to be a prerequisite for PM of Israel.

Unfortunately, the dupes who believe every Israeli lie that comes down the pike will be spouting this lie for years to come.

No actually, Palishitians do dig terror tunnels and they do use schools and hospitals for military puposes. That's a proven fact, they are one of the most depraved immoral people on this planet.
Anyone besides Israel shoveling that shit?

Yep many western media outlets posted the details just last year
Do you mean all those western media outlets that report from Israel?

No I mean all those UN investigations that found that Palestinians were using United Nations schools and hospitals to store and shoot rockets from. You have a hard time accepting the truth about the so called Palestinians.
...govt sanctioned apartheid, mass murder, persecution of non Muslim minorities, and ethnic cleansing.

"...govt sanctioned apartheid, mass murder, persecution of non Jewish minorities, and ethnic cleansing." There, Zionist Israel described to a 'T', fixed it for you again. :)
Hamas refused doors for rebuilding and restoring homes in gaza. The doors were made by palestinians in a WB factory owned by an Israeli company.

Bit like a man dying of thirst refusing water because it was in a cup and not a glass.

Sounds reasonable to me, not wanting to help someone who profits from the exploitation and oppression of your people. Personally, if they were given for free, I'd have taken them to use as tunnel supports; Hamas seem to have more principles. :p
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.
Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.

Wrong. Zionists are today's nazis and the Israelis are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and European Jewish Nationalism. There, fixed it for you.

Nope, you just copied my post and changed the wording around Achmed.

Palestinian Nazi history is undeniable and well documented. Keep squealing.

Nope, you just copied my post and changed the wording around Achmed.

Wow, there's no getting one over on you is there? Just making your sentence more accurate, no need to thank me. :)
Hamas refused doors for rebuilding and restoring homes in gaza. The doors were made by palestinians in a WB factory owned by an Israeli company.

Bit like a man dying of thirst refusing water because it was in a cup and not a glass.

Sounds reasonable to me, not wanting to help someone who profits from the exploitation and oppression of your people. Personally, if they were given for free, I'd have taken them to use as tunnel supports; Hamas seem to have more principles. :p

They were supplies donated for the rebuilding effort in gaza
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