How did Biden get Covid?

This is "one" president I hope makes it all 4 years..........look who is standing in the wings. Mrs. Wille Brown and MISS INSIDER TRADER, miday cocktail drinker Pelosi that claims she does not make a profit from her husbands insider stock trades.....even though she filled out the paper work to purchase the stock for her husband.
Nope, get rid of both brandon and the giggler.
Nope, get rid of both brandon and the giggler.
Really? I find this administration very entertaining........its like watching a on CNN. It would difficult to prosecute Biden, could you with good consceince prosecute CORKY? There's noboy home up there.............its the behind the scences shadow puppet masters that must be cut out like the cancer they are.
Just saw the First Lady wearing a mask today OUTSIDE. LOL.
I'm sorry...what the fuck are you people talking about?
Then you'd love seeing the country fall to ruin no doubt.
I love seeing THE PEOPLE get a refersher course in liberalism...i.e, socialism 101. It happens every few decades, the people have a short memory and must be reminded by demonstration. I look at it like a short vacation from are suppoed to be fun and I am really enjoying the dog and pony show. There is nothing to fear from the demwits they always rule themselves back into the shadows by attempting to use Keynesian Economics as fuel in an engine that was designed to run on high octane capitalism.

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I was vaccinated, and still got COVID. I can honestly say I have had worse head colds. Why do you people keep ignoring the fact there were millions and millions like me?
There were also millions and millions of unvaccinated who had mild symptoms or even no symptoms at all.

Are you sure they didn't give you a placebo? :)

Just kidding, I support your right to get the vaccine for yourself if you want. And you can even rationalize why it was a good thing, even though you still got sick.

I'm just anti-mandate, and also annoyed by the constant lies propelled by the media and government-funded Big Pharma about effectiveness which have been proven false time and time again. However, personally, I think it is great that people can get a shot if they want to.
Sounds like the extreme bunch are right wing loons from what was posted above
How many? See that's how false information gets put out by the biased MSM. a "few" become a "bunch" a "bunch" the majority!
Why don't you use facts which most of the people like me that personally dislike Trump's Tweets,etc. BUT we greatly appreciate the positives values Trump is for starting with his putting America first! You tell me from the attached which of them you agree with and I'll tell you know that Trump and Trump supporters find the attached extremely anti-American and even more harmful!
Trump would never do or say what the attach is documented as Obama/Biden's positions!
How many? See that's how false information gets put out by the biased MSM. a "few" become a "bunch" a "bunch" the majority!
Why don't you use facts which most of the people like me that personally dislike Trump's Tweets,etc. BUT we greatly appreciate the positives values Trump is for starting with his putting America first! You tell me from the attached which of them you agree with and I'll tell you know that Trump and Trump supporters find the attached extremely anti-American and even more harmful!
Trump would never do or say what the attach is documented as Obama/Biden's positions!
View attachment 672997
Your buddy advocated concentration camps for liberals and you couldn't bring yourself to distance yourself from that?

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