how come there are so few good presidents, even though there are many good men?!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
all presidents mess up. we can do better

summary of presidential scandals, including ALL our last 8 presidents:

Andrew Jackson: killed a guy in a duel
Warren Harding: Teapot Dome/selling of white house china
Carter: Iran hostages
Reagan: Iran Contra
Bush: read my lips
Clinton: Mrs Lewinsky
Bush: Iraq War
Obama: war coal jobs/ Benghazi
Trump: corona
Biden: Afghanistan
all presidents mess up. we can do better

summary of presidential scandals, including ALL our last 8 presidents:

Andrew Jackson: killed a guy in a duel
Warren Harding: Teapot Dome/selling of white house china
Carter: Iran hostages
Reagan: Iran Contra
Bush: read my lips
Clinton: Mrs Lewinsky
Bush: Iraq War
Obama: war coal jobs/ Benghazi
Trump: corona
Biden: Afghanistan
Many good men?! Where do you get that from?!?!
all presidents mess up. we can do better

summary of presidential scandals, including ALL our last 8 presidents:

Andrew Jackson: killed a guy in a duel
Warren Harding: Teapot Dome/selling of white house china
Carter: Iran hostages
Reagan: Iran Contra
Bush: read my lips
Clinton: Mrs Lewinsky
Bush: Iraq War
Obama: war coal jobs/ Benghazi
Trump: corona
Biden: Afghanistan
Mr Trump never messed up with corona--that's ridiculous
all presidents mess up. we can do better

summary of presidential scandals, including ALL our last 8 presidents:

Andrew Jackson: killed a guy in a duel
Warren Harding: Teapot Dome/selling of white house china
Carter: Iran hostages
Reagan: Iran Contra
Bush: read my lips
Clinton: Mrs Lewinsky
Bush: Iraq War
Obama: war coal jobs/ Benghazi
Trump: corona
Biden: Afghanistan

Man this is a good subject...

I can't stand the way we let in our Chief executive officers.....any old goddamed riff's totally crazy.

IMO.... There should be minimum requirements...

1.) Minimum Masters in Economics
2.) Minimum, Bachelors in Philosophy
3.) Minimum 10 years experience in private sector business
4.) Minimum 10 years concurrent experience in Foreign Affairs, preferably a wide base

Those candidates are worth a whole hell of a lot more than the pittance salary that is currently being paid out for that office.
I would propose a base salary of 5million after taxes annually with performance bonuses for positive economic developments.

Our current system sucks because it was originally crafted around men who fit the above description....nobody else was able to mount a successful campaign...but today....Willie the effing Wino can file's a total disgrace.

For starters, politicians are paid way way way too much. It shouldn't be something you can make a career out of.
He was an utter disaster when it came to COViD.
Trump has his unattractive attributes.....but you are laboring under the brainless assumption that the virus can even be dealt cannot and not by has nothing to do with who is in charge....the Fucking Virus is in charge dude. This would be like me trying to sue Obama for the increase in sunspots during his administration. You don't like Trump? probably have good reasons....but this Corona failure thing? It's nothing but bullshit.

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For starters, politicians are paid way way way too much. It shouldn't be something you can make a career out of.
Agreed except for the top should definitely be in class of its own because it actually does require brains...something we have not seen at all since Eisenhower....Actually Nixon was pretty smart too even if he was a prick.

Trump has his unattractive attributes.....but you are laboring under the brainless assumption that the virus can even be dealt cannot and not by has nothing to do with who is in charge....the Fucking Virus is in charge dude. This would be like me trying to sue Obama for the increase in sunspots during his administration. You don't like Trump? probably have good reasons....but tis Corona failure thing? It's nothing but bullshit.
I can absolutely judge Trump on how he handled things. Whether efforts would have stopped the virus or not anybody with a brain could see Trump fumble the ball as he politicized the shit out of a pandemic.
I can absolutely judge Trump on how he handled things. Whether efforts would have stopped the virus or not anybody with a brain could see Trump fumble the ball as he politicized the shit out of a pandemic.
Dude your just full of shit.....he put out Maximum effort at the earliest possible time he was allowed to do still did not work because it was never going to work. This fairy tale of laissez faire treatment of the pandemic is just that....nobody treated it that still didn't didn't matter anywhere...not even in China which was originally deified by the left as the perfect handling of the situation....turns out they did nothing that worked either.

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