How is America doing?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.
This is the short list.
The real effect of this jackass being president is far reaching.
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.

America is doing better and better each day even without you Rumpster assistance. Or is that, in spite of your assistance. She's a tough old lady.
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.

America is doing better and better each day even without you Rumpster assistance. Or is that, in spite of your assistance. She's a tough old lady.

Better? How?
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.

America is doing better and better each day even without you Rumpster assistance. Or is that, in spite of your assistance. She's a tough old lady.
Yep....taking away Mr Potato Head's sex really helps America.
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.

America is doing better and better each day even without you Rumpster assistance. Or is that, in spite of your assistance. She's a tough old lady.

Better? How?

Easy answer. Rump is out of office, his kids are headed for prison, jobs are starting to return, the virus is starting to go down, and more. Even with you and your bunch doing your damnedest to keep it from happening. I am doing much, much better now that I was a year ago.
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.

America is doing better and better each day even without you Rumpster assistance. Or is that, in spite of your assistance. She's a tough old lady.
Yep....taking away Mr Potato Head's sex really helps America.

I really like your tag.

It's doing alot better than in the 50s 60s 70s 80s(lowest point) 90s so not so bad. Send out the stimulus checks to the poor(under 75 grand) and things getting better.
It's doing alot better than in the 50s 60s 70s 80s(lowest point) 90s so not so bad. Send out the stimulus checks to the poor(under 75 grand) and things getting better.
No, no it's not

America is not recognizable now. We can't even use social media without being hounded and censored or walk out our door without being attacked for not have a face diaper.
It's doing alot better than in the 50s 60s 70s 80s(lowest point) 90s so not so bad. Send out the stimulus checks to the poor(under 75 grand) and things getting better.

And get those two vaccines in at least 75% of all arms. Sorry, the Johnson and Johnson is only at just over 57% effective so we stick with the main two. Then, and only then, open things up. By July, we should be at that point. It's almost over.
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.

America is doing better and better each day even without you Rumpster assistance. Or is that, in spite of your assistance. She's a tough old lady.

Better? How?

Easy answer. Rump is out of office, his kids are headed for prison, jobs are starting to return, the virus is starting to go down, and more. Even with you and your bunch doing your damnedest to keep it from happening. I am doing much, much better now that I was a year ago.

The virus was eventually going to recede anyway, Biden had nothing to do with that. Nor did he have anything to do with the massive mobilization of the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines.

In fact, his only accomplishments so far were by riding on the coat-tails of President Trump. You are not doing better than you were a year ago. You only think you're doing better. You're paying more for gasoline, your country is less secure, your borders are virtually wide open and being flooded with cononavirus-infected illegals, your streets are teeming with gangs, muggers, robbers, rapists,, and the genocide of black-on-black murder continues every day.

Please feel free to list the "accomplishments" of this illegitimate "president" if you can. Or for that matter, any accomplishments over his 40 year political history.
America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped
You realize that the pipe was bringing in foreign oil?

Lord the stupidity.


Yea, now we will get in wars in Canada again fighting over their oil once more.

You're a hoot.

No one in my state gets any jobs from that pipeline. In fact, we lose jobs since some of our oil for export will not be exported. The XL pipeline makes money for just the Canadian Government and the Koch Industries (the two major stockholders). All because Canada won't allow Keystone Oil Sands oil to be shipped the very, very short distance to their own ports and be shipped there. Rewarding stupidity with more stupidity shouldn't be rewarded with more stupidity at my expense.
America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped
You realize that the pipe was bringing in foreign oil?

Lord the stupidity.


Yea, now we will get in wars in Canada again fighting over their oil once more.

You're a hoot.

No one in my state gets any jobs from that pipeline. In fact, we lose jobs since some of our oil for export will not be exported. The XL pipeline makes money for just the Canadian Government and the Koch Industries (the two major stockholders). All because Canada won't allow Keystone Oil Sands oil to be shipped the very, very short distance to their own ports and be shipped there. Rewarding stupidity with more stupidity shouldn't be rewarded with more stupidity at my expense.
Yea, America is better off getting their oil from the Middle East again

Speaking of which, has Biden taken over Syria yet? How many more bombs will it take?
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.
All left over from the dumpster fire that is MAGA morons
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.
All left over from the dumpster fire that is MAGA morons

That's where the Trump supporters came from that jumped me. It was a MAGA dumpster fire roasting marshmallows.
How is America doing after the election?

1. Washington DC is covered in barb wire, a virtual military zone now.

2. Gas at the pumps keeps going up and up and up with no end in sight

3. America is no longer energy independent thanks to the Key Stone Pipe line being stopped

4. Bombs are falling on Syria.

5. Americans continue to wait for their stimulus checks promised if the two democrats were elected in Georgia, which they were.

6. Taxes will be going up along with gas prices

7. Inflation is on the verge of exploding, making what wealth that exists to be worth less.

8. Biden continues to look like he escaped a nursing home and confused on where he is.

9. The FBI has switched gears on chasing Russian spies to chasing right wing insurrectionists, presumably with the need of building more jails and hiring more police.

10. People are having trouble getting a Covid vaccine now. Not Joe Biden, no, he got his before becoming President. In fact, considering Joe Biden's age, Trump probably saved his life by providing the vaccine for him to take. Must be nice. Most Americans can't get one right now.

America is doing better and better each day even without you Rumpster assistance. Or is that, in spite of your assistance. She's a tough old lady.

Better? How?

Easy answer. Rump is out of office, his kids are headed for prison, jobs are starting to return, the virus is starting to go down, and more. Even with you and your bunch doing your damnedest to keep it from happening. I am doing much, much better now that I was a year ago.

The virus was eventually going to recede anyway, Biden had nothing to do with that. Nor did he have anything to do with the massive mobilization of the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines.

In fact, his only accomplishments so far were by riding on the coat-tails of President Trump. You are not doing better than you were a year ago. You only think you're doing better. You're paying more for gasoline, your country is less secure, your borders are virtually wide open and being flooded with cononavirus-infected illegals, your streets are teeming with gangs, muggers, robbers, rapists,, and the genocide of black-on-black murder continues every day.

Please feel free to list the "accomplishments" of this illegitimate "president" if you can. Or for that matter, any accomplishments over his 40 year political history.

The Virus was NOT going to recede without externals. Each winter, it just got worse and more died. One would think that when we exceeded the death rate of WWII you would get the message. Well, we are going to hit the death rate of the worst war in American History, the Civil War, in about 2 months. Yah, that's going away.

Rump hurt the Pandemic Emergency Programs that were setup about 100 years ago. And continued until Rump. There are a long list of Pandemics much more deadly than Covid that were stopped cold by those procedures. Rump was even passed on by Obama the very book that was passed to Obama that covered this. Rump refused to read it and follow it. And what should have been a small bother turned into a National Pandemic.

Rump could have used the War Powers Act to force the two Antivirus Manufacturers to expand their operation but didn't. That was taken care of on Jan 20th, 2021. And the end is coming by July.

The rest of what you have to say just shows that you are a Trumpanze and you don't have a damned thing to add to any conversation worth anything.

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