How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
This joke is over, folks

because it's thirty five percent of both, maybe all three parties ??
You think 35% of democratic voters would vote for Donald Trump? Oh man

Just because someone is a primary is voting for another republican, doesn't mean that they are unwilling to vote for Trump.

There were plenty of times that the nominee was not my first choice and I still voted for them. Hell, sometimes I was quite happy even with the second choice.

That's the normal gop voters.

YOu get ever 20% of white dem voters to cross,

And then get some blacks who want manufacturing jobs back in the country and/or who realizes that immigrants compete against him for jobs.

And then even some hispanics who don't want America to become like the shit hole they left behind, and

Ta-Da, President Trump.
How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?

Maybe he thinks it works like how he gets his wives, he cheats and then buys them a condo...
The electoral collage overweights rural areas. This is why running up the numbers in places like NY and CA doesn't matter. Trump just needs to win Ohio and Florida.

But your point is well taken. Trump is appealing to Nixon's Silent Majority, who are the angry whites people left behind by a changing America.

The population is becoming more diverse. More brown skinned.

The violence of the Trump Movement makes sense, especially when you realize that Trump supporters are scared, confused and angry.

The white nation of their youth is almost gone and they are not going down without a fight.

Trump has created a home for their violence. Rather than trying to unite people, he gives speeches about the evil of Mexicans, Muslims and blacks.

God help us. See Germany 1933 when a similar movement was built on fear, hate and exclusion.
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Maybe the reason is there are other candidates getting votes in the Primaries?
that would be my guess...... :bang3:
Because after the primary, GOP nominees win general elections?

Err, sometimes.

You do realize that, right?
The demographics and attitudes of this country have changed immensely since a GOP presidential candidate has won a general election (and Bush only just barely won that first one). I don't think a GOP presidential candidate has had the popular vote since the 80s

Trump isn't conservative though so maybe the general election will be kind to him
Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's just take a look back to 2012, the primaries we've had so far, and look at Romney.

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)

So Trump is right there with Romney, except TRUMP won more primaries and there has been greater turnout. I read one primary, Trump won with more votes than the TOTAL turnout in to that same primary in 2012.

Now, before you say "but Romney lost", Romney did not win as many primaries as Trump has, he didn't get the record breaking voter turnouts that Trump has, his "rallies" look like Hillary's not Trump's, and he didn't have an iota of enthusiasm behind his campaign...not even a drop.

And with all those negatives, he only lost by 4.9%.
The Democrat Party is just as committed to running a bad candidate as Republicans are

So we get a shitshow, but record numbers are showing up for Republican primaries

We can win in November
The electoral collage overweights rural areas. This is why running up the numbers in places like NY and CA doesn't matter. Trump just needs to win Ohio and Florida.

But your point is well taken. Trump is appealing to Nixon's Silent Majority, who are the angry whites people left behind by a changing America.

The population is becoming more diverse. More brown skinned.

The violence of the Trump Movement makes sense, especially when you realize that Trump supporters are scared, confused and angry.

The white nation of their youth is almost gone and they are not going down without a fight.

Trump has created a home for their violence. Rather than trying to unite people, he gives speeches about the evil of Mexicans, Muslims and blacks.

God help us. See Germany 1933 when a similar movement was built on fear, hate and exclusion.
Congratulations, you just completely legitimized white nationalism.
because it's thirty five percent of both, maybe all three parties ??
You think 35% of democratic voters would vote for Donald Trump? Oh man

Just because someone is a primary is voting for another republican, doesn't mean that they are unwilling to vote for Trump.

There were plenty of times that the nominee was not my first choice and I still voted for them. Hell, sometimes I was quite happy even with the second choice.

That's the normal gop voters.

YOu get ever 20% of white dem voters to cross,

And then get some blacks who want manufacturing jobs back in the country and/or who realizes that immigrants compete against him for jobs.

And then even some hispanics who don't want America to become like the shit hole they left behind, and

Ta-Da, President Trump.

Daydreams are a lot of fun. Don't have much to do with reality, but hey. Reality sucks, right?
The electoral collage overweights rural areas. This is why running up the numbers in places like NY and CA doesn't matter. Trump just needs to win Ohio and Florida.

But your point is well taken. Trump is appealing to Nixon's Silent Majority, who are the angry whites people left behind by a changing America.

The population is becoming more diverse. More brown skinned.

The violence of the Trump Movement makes sense, especially when you realize that Trump supporters are scared, confused and angry.

The white nation of their youth is almost gone and they are not going down without a fight.

Trump has created a home for their violence. Rather than trying to unite people, he gives speeches about the evil of Mexicans, Muslims and blacks.

God help us. See Germany 1933 when a similar movement was built on fear, hate and exclusion.

Another lefty moron who can't grasp that a slight decline in numbers and losing majority status is not the same as dying out.

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