How do we determine our world views?

On what are we most likely to base and form our views of the world?

  • Media

  • Education

  • Life Experience

  • What our parents taught us derived from their life experience

  • From friends recounting their life experiences

  • Solipsism

  • Other. Please elaborate.

  • I'd rather put on airs because: internet anonymity and I am just here to roleplay

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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Weltanschauung (n) A comprehensive view of the world and human life.

This thread is intended to encompass and examine the methods by which each of us, regardless of the places, or cultures or skin tones or belief systems we hail from, and, because of such life factors as those and countless others, we use to found, create, maintain and adapt our unique, individual views of the world around us--locally, nationally and globally. Or do most of us not think on a world level at all for being too caught up in our own backyard's existence?

We can discuss both objective/ generalized, impersonal means of forming world views, as well as subjective and personal ones if so desired on an individual basis. This thread will also humbly ask respondents to discuss why, in their opinion, one means of forming a world view is better or worse than others from the standpoint of drawing conclusions after hearing about something or experiencing something first hand. The thread will then also welcome discussion of how we go about drawing conclusions about the world around us both in pure thought and associated decisions about the world and action we take in response or approach to the world around us. We can approach these subjects from any point of view desired from scientific to religious, political to cultural, life experience to assumed or consumed information or self-created knowledge or experience, philosophical to rationally opinionated.

Do we form our world view strictly from personal experience? Or do we allow others to form it for us through derived assumptions we accept as fact? Are our individual fears of the world outside our relatively small interpersonal and local spheres formed from direct knowledge, inferred or informed or assumed based on the media we consume. How much actual life experience must be had in order to make our world views more real and/or valid than others?

Finally, how do the methods we individually use to reach and form our world views prejudice or bias us for and against issues unfolding around us? In other words, can we know enough about the world around us at all by means of reading or watching news pieces about it, to form safe, accurate, objective, informed opinions about it or will our opinions always be the product of manipulation by intersubjective interactions or sources far outside our understanding?

Where does the assumed, the imagined worldview break on the rocks of reality and become disillusionment? How do we avoid the foolishness of acting on disillusionment for assumption and gross misunderstanding of our world?

What makes one method for forming our personal Weltanschauung better or more informed or rational than some other one? Does the approach matter? Is inflexible, obdurate, even opinionated or sheltered world view of higher or lesser value than the adaptable, malleable, open-minded position of the sub-final lifetime mature world view? Why?

Thank you for your comments.
I believe our individual worldviews are founded upon expectation, the quest for discovery and realization of truth after discovery is made, all finalized by our willingness to accept the truth of what some aspect of the real world is like, or deny it instead and recreate the parts of the cold, hard real world we do not like according to our own fantasies of what we wish it could be or was.

Expectation, call it phase one of forming our world view, is in my opinion a state informed and influenced by what our guardian adults tell us about the world, what our early professional teachers teach us, what we see on television and read in books, in movies and in other entertainment media, from word of mouth by peers, and the mental process through which we digest, form and accept a view of the world unexperienced in person.

Phase two of forming our ultimate worldview is the quest for discovery apart from what up to that point in our youth we've only see or heard or been told. It is a quest to experience and know things parents and teachers have defined for us--sort of a set of virtual "fences" or an enclosure created for us which in this phase we are driven to go beyond--out onto the frontier of exploration beyond the know and what we've been told is the safe, secure place of knowing without participating.

Phase three of forming our world view involves willingness to accept the truth of the way things really are or even refusal to seek answers for ourselves, and then to either proceed forward in acceptance of reality, or lie to ourselves and pad the harshness of truth with our own at least partially falsified recreated version of reality which is a bit easier for us to swallow.
Excellent response. But how did you arrive at Liberty as a world view, and how does a core belief assigned the foundation value or principal of Liberty relate to and interact with the world around you?

Oh, gosh, n_s. That's gonna require a deep response. That's the best question anyone has ever asked me. I've been waiting years for someone to ask me that precise question. It's perfectly framed.

Really, that's an entire white paper's worth of material you're inviting from me with that specific question.

Lemme think about it. I'm getting ready to jump off of here and get soem work done. Last thing I expected was a question like that. Ha. I'll respond later on.

I the mean time, what I'll offer is that my concept of liberty is derived from the primary foundation for moral code and its specific principles in which our Republic was established. They must be accepted or rejected Indivisibly, of course.

Which, of course, would be completely dissimilar to something like Plato's Republic.

Anyway, yeah. I'll came back t othe thread later on. Likely evening time.
I don't think you can pick one cause of it. It's partially education, partially genetic, partially living situation, and partly experience.

In fact considering your worldview can change, I would say it's an evolving thing, with sam basic roots that can be changed if enough stress or stimulus is applied.
I don't think you can pick one cause of it. It's partially education, partially genetic, partially living situation, and partly experience.

In fact considering your worldview can change, I would say it's an evolving thing, with sam basic roots that can be changed if enough stress or stimulus is applied.

I agree, and thanks. However, despite our tendency to evolve and adapt our overall interpretations of the world around us, do we not rest-some more uneasily than others--on a core world view?
I don't think you can pick one cause of it. It's partially education, partially genetic, partially living situation, and partly experience.

In fact considering your worldview can change, I would say it's an evolving thing, with sam basic roots that can be changed if enough stress or stimulus is applied.

I agree, and thanks. However, despite our tendency to evolve and adapt our overall interpretations of the world around us, do we not rest-some more uneasily than others--on a core world view?

Most people do, and most people really don't change. But like all things involving people, there are outliers.

Lets look at the authoritarian-libertarian split.

Either government is a nessasary construct that should be used to shape and mold people as the leaders see fit, or government is a construct that while needed, must be limited as much as possible to allow individual freedom.
I don't think you can pick one cause of it. It's partially education, partially genetic, partially living situation, and partly experience.

In fact considering your worldview can change, I would say it's an evolving thing, with sam basic roots that can be changed if enough stress or stimulus is applied.

I agree, and thanks. However, despite our tendency to evolve and adapt our overall interpretations of the world around us, do we not rest-some more uneasily than others--on a core world view?

Most people do, and most people really don't change. But like all things involving people, there are outliers.

Lets look at the authoritarian-libertarian split.

Either government is a nessasary construct that should be used to shape and mold people as the leaders see fit, or government is a construct that while needed, must be limited as much as possible to allow individual freedom.

Interesting subject and highly relatable to the formation of our world views.

Myself, I believe in limited government defended by a large citizen-military. Men in ruling power have for eons been trying to edit the force of human instinct for unlimited freedom in order to one, allow civilizations to exist in the first place, and two, to enrich themselves substantially by use of humans as sheep to be fleeced, and three, for the realization of their philosophies and ideologies in real world re-creation.

On one hand, ultimate individual freedom removes the freedom of other individuals through anarchy and chaos in the absence of human appointed and mortal higher authority. Not everyone wants to be leader, but masses of people want that responsibility for their destinies to be placed in someone else's mortal hands.

On the other hand, too strict or too much power given to a government or human authority constricts and can suffocate enough freedom to cancel out the experiencing of individuality.

Where does an acceptable confluence between unlimited and limited freedom occur? Do we allow a government to tell us where for us, or can society and civilization trust us to govern our own behaviors with personal responsibility?
Liars Are Telling You What the "Big Lie" Only Applies To

These are the absurdities that are almost totally accepted solely because of cradle-to-grave authoritarian mind control:

The Constitution, which establishes absolute rule by the same pre-owned politicians ("wise stewards") that Constitutionazis inconsistently constantly complain about.

Inheritance, including trust funds, and living off an adult-level allowance in college.

College education: mediocrities stealing jobs just because they can go four or more years without a job or allowance equivalent to having a good full-time job.

Racial equality: Facts bear out the conclusion that the human race comprises different species at different levels of evolutionary development.

Corporate patents: creative geniuses intentionally humiliated by the ruling parasites to hand over what would not have existed without them to Low-IQ economic bullies.

Enforced simplistic logic: "What was good at one time, such as immigration, is good for all time"; inability to compare two groups because of including characteristics irrelevant to the comparison, such as that superior minds can't expect to be treated, from childhood on, exactly the way superior athletes are, because dumb jock bullies beat up nerds. For example, Derek Jeter got a million dollars up front to put himself through baseball's equivalent of college education, which is dishonestly refuted through false logic by omission of this fact: Over and above the matriculation bonus and his salary for 20 years, the Yankees' profit was 250 times their initial investment.

The space program: The rulers drumbeaten slogan, "We can land a man on the moon, but we can't do X," which is more detoured trick logic, is enforced accepted stupidity because if we hadn't wasted billions on that childish escapist circus, we could have funded the development of X.

That "grammar don't matter nothing no how." It is an indicator of stupidity and pretense; the grade-school grammar of graduates is further proof that college education is a fraud and must be replaced by highly paid professional training.

The volunteer Army: It is a coercive economic draft. In a man's country, the Daddies of guillotine-fodder richkids would be forced to tell them, "Work your way through college son, living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up. If you can't stand living like that, join the Army and increase my dividends from the stock I've piled up from the defense industries."
Liars Are Telling You What the "Big Lie" Only Applies To

These are the absurdities that are almost totally accepted solely because of cradle-to-grave authoritarian mind control:

The Constitution, which establishes absolute rule by the same pre-owned politicians ("wise stewards") that Constitutionazis inconsistently constantly complain about.

Inheritance, including trust funds, and living off an adult-level allowance in college.

College education: mediocrities stealing jobs just because they can go four or more years without a job or allowance equivalent to having a good full-time job.

Racial equality: Facts bear out the conclusion that the human race comprises different species at different levels of evolutionary development.

Corporate patents: creative geniuses intentionally humiliated by the ruling parasites to hand over what would not have existed without them to Low-IQ economic bullies.

Enforced simplistic logic: "What was good at one time, such as immigration, is good for all time"; inability to compare two groups because of including characteristics irrelevant to the comparison, such as that superior minds can't expect to be treated, from childhood on, exactly the way superior athletes are, because dumb jock bullies beat up nerds. For example, Derek Jeter got a million dollars up front to put himself through baseball's equivalent of college education, which is dishonestly refuted through false logic by omission of this fact: Over and above the matriculation bonus and his salary for 20 years, the Yankees' profit was 250 times their initial investment.

The space program: The rulers drumbeaten slogan, "We can land a man on the moon, but we can't do X," which is more detoured trick logic, is enforced accepted stupidity because if we hadn't wasted billions on that childish escapist circus, we could have funded the development of X.

That "grammar don't matter nothing no how." It is an indicator of stupidity and pretense; the grade-school grammar of graduates is further proof that college education is a fraud and must be replaced by highly paid professional training.

The volunteer Army: It is a coercive economic draft. In a man's country, the Daddies of guillotine-fodder richkids would be forced to tell them, "Work your way through college son, living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up. If you can't stand living like that, join the Army and increase my dividends from the stock I've piled up from the defense industries."

Thanks. That was quite the tour de force of what seems to be anti-skepticism cynicism? How did you arrive at your world view?
My word view is determined by ...

Worldview = Education, logic and common sense. All qualities currently lacking among the western nations with which we are most concerned.
Liars Are Telling You What the "Big Lie" Only Applies To

These are the absurdities that are almost totally accepted solely because of cradle-to-grave authoritarian mind control:

The Constitution, which establishes absolute rule by the same pre-owned politicians ("wise stewards") that Constitutionazis inconsistently constantly complain about.

Inheritance, including trust funds, and living off an adult-level allowance in college.

College education: mediocrities stealing jobs just because they can go four or more years without a job or allowance equivalent to having a good full-time job.

Racial equality: Facts bear out the conclusion that the human race comprises different species at different levels of evolutionary development.

Corporate patents: creative geniuses intentionally humiliated by the ruling parasites to hand over what would not have existed without them to Low-IQ economic bullies.

Enforced simplistic logic: "What was good at one time, such as immigration, is good for all time"; inability to compare two groups because of including characteristics irrelevant to the comparison, such as that superior minds can't expect to be treated, from childhood on, exactly the way superior athletes are, because dumb jock bullies beat up nerds. For example, Derek Jeter got a million dollars up front to put himself through baseball's equivalent of college education, which is dishonestly refuted through false logic by omission of this fact: Over and above the matriculation bonus and his salary for 20 years, the Yankees' profit was 250 times their initial investment.

The space program: The rulers drumbeaten slogan, "We can land a man on the moon, but we can't do X," which is more detoured trick logic, is enforced accepted stupidity because if we hadn't wasted billions on that childish escapist circus, we could have funded the development of X.

That "grammar don't matter nothing no how." It is an indicator of stupidity and pretense; the grade-school grammar of graduates is further proof that college education is a fraud and must be replaced by highly paid professional training.

The volunteer Army: It is a coercive economic draft. In a man's country, the Daddies of guillotine-fodder richkids would be forced to tell them, "Work your way through college son, living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up. If you can't stand living like that, join the Army and increase my dividends from the stock I've piled up from the defense industries."

Thanks. That was quite the tour de force of what seems to be anti-skepticism cynicism? How did you arrive at your world view?
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to HIm

I realized that we are not fed false data but false logic. The Leviathan has many claws, so a different layer of mental authoritarianism is piled on when, even if the conclusion preached is logical, selective data were used to come to that pre-determined outcome and relevant facts were omitted, either intentionally or because favored inferior minds were placed above us as mentors.
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Life experience seems like it would encompass everything so that, and my contemplations about it.
My word view is determined by ...

Whatever Word Is Whirred by Fanboy On-Air AirHeads Blows Your Mind

Permissive dictionaries cowardly and slavishly submit to the lowest common denominator. In an intelligent society, they would forfeit all authority, especially because the mission of Terminal America's lexicographic deciders is to dumb the nation down.

Since the dictionary corporations make most of their money off college students, they also have a mercenary reason to kowtow to that ilk's ignorant and lazy grammar. Most graduates had no more right to be in college than they had to be on the college football team, which is based on talent rather than birth or brownnosing.

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