How common is this type of stuff in the "Muslim" world lol...?

being able to read and quote is a vastly different from understanding it.

Do you read only in english?

Yes, Sir, I only speak English...

Surah 2:8 is not a Scripture that is unplain though; it says that not everyone who claims to be a Muslim is one. In fact, in condemnation of the WHOLE "MUSLIM" WORLD are these Scriptures from the Qur'an:

"(31)...and be not ye among those who join gods with Allah,- (32)Those who split up their Religion, and become (mere) Sects,- each party rejoicing in that which is with itself!" (Surah 30:31-32)

This tells us that in Islam, sectarianism is POLYTHEISTIC. The whole "Muslim" world is not practicing Islam.

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