How do you deal with family members on opposite side


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
Wish I knew--my brother is that way and he is getting more and more embolden and bullyish trying to cram his political views on me. He hates Trump but I ask him why he can't say anything that isn't specifically propaganda. It's nuts. He says he doesn't like biden either---but his hate is focused on Trump--its obsessive. My guess is that the dems basic brain washing techniques has triggered the TDS into a cult much like Manson dis his cult.
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
Wish I knew--my brother is that way and he is getting more and more embolden and bullyish trying to cram his political views on me. He hates Trump but I ask him why he can't say anything that isn't specifically propaganda. It's nuts. He says he doesn't like biden either---but his hate is focused on Trump--its obsessive. My guess is that the dems basic brain washing techniques has triggered the TDS into a cult much like Manson dis his cult.
Ask him to name a single thing T has done that was evil as president
He has done nothing
Obama used the irs and fbi to attack enemies
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs

I have family that are left-wingers. I have friends that are left-wingers.

I care about both, more than I care about politics.

The place to argue with people about politics (in my opinion) is on public forums like this.

It's not at the family cook out. It's not at a reunion.

IF someone asks my opinion, I will tell them my opinion, in a calm clear manor... and then no matter what they say.... I say "Ok well that's my opinion, and your opinion is yours".

I don't have to get the last word. I don't have to have the last say. I don't have to force people I care about, to think how I think. They are not going to. And I am not going to think like them.

I'm a Christian, before anything. And going around beating up people who are close to me, over something as stupid as Trump or Biden, is ridiculous. In 4 years, both will be forgotten, but the damage to the relationships in your life, can last forever.

And for what? If someone molests your daughter, destroying that relationship, is a protection of your family.

What will damaging your relations over Trump gain you? Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And it will only harm yourself, and make you look petty to those around you.... again FOR WHAT?

We have this phrase... "is this really the hill you want to die on?"... is this prize... the prize of telling someone off for Trump, or against Biden.... is that prize worth the sacrifice?

No, you gain nothing, by making everyone around you hate you.

So that's how I handle it. I don't die on a hill, that has zero to gain from it. I don't need to push my politics in people's faces. Doesn't mean I hide it, but when they say "I can't believe you"... I say "It's just my opinion", and be nice.

Just be nice. Be the better person.
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My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs

I have family that are left-wingers. I have friends that are left-wingers.

I care about both, more than I care about politics.

The place to argue with people about politics (in my opinion) is on public forums like this.

It's not at the family cook out. It's not at a reunion.

IF someone asks my opinion, I will tell them my opinion, in a calm clear manor... and then no matter what they say.... I say "Ok well that's my opinion, and your opinion is yours".

I don't have to get the last word. I don't have to have the last say. I don't have to force people I care about, to think how I think. They are not going. And I am not going to think like them.

I'm a Christian, before anything. And going around beating up people who are close to me, over something as stupid as Trump or Biden, is ridiculous. In 4 years, both will be forgotten, but the damage to the relationships in your life, can last forever.

And for what? If someone molests your daughter, destroying that relationship, is a protection of your family.

What will damaging your relations over Trump gain you? Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And it will only harm yourself, and make you look petty to those around you.... again FOR WHAT?

We have this phrase... "is this really the hill you want to die on?"... is this prize... the prize of telling someone off for Trump, or against Biden.... is that prize worth the sacrifice?

No, you gain nothing, by making everyone around you hate you.

So that's how I handle it. I don't die on a hill, that has zero to gain from it. I don't need to push my politics in people's faces. Doesn't mean I hide it, but when they say "I can't believe you"... I say "It's just my opinion", and be nice.

Just be nice. Be the better person.
Excellent answer. If you ever decide to move, consider Tennessee. A lot of us down here are like that.
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs

Disown them!!

Just kidding. I have (many) friends and (A few) relatives who are Lefty's. I just laugh at them and tell them if they want to remain on friendly terms with me, then discussion of politics is verboten. Period. Most of them agreed and we remain friendly. The few who didn't (friends only) can rot in hell!!! :rofl:
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
Wish I knew--my brother is that way and he is getting more and more embolden and bullyish trying to cram his political views on me. He hates Trump but I ask him why he can't say anything that isn't specifically propaganda. It's nuts. He says he doesn't like biden either---but his hate is focused on Trump--its obsessive. My guess is that the dems basic brain washing techniques has triggered the TDS into a cult much like Manson dis his cult.
Ask him to name a single thing T has done that was evil as president
He has done nothing
Obama used the irs and fbi to attack enemies
I do ask him btw periodically to explain why he hates Trump and what has trump done to earn such vitriol---he starts spouting off nonsense about helping Putin, or that he really isn't a billionaire. Last week it was about him owing money---------

Nothing seems to cool his hate-------so now I just tell him that I LOVE Trump, that Trump is a Great president, and that I am getting my voter ID card for all the different states that I have live in and voting in every one of them (joking of course.)
My sister is a full-bore leftist kookburger, and despises my wife (who considers her beneath contempt). I could hear the teeth grinding every time my nephew called my wife "Aunt Liz"...and the picture with him wearing my wife's "TRUMP 2020" hat did not go over well.

And I think I have gotten him interested in country music. :auiqs.jpg: I'm not sure what has my sister less happy.
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
Wish I knew--my brother is that way and he is getting more and more embolden and bullyish trying to cram his political views on me. He hates Trump but I ask him why he can't say anything that isn't specifically propaganda. It's nuts. He says he doesn't like biden either---but his hate is focused on Trump--its obsessive. My guess is that the dems basic brain washing techniques has triggered the TDS into a cult much like Manson dis his cult.
Ask him to name a single thing T has done that was evil as president
He has done nothing
Obama used the irs and fbi to attack enemies
I do ask him btw periodically to explain why he hates Trump and what has trump done to earn such vitriol---he starts spouting off nonsense about helping Putin, or that he really isn't a billionaire. Last week it was about him owing money---------

Nothing seems to cool his hate-------so now I just tell him that I LOVE Trump, that Trump is a Great president, and that I am getting my voter ID card for all the different states that I have live in and voting in every one of them (joking of course.)
Trump has put the worst sanctions ever on Putin and his inner circle
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My sister is a full-bore leftist kookburger, and despises my wife (who considers her beneath contempt). I could hear the teeth grinding every time my nephew called my wife "Aunt Liz"...and the picture with him wearing my wife's "TRUMP 2020" hat did not go over well.

And I think I have gotten him interested in country music. :auiqs.jpg: I'm not sure what has my sister less happy.
Have you ever considered severing all ties ?
My sister was a moderate but 20 yrs in Chicago and an extreme insane leftist husband has turned her into a lunatic
My dad still thinks the Dems of today are the same as the Truman / JFK types lol
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs

I have family that are left-wingers. I have friends that are left-wingers.

I care about both, more than I care about politics.

The place to argue with people about politics (in my opinion) is on public forums like this.

It's not at the family cook out. It's not at a reunion.

IF someone asks my opinion, I will tell them my opinion, in a calm clear manor... and then no matter what they say.... I say "Ok well that's my opinion, and your opinion is yours".

I don't have to get the last word. I don't have to have the last say. I don't have to force people I care about, to think how I think. They are not going to. And I am not going to think like them.

I'm a Christian, before anything. And going around beating up people who are close to me, over something as stupid as Trump or Biden, is ridiculous. In 4 years, both will be forgotten, but the damage to the relationships in your life, can last forever.

And for what? If someone molests your daughter, destroying that relationship, is a protection of your family.

What will damaging your relations over Trump gain you? Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And it will only harm yourself, and make you look petty to those around you.... again FOR WHAT?

We have this phrase... "is this really the hill you want to die on?"... is this prize... the prize of telling someone off for Trump, or against Biden.... is that prize worth the sacrifice?

No, you gain nothing, by making everyone around you hate you.

So that's how I handle it. I don't die on a hill, that has zero to gain from it. I don't need to push my politics in people's faces. Doesn't mean I hide it, but when they say "I can't believe you"... I say "It's just my opinion", and be nice.

Just be nice. Be the better person.
Good answer. I would add, generally don't talk politics or religion with the people you care about....coworkers, family, close friends with exceptions as always.

We're all just feathers in the wind, in the grand scheme of things after all.
I won’t talk to anyone who is a leftist , psycho nut

My poor mom !! She is a moderate and all she cares about is keeping the family together but politics has obliterated that

Even my brother and sister rarely talk and my brother has kicked my dad out of his house a few times for making polemic comments
I and my brother are very conservative
My dad and sister are Marxist
My sisters 3 kids have been so brainwashed by the Chicago School systems that I can’t even talk to them
We were so close but not anymore

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