How does a man fall in love with a ugly women?


Okay. The let me say this, as someone who didn't find his own match until I was 37 years old.....

Beauty fades. Sex is nice but not something you can build a solid relationship on without other traits. I'm sure you have other characteristics you look for in a woman. Make those things your focus in the search. Once you've found them, I almost guarantee you that physical appearance will mean much less to you.

Hard to find a woman who likes football, tv comedy and fetish lifestyle

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There are many many many pretty women married to not so good looking men as well...and the same question can be asked of them, I suppose?

Or is the answer always, Money? do other people think it is always money when a young and beautiful woman is with a not so beautiful man or an old man?

Men are in general more visual than women. Women are attracted to confidence, not necessarily looks.
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My cousin is in love with this monster and celebrating their anniversary next week. Everytime I see her face I get nauseous. Why is he so happy to be in a relationship with a monster?

WHat is this love thing all about?

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life....
Never make a pretty woman your wife
From my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

This 100%. An ugly girl will take care of you and never cheat on you.

Hard to find a woman who likes football, tv comedy and fetish lifestyle

Probably still easier than my search was...
Intelligent homemaker and housewife who is willing to deal with physical birth defect and severe anger management issues. Must be willing to cook, clean, do laundry and dishes plus clean up after explosive emotional outbursts.

Sounds like you have a submissive monster living with you. Lol

Okay. The let me say this, as someone who didn't find his own match until I was 37 years old.....

Beauty fades. Sex is nice but not something you can build a solid relationship on without other traits. I'm sure you have other characteristics you look for in a woman. Make those things your focus in the search. Once you've found them, I almost guarantee you that physical appearance will mean much less to you.

Hard to find a woman who likes football, tv comedy and fetish lifestyle

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I feel sorry for the robo woman. :( #Robot women lives matter.
Hmm. I think the ugly women would be just as if not more likely to cheat because if a guy gives them any attention, they are going to be flattered. Besides that, just because someone is good looking doesn't mean they are a bad or disloyal person. :) I'm sure plenty of ugly women cheat or have cheated on their husbands.
I think it seems like some of you are extremely insecure in your own ability to hold onto a woman. Therefore, you would choose the ugly woman with the hopes that no other man would be interested in her. Kind of like how the Muslim men want their women to be covered. ;)

Okay. The let me say this, as someone who didn't find his own match until I was 37 years old.....

Beauty fades. Sex is nice but not something you can build a solid relationship on without other traits. I'm sure you have other characteristics you look for in a woman. Make those things your focus in the search. Once you've found them, I almost guarantee you that physical appearance will mean much less to you.

Hard to find a woman who likes football, tv comedy and fetish lifestyle

Try this


Only white people do that
I have problems understanding how a man can fall in love with an old woman.
I wish I fell in love when I was young so I would at least have that memory to hold me up when I see her old. But meeting some old hag and expected to do her. yuch.

Well why would you look for someone OLD?

I was 16yo when I had a relationship with my teacher. She was in early 30s, very pretty sexy and teaches me all I know about sex. She raided when I was taking a shower. Our relationship lasted for at least 4 months till we get caught and she end up in jail.
I have problems understanding how a man can fall in love with an old woman.
I wish I fell in love when I was young so I would at least have that memory to hold me up when I see her old. But meeting some old hag and expected to do her. yuch.

Well why would you look for someone OLD?

I was 16yo when I had a relationship with my teacher. She was in early 30s, very pretty sexy and teaches me all I know about sex. She raided when I was taking a shower. Our relationship lasted for at least 4 months till we get caught and she end up in jail.

stop lying and log out
I have problems understanding how a man can fall in love with an old woman.
I wish I fell in love when I was young so I would at least have that memory to hold me up when I see her old. But meeting some old hag and expected to do her. yuch.

Well why would you look for someone OLD?

I was 16yo when I had a relationship with my teacher. She was in early 30s, very pretty sexy and teaches me all I know about sex. She raided when I was taking a shower. Our relationship lasted for at least 4 months till we get caught and she end up in jail.
I had a dream like that once.
I have problems understanding how a man can fall in love with an old woman.
I wish I fell in love when I was young so I would at least have that memory to hold me up when I see her old. But meeting some old hag and expected to do her. yuch.

Well why would you look for someone OLD?

I was 16yo when I had a relationship with my teacher. She was in early 30s, very pretty sexy and teaches me all I know about sex. She raided when I was taking a shower. Our relationship lasted for at least 4 months till we get caught and she end up in jail.

stop lying and log out

Did I say something to hurt your feeling asshole? I'm just sharing you my experience idiot.
That was a one time experience not that I'm looking for old woman.
XXXX --- Mod Edit. Reserve the vulgarity for other forums and dont write OPs with this explicit language on the open boards. Take it to the FZ or Badlands. fbj

My cousin is in love with this monster and celebrating their anniversary next week. Everytime I see her face I get nauseous. Why is he so happy to be in a relationship with a monster?

WHat is this love thing all about?

Apparently you are one kind of a monster to judge a person by their looks. You are a monster.
XXXX --- Mod Edit. Reserve the vulgarity for other forums and dont write OPs with this explicit language on the open boards. Take it to the FZ or Badlands. fbj

My cousin is in love with this monster and celebrating their anniversary next week. Everytime I see her face I get nauseous. Why is he so happy to be in a relationship with a monster?

WHat is this love thing all about?

I don't call women ugly and I don't call them rejects either. But I call them below they are below my standard of beauty like Megyn Kelly or those women in Out Number from fox news.
Either they are undesirable looking, so so looking or pretty woman.......... women *do cheat*. I'm not saying that all women but cheating is not about the look.

Man are just about the same but more aggressive. Most men I know are pussy animals. Married devoted husband will tell you....... honest or will never cheat on their wife..................... Maybe. That is because they never been tested, tempted or never had an opportunity.
Either they are undesirable looking, so so looking or pretty woman.......... women *do cheat*. I'm not saying that all women but cheating is not about the look.

Man are just about the same but more aggressive. Most men I know are pussy animals. Married devoted husband will tell you....... honest or will never cheat on their wife..................... Maybe. That is because they never been tested, tempted or never had an opportunity.

Pretty women do cheat more than others and it doesn't matter what race.

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