How Government Health Care Works


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Simple, everyone pays via taxes for a NHC plan. (The it?) The NHC will need to be a government entity with all the government employees, bureaucrats, maybe brick and mortar buildings with great pillars, etc. This will all cost money. Doctors will be limited as to what they can charge patients so competition will be eliminated. It's "one size fits all" basically. Of course the most 'emergent' cases will have to be dealt with up front. The definition of "Emergent" will, of course, be up to government mandates because, after all, We The People are all paying for it and, of course, our Representatives will have to pass legislation which will also cost $$$$. Those who have the most $$$$ will, no doubt, have say over what is emergent and what is not emergent so it will be the advent of total political health care. You, of course, will have no say at all because you will not be free to see your own physician and, anyway, no private practice physicians will be in business anyway. When you get old, your condition will be evaluated by government doctors and they will decide how you should be treated (per government guidelines) You will be given an 'end of life' talk and assessment where you will decide your own fate based on the government choices given to you. Lovely huh?
We only need look at our allies that already have this great setup. Canada: is slowly going more private insurance. Up to a year wait to see a specialist. In some cases cancer and such has advanced to far to treat.
U.K.: elderly patients are treated in only certain hospitals. Sometimes that means an ambulance ride clear across town. Medical supplies are deemed necessary for the hospitals with the younger patients.

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