How does raising taxes help our situation?

Is raising taxes a good idea?

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
It won't create jobs
It won't spur economic growth
It won't convince companies to bring back overseas jobs
It won't balance our budget since its spent before its collected
It will create division among the people
It won't stop ATM's from stealing our jobs
It won't help end the wars
It won't make our enemies fear us
It won't make our friends like us
It won't fix the broken housing market
It won't drive up consumer spending

It will make liberals feel better

Beyond that I see 0 upside
Everybody knows that when you take more money from the private sector we're all better off.
Raising tax rates helps no one. In this environment of out-of-control spending and associated debt, ever increasing regulatory burdens, a Fed-caused devaluation of the dollar, and an administration hyper-focused on class warfare, it's no wonder corporations and the wealthy are keeping their resources on the sideline, resulting in little job creation. Apparently the President believes that if you tax those entities more, this will help the economy.

They're not spending money more taxes will get them to spend? Really? In what world does this makes sense?
I was hoping taxes would be raised on trolls and trolling. Then maybe you and Willow Tree would run away together.

So you admit higher taxes are a deterrent for people producing something?

Don’t get me wrong, Gramps ain’t no conservative in that he believes spending trillions putting us into debt/bankruptcy as long as he agrees with the spending but you did just prove the reason why taxes are bad, especially during a recession/depression.
I couldn't answer your poll because raising taxes is neither always nor never a good idea. It's necessary to actually study some economics to understand that, though, and obviously what you are looking for is jerking knees.
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I was hoping taxes would be raised on trolls and trolling. Then maybe you and Willow Tree would run away together.

So you admit higher taxes are a deterrent for people producing something?

Don’t get me wrong, Gramps ain’t no conservative in that he believes spending trillions putting us into debt/bankruptcy as long as he agrees with the spending but you did just prove the reason why taxes are bad, especially during a recession/depression.

Because I think Ron Paul is a inept individual you think I believe in spending money?

Your off the deep end :eusa_whistle:
I was hoping taxes would be raised on trolls and trolling. Then maybe you and Willow Tree would run away together.

If so, there'd be tax money from you, TM, BD Kook, rdean and failgo to balance Obama's imaginary budget.....
I couldn't answer your poll because raising taxes is neither always nor never a good idea. It's necessary to actually study some economics to understand that, though, and obviously what you are looking for is jerking knees.

The poll refers to our current situation. But im sure you knew that, you just ignored it in order to put your ego before your common sense :eusa_eh:
I was hoping taxes would be raised on trolls and trolling. Then maybe you and Willow Tree would run away together.

So you admit higher taxes are a deterrent for people producing something?

Don’t get me wrong, Gramps ain’t no conservative in that he believes spending trillions putting us into debt/bankruptcy as long as he agrees with the spending but you did just prove the reason why taxes are bad, especially during a recession/depression.

Because I think Ron Paul is a inept individual you think I believe in spending money?

Your off the deep end :eusa_whistle:

No, it's because you don't support what it takes to cut spending enough to balance a budget. You believe if you just say you want spending under control that makes you "conservative" when reality is you don't support what is needed in cuts, in fact you attack people that tell you what is needed in cuts to get a balanced budget.

For the most part you won't touch military spending then claim "I don't support the wars." You just don't support cutting the trillions that would end the wars and is also needed to balance the budget.

Or better, how would you balance the budget while fighting wars all over the world and having bases everywhere? Or would you cut military spending, how much and where?
So you admit higher taxes are a deterrent for people producing something?

Don’t get me wrong, Gramps ain’t no conservative in that he believes spending trillions putting us into debt/bankruptcy as long as he agrees with the spending but you did just prove the reason why taxes are bad, especially during a recession/depression.

Because I think Ron Paul is a inept individual you think I believe in spending money?

Your off the deep end :eusa_whistle:

No, it's because you don't support what it takes to cut spending enough to balance a budget. You believe if you just say you want spending under control that makes you "conservative" when reality is you don't support what is needed in cuts, in fact you attack people that tell you what is needed in cuts to get a balanced budget.

For the most part you won't touch military spending then claim "I don't support the wars." You just don't support cutting the trillions that would end the wars and is also needed to balance the budget.

Or better, how would you balance the budget while fighting wars all over the world and having bases everywhere? Or would you cut military spending, how much and where?

All complete nonsense. Ive neve said any of that. As usual you like to make shit up to argue about.

Find a post by me stating those things or take your make believe arguments and return to your Sesame Street.

Put up or shut up
It will pay down the debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You know, the national debt. The thing right-wingers pretend to care about. The thing right-wingers blame Obama for increasing because they can't (yet) blame him for increasing taxes.

No it won't. We already borrow 43 cents of every dollar we spend. We have a spending addiction. If we were to increase taxes, do you honestly believe that it would go towards the debt or do you think politicians would say, "oh look, more money to spend". If you think it would go to pay the debt, I have a bridge to sell you. First, prove that you can cut back to spend only that which you take in and no more and then we can see about increasing taxes to help speed up paying the debt. But with that being said, dangling more money in front of a reformed politician is like taking a reformed alcoholic into a bar. It just isn't a good idea.
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Because I think Ron Paul is a inept individual you think I believe in spending money?

Your off the deep end :eusa_whistle:

No, it's because you don't support what it takes to cut spending enough to balance a budget. You believe if you just say you want spending under control that makes you "conservative" when reality is you don't support what is needed in cuts, in fact you attack people that tell you what is needed in cuts to get a balanced budget.

For the most part you won't touch military spending then claim "I don't support the wars." You just don't support cutting the trillions that would end the wars and is also needed to balance the budget.

Or better, how would you balance the budget while fighting wars all over the world and having bases everywhere? Or would you cut military spending, how much and where?

All complete nonsense. Ive neve said any of that. As usual you like to make shit up to argue about.

Find a post by me stating those things or take your make believe arguments and return to your Sesame Street.

Put up or shut up

Show me your cuts, as I asked.

You never give a stance like I said in my post. You claim to be about "cutting spending" so you can balance a budget, but you never show where you will do it. Then you attack people (like RP) when they tell you where it's needed if it comes to the military. No you don't say you support the wars, you just don't support cutting the Trillions it takes to keep them going while helping bankrupt our country.

So again, where would you cut to balance the budget, unless you will admit you don’t really care about a balanced budget.

And btw your thread is a trolling hack thread, who really needs a poll on this shit.
No, it's because you don't support what it takes to cut spending enough to balance a budget. You believe if you just say you want spending under control that makes you "conservative" when reality is you don't support what is needed in cuts, in fact you attack people that tell you what is needed in cuts to get a balanced budget.

For the most part you won't touch military spending then claim "I don't support the wars." You just don't support cutting the trillions that would end the wars and is also needed to balance the budget.

Or better, how would you balance the budget while fighting wars all over the world and having bases everywhere? Or would you cut military spending, how much and where?

All complete nonsense. Ive neve said any of that. As usual you like to make shit up to argue about.

Find a post by me stating those things or take your make believe arguments and return to your Sesame Street.

Put up or shut up

Show me your cuts, as I asked.

You never give a stance like I said in my post. You claim to be about "cutting spending" so you can balance a budget, but you never show where you will do it. Then you attack people (like RP) when they tell you where it's needed if it comes to the military. No you don't say you support the wars, you just don't support cutting the Trillions it takes to keep them going while helping bankrupt our country.

So again, where would you cut to balance the budget, unless you will admit you don’t really care about a balanced budget.

And btw your thread is a trolling hack thread, who really needs a poll on this shit.

I have been posting here long enough that if your head wasnt so far up your own ass you would know my positions. Your too busy licking your own nuts to see what ive stood for and I honestly couldnt care less. If you want to know, research my history boy. Otherwise suck it some more.

In the mean time, enjoy your time with TM on ignore. Your a perfect couple.

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