How is government in way of Business??

So how has this massive overbearing bureaucracy of ours stood in your way of achieving your business goals?

C'mon, you're a businessman give me some specifics.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

Ah the old all or none trick.
Yes, I would happy having an unlicensed plumber fix a leaky faucet for 1/4 of the cost of a licensed one.
But even if I weren't, I wouldn't be opposed to other people making that choice.
Liberals are against giving people choice because they might hurt themselves. This is the lib mindset: people are too stupid to take of themselves so they need Big Daddy Gov't to do it for them.

Balls to that.
So how has this massive overbearing bureaucracy of ours stood in your way of achieving your business goals?

C'mon, you're a businessman give me some specifics.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

That depends on the work being done. I don't need a licensed electrician to move an outlet or split a circuit. I don't need a licensed plumber to change out a sink or add a sprinkler. Why should I and why should I need a permit for those things?
So how has this massive overbearing bureaucracy of ours stood in your way of achieving your business goals?

C'mon, you're a businessman give me some specifics.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

I am not a licensed plumber or electrician yet I plumbed and wired my place. I am not a licensed contractor and I gutted and completely remodeled my house.

The building inspector accepted all the work as to code and 100% safe.
I'll give you a great example: The FDA.

It costs in excess of $500 million dollars and as much as a decade worth of bureaucratic red tape and delays to bring a new medication or device to market. This automatically prices out of the market smaller competitors and favors the eeeeeevilll BigPharm companies all you libs snivel about ....That costs jobs.

Then, supposing the medication or device gets to market, the companies have to recoup the R&D costs...This is done through higher prices.

But, like I already said, y'all will say "well I think it's worth it", as you attempt to move the goalpsosts from whether they're getting in the way, to arguing whether that impediment in the marketplace is "worth it", in your opinion.

And don't even get me started with things like the ADA, licensing and permit shakedowns, silly environmental regs that do little to nothing, etcetera.

Again, if you've never actually run a business, you'd neither know nor care about how Big Daddy Big Gubmint gums up the works and drives up the costs of virtually everything.

Yep lets do away with the FDA, who needs non poison pet food and drugs for kidney patients. (Heparin).
I like some salmonella in our peanut butter and in my salads.
Kinda adds flavor.

Nice strawman.

Funny how we ended up with those extremely rare circumstances with the FDA....If they're so effective, how did those things happen?

Let me guess...Those failures are just evidence that they need even more power, right?


Not extremely rare. just the ones I recalled and that KILLED.

We need more inspectors. Poisioning a food shipment would be a great way for terrorists to get as us.

At least in China those corporate managers responsible either killed themselves or were executed or imprisioned. Over here they get a bonus and the fines are so paltry they are considered a cost of doing business.

Now on non food stuffs and medicines let the buyer beware is fine.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

That depends on the work being done. I don't need a licensed electrician to move an outlet or split a circuit. I don't need a licensed plumber to change out a sink or add a sprinkler. Why should I and why should I need a permit for those things?

Agreed no permits for most things, but a safety inspection for major things is a good idea. Actually your mortgage holder or insurance company shoule require them. They have an investment to protect.

In FL where I lived to repalce a dripping outside faucet you had to wait in line and pay $45 to get a permit to replace the $20 faucett yourself. Damn red county I lived in.

I have helped to fix some horrible messes that people who thought they could do it themselves made.
A neighbor who had a drippy temp pressure safety valve had plugged the outlet of the valve. WH sort of blew and between the bang and water did something like $20,000 worth of damage.
The problem is how to seperate the ones who are unsafe from those who are ok.
As usual the many are inconvenienced for the sins of the few.
Yep lets do away with the FDA, who needs non poison pet food and drugs for kidney patients. (Heparin).
I like some salmonella in our peanut butter and in my salads.
Kinda adds flavor.

Nice strawman.

Funny how we ended up with those extremely rare circumstances with the FDA....If they're so effective, how did those things happen?

Let me guess...Those failures are just evidence that they need even more power, right?


Not extremely rare. just the ones I recalled and that KILLED.

We need more inspectors. Poisioning a food shipment would be a great way for terrorists to get as us.

At least in China those corporate managers responsible either killed themselves or were executed or imprisioned. Over here they get a bonus and the fines are so paltry they are considered a cost of doing business.

Now on non food stuffs and medicines let the buyer beware is fine.

I'm for inspections. That's primary Government function. I'm concerned about how many supervisors the inspector has.Waste is waste. Technology is always advancing. Government needs to work on it's ability to adapt and streamline procedure. It's not a complaint, but a state of mind.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

That depends on the work being done. I don't need a licensed electrician to move an outlet or split a circuit. I don't need a licensed plumber to change out a sink or add a sprinkler. Why should I and why should I need a permit for those things?

You don't. You, like me are quite capable of doing those things ourselves. It's not exactly rocket science.

But on the other hand, if you needed some extensive electrical work like replacing an entire service panel, and didn't have the skill set for a job of that size, would you really want to leave it up to an unlicensed electrician?

What if this so called electrician fucked up the job and your house burned down? Do you think your insurance company is going to be forthcoming with payment when they find out your service panel was installed and wired by an amateur electrician?
So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

That depends on the work being done. I don't need a licensed electrician to move an outlet or split a circuit. I don't need a licensed plumber to change out a sink or add a sprinkler. Why should I and why should I need a permit for those things?

You don't. You, like me are quite capable of doing those things ourselves. It's not exactly rocket science.

But on the other hand, if you needed some extensive electrical work like replacing an entire service panel, and didn't have the skill set for a job of that size, would you really want to leave it up to an unlicensed electrician?

What if this so called electrician fucked up the job and your house burned down? Do you think your insurance company is going to be forthcoming with payment when they find out your service panel was installed and wired by an amateur electrician?

It would depend on the origin of the fire and whether the work was done properly with the right materials. The License is good, but where not required by law, secondary. Even a Licensed Electrician is going to employ unskilled laborers. If I knew someone that I knew was qualified, but unlicensed, for personal use, I would have no or little problem. For Business, Licensed and Insured.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

Sorry, This completely destroys your credibility, but then,..........someone had to do it so you might stop lying, guessing, opining your bullshit. You learn that government code changes have reduced risks by 25%, how is that gov. standing in the way dumbass? That is 25% less dead and injured people, without gov. standing in the way.

And buildings built without gen. cont. license?? Here is what you get, the same situation that exists in Mexico. That is where you want to take those viewing here. Imagine the people who were injured or died in these colorado collapses, and if gov. leaves it to your responsible hands. LOL!!! Children in schools, people vacationing, citizens on their way to work or working, shoppers, are really an Odd Ball alright.

A 14-story building under construction in a Denver suburb collapsed Thursday, seriously injuring four workers, a fire department spokesman said. Ten others suffered minor injuries.

Officers say construction workers were pouring concrete on the 13th floor of the building when the floor collapsed, reports CBS' Denver affiliate KCNC.

PUEBLO - Strong winds early Thursday afternoon caused the center building of an apartment complex under construction to collapse, injuring two people.

Comparisons of collapse and fatality risks between buildings designed according to current (2005) building codes and older (1967) codes indicate that
improvements to building code requirements have reduced risks by about a factor of 25 times.
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Civil & Env. Engr. , Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA

He has investigated and reported on 14 major structural failures since 1977, including the Hyatt Regency walkway disaster in 1981 and 600 foot long air supported building near Grand Junction in about 1979.
Major Structural Cases
University Hills Baptist Church, Denver, Colorado
Rangeview High School, Aurora, Colorado
RREEF Roof ($1.2 M loss), Denver, Colorado
Gateway High School ($8.8 M), Aurora, Colorado
I-25 Bridge Collapse, Denver, Colorado
Potato Barn, Monte Vista, Colorado
Cinderella City Parking Deck, Denver, Colorado
Wind Damage to Barnes Business College, Denver, Colorado JUST HUFF & PUFF & COLORADO BUILDINGS COME DOWN!!!170 Foot Dome in Colorado Springs, Colorado
600 Foot Air Building, Fruita, Colorado
Sawmill Roof Collapse, Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Denver Airport Column Collapse/Fatal, Colorado

Rex E. Paulsen, P.E., Ph.D. Engineering Mechanics
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Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

Sorry, This completely destroys your credibility, but then,..........someone had to do it so you might stop lying, guessing, opining your bullshit. You learn that government code changes have reduced risks by 25%, how is that gov. standing in the way dumbass? That is 25% less dead and injured people, without gov. standing in the way.

And buildings built without gen. cont. license?? Here is what you get, the same situation that exists in Mexico. That is where you want to take those viewing here. Imagine the people who were injured or died in these colorado collapses, and if gov. leaves it to your responsible hands. LOL!!! Children in schools, people vacationing, citizens on their way to work or working, shoppers, are really an Odd Ball alright.

Yeah those Mexicans. None of their stuff ever lasts....
One only needs to look at the mess in Haiti following the earthquake to see the value in building codes ( or the lack thereof).
You don't. You, like me are quite capable of doing those things ourselves. It's not exactly rocket science.

But on the other hand, if you needed some extensive electrical work like replacing an entire service panel, and didn't have the skill set for a job of that size, would you really want to leave it up to an unlicensed electrician?

What if this so called electrician fucked up the job and your house burned down? Do you think your insurance company is going to be forthcoming with payment when they find out your service panel was installed and wired by an amateur electrician?

I am looking at a property now that I am praying has some past building permits and drawings for. The backyard looks like an electrical nightmare of underground wires for fountains, deck, BQ, patio, and yard lights. Can my digger start pool construction. What will he hit? Are wires hot or cold, fused or not, 220, etc. Only a qualified electrician and the building inspector will tell the entire story.
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The rightys keep chanting from under their rocks, that somehow government is preventing the economy recovery, BECAUSE GOVERNMENT IS IN THE WAY!! I'ts all somehow governments fault that jobs are not being created with the Trillon dollars corporations are known to be hoarding. So lets eliminate a few myths;

1.That government creates jobs. No, cons know that is not true, and they tell us quite often that government does not create jobs.:lol:

2.That government is standing in the way of corporations. Yet they cannot cite anything, and when you put them on the spot, they take their Rushkie myths and dive back under their rocks.:lol:

So rightys, this is your chance to tell us Leftys, honestly, how is government in the way of business's creating jobs??

Yep, none of us can explain anything, which is why we post videos. We are too stupid to understand anything else.


Fortunately, the people who make the videos are pretty smart.
So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

That depends on the work being done. I don't need a licensed electrician to move an outlet or split a circuit. I don't need a licensed plumber to change out a sink or add a sprinkler. Why should I and why should I need a permit for those things?

You don't. You, like me are quite capable of doing those things ourselves. It's not exactly rocket science.

They require permits, and licensed contractors are needed if the work isn't being done by the homeowner.

That's stupid for those simple tasks.

But on the other hand, if you needed some extensive electrical work like replacing an entire service panel, and didn't have the skill set for a job of that size, would you really want to leave it up to an unlicensed electrician?

Generally no. But why is that used as justification for simply moving an outlet?

What if this so called electrician fucked up the job and your house burned down? Do you think your insurance company is going to be forthcoming with payment when they find out your service panel was installed and wired by an amateur electrician?

It all depends on the investigation and the policy. In that situation on my rental house the electrician would be liable and my insurance company would go after their insurance. Note that the county inspects it but has no liability so if a mistake occurred but wasn't noticed on inspection the electrician can use the completed form as proof it wasn't his fault.

I agree with having standards, I just think there's too much for unimportant things.

Needing a permit to add a sprinkler? That's just stupid.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

Sorry, This completely destroys your credibility, but then,..........someone had to do it so you might stop lying, guessing, opining your bullshit. You learn that government code changes have reduced risks by 25%, how is that gov. standing in the way dumbass? That is 25% less dead and injured people, without gov. standing in the way.

And buildings built without gen. cont. license?? Here is what you get, the same situation that exists in Mexico. That is where you want to take those viewing here. Imagine the people who were injured or died in these colorado collapses, and if gov. leaves it to your responsible hands. LOL!!! Children in schools, people vacationing, citizens on their way to work or working, shoppers, are really an Odd Ball alright.

A 14-story building under construction in a Denver suburb collapsed Thursday, seriously injuring four workers, a fire department spokesman said. Ten others suffered minor injuries.

Officers say construction workers were pouring concrete on the 13th floor of the building when the floor collapsed, reports CBS' Denver affiliate KCNC.

PUEBLO - Strong winds early Thursday afternoon caused the center building of an apartment complex under construction to collapse, injuring two people.

Comparisons of collapse and fatality risks between buildings designed according to current (2005) building codes and older (1967) codes indicate that
improvements to building code requirements have reduced risks by about a factor of 25 times.
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Civil & Env. Engr. , Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA

He has investigated and reported on 14 major structural failures since 1977, including the Hyatt Regency walkway disaster in 1981 and 600 foot long air supported building near Grand Junction in about 1979.
Major Structural Cases
University Hills Baptist Church, Denver, Colorado
Rangeview High School, Aurora, Colorado
RREEF Roof ($1.2 M loss), Denver, Colorado
Gateway High School ($8.8 M), Aurora, Colorado
I-25 Bridge Collapse, Denver, Colorado
Potato Barn, Monte Vista, Colorado
Cinderella City Parking Deck, Denver, Colorado
Wind Damage to Barnes Business College, Denver, Colorado JUST HUFF & PUFF & COLORADO BUILDINGS COME DOWN!!!170 Foot Dome in Colorado Springs, Colorado
600 Foot Air Building, Fruita, Colorado
Sawmill Roof Collapse, Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Denver Airport Column Collapse/Fatal, Colorado

Rex E. Paulsen, P.E., Ph.D. Engineering Mechanics

You beat me to it :)
The rightys keep chanting from under their rocks, that somehow government is preventing the economy recovery, BECAUSE GOVERNMENT IS IN THE WAY!! I'ts all somehow governments fault that jobs are not being created with the Trillon dollars corporations are known to be hoarding. So lets eliminate a few myths;

1.That government creates jobs. No, cons know that is not true, and they tell us quite often that government does not create jobs.:lol:

2.That government is standing in the way of corporations. Yet they cannot cite anything, and when you put them on the spot, they take their Rushkie myths and dive back under their rocks.:lol:

So rightys, this is your chance to tell us Leftys, honestly, how is government in the way of business's creating jobs??

Yep, none of us can explain anything, which is why we post videos. We are too stupid to understand anything else.


Fortunately, the people who make the videos are pretty smart.
:rolleyes: A collection of odd laws by cities is hardly the fault of lefties.
The rightys keep chanting from under their rocks, that somehow government is preventing the economy recovery, BECAUSE GOVERNMENT IS IN THE WAY!! I'ts all somehow governments fault that jobs are not being created with the Trillon dollars corporations are known to be hoarding. So lets eliminate a few myths;

1.That government creates jobs. No, cons know that is not true, and they tell us quite often that government does not create jobs.:lol:

2.That government is standing in the way of corporations. Yet they cannot cite anything, and when you put them on the spot, they take their Rushkie myths and dive back under their rocks.:lol:

So rightys, this is your chance to tell us Leftys, honestly, how is government in the way of business's creating jobs??

Yep, none of us can explain anything, which is why we post videos. We are too stupid to understand anything else.


Fortunately, the people who make the videos are pretty smart.
:rolleyes: A collection of odd laws by cities is hardly the fault of lefties.

The question I answered was "How is the government in the way of business?" If I wanted to point out how lefties are anti business I would have posted a different video.
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