How Can We Trust a Man Who Showed No Leadership When He Crumbled Under Pressure With Harris Decision?


May 23, 2014
Even liberals identified it as pandering to extreme left. How can anyone have confidence in an individual when faced with the most important decision in his life chose a "woman of color" because it was politically expedient?
Even liberals identified it as pandering to extreme left. How can anyone have confidence in an individual when faced with the most important decision in his life chose a "woman of color" because it was politically expedient?
If you saw the video of Biden’s notes under Harris name it said,” Hold no grudge!” In Politics it pays to look at the big picture. Unlike the one who sits in the WH now whose whole life is based on petty grudges. I am quite sure Harris apologized for her ill planned attack.

She is not my first choice but I feel Biden made his choice.
Canadian website claims Soros arrested for election interference. Probably bullshit. But here it is.

George Soros ARRESTED for election interference, in federal custody
conservativebeaver_skphjv Posted onNovember 23, 2020
PHILADELPHIA – George Soros has been arrested, and is currently in federal custody in Philadelphia. According to a recently unsealed indictment filed in the West District of Pennsylvania, Soros committed a slew of serious crimes prior to the US election.
The indictment focuses only on the criminal activity Soros participated in prior to the election, such as wire fraud, identity theft, and damage to computers...
Even liberals identified it as pandering to extreme left. How can anyone have confidence in an individual when faced with the most important decision in his life chose a "woman of color" because it was politically expedient?

Same reason why Reagan took George H.W. Bush or why Trump took Mike Pence because it settle down a certain part of the party and get a key voting bloc to vote for them.

Reagan took Bush to unite the GOP, Trump took Pence to calm the evangelical vote, and Biden took Harris to get Sanders and Cortez to play nice while getting the Black vote...

So there is the answer but alas you will lecture me how Reagan and Trump choices were so different while truthfully their choices were to help them win just like Biden choice was to help him win and also keep the GOP from trying to impeach him...
Even liberals identified it as pandering to extreme left. How can anyone have confidence in an individual when faced with the most important decision in his life chose a "woman of color" because it was politically expedient?

Same reason why Reagan took George H.W. Bush or why Trump took Mike Pence because it settle down a certain part of the party and get a key voting bloc to vote for them.

Reagan took Bush to unite the GOP, Trump took Pence to calm the evangelical vote, and Biden took Harris to get Sanders and Cortez to play nice while getting the Black vote...

So there is the answer but alas you will lecture me how Reagan and Trump choices were so different while truthfully their choices were to help them win just like Biden choice was to help him win and also keep the GOP from trying to impeach him...
True, that is the way Politics works if you want to win. Petty grudges do not work in Politics. Biden learned that long ago. If Mitch continues to just obstruct Biden will simply work around him with more reasonable Senators. I may be wrong but expect Romney to challenge McConnell. He is too much into petty grudges, too.
Canadian website claims Soros arrested for election interference. Probably bullshit. But here it is.

George Soros ARRESTED for election interference, in federal custody
conservativebeaver_skphjv Posted onNovember 23, 2020
PHILADELPHIA – George Soros has been arrested, and is currently in federal custody in Philadelphia. According to a recently unsealed indictment filed in the West District of Pennsylvania, Soros committed a slew of serious crimes prior to the US election.
The indictment focuses only on the criminal activity Soros participated in prior to the election, such as wire fraud, identity theft, and damage to computers...
Why publish it if you think it is BS? Why not a good article based on facts?
Canadian website claims Soros arrested for election interference. Probably bullshit. But here it is.

George Soros ARRESTED for election interference, in federal custody
conservativebeaver_skphjv Posted onNovember 23, 2020
PHILADELPHIA – George Soros has been arrested, and is currently in federal custody in Philadelphia. According to a recently unsealed indictment filed in the West District of Pennsylvania, Soros committed a slew of serious crimes prior to the US election.
The indictment focuses only on the criminal activity Soros participated in prior to the election, such as wire fraud, identity theft, and damage to computers...

Yeah; maybe. I wonder if he'll sing to reduce his sentence???

As you say; probably crap.

Even liberals identified it as pandering to extreme left. How can anyone have confidence in an individual when faced with the most important decision in his life chose a "woman of color" because it was politically expedient?

Biden is a dooche bag. In there 47 years and the only thing he did was helped to take more freedoms away. And these idiots think he will be a good pres. I guess the joke is on them. :D
Canadian website claims Soros arrested for election interference. Probably bullshit. But here it is.

George Soros ARRESTED for election interference, in federal custody
conservativebeaver_skphjv Posted onNovember 23, 2020
PHILADELPHIA – George Soros has been arrested, and is currently in federal custody in Philadelphia. According to a recently unsealed indictment filed in the West District of Pennsylvania, Soros committed a slew of serious crimes prior to the US election.
The indictment focuses only on the criminal activity Soros participated in prior to the election, such as wire fraud, identity theft, and damage to computers...
Why publish it if you think it is BS? Why not a good article based on facts?
Why is it a problem; as he said it's probably rubbish ...but...WHAT IF!!!!! lol

Even liberals identified it as pandering to extreme left. How can anyone have confidence in an individual when faced with the most important decision in his life chose a "woman of color" because it was politically expedient?

Same reason why Reagan took George H.W. Bush or why Trump took Mike Pence because it settle down a certain part of the party and get a key voting bloc to vote for them.

Reagan took Bush to unite the GOP, Trump took Pence to calm the evangelical vote, and Biden took Harris to get Sanders and Cortez to play nice while getting the Black vote...

So there is the answer but alas you will lecture me how Reagan and Trump choices were so different while truthfully their choices were to help them win just like Biden choice was to help him win and also keep the GOP from trying to impeach him...
True, that is the way Politics works if you want to win. Petty grudges do not work in Politics. Biden learned that long ago. If Mitch continues to just obstruct Biden will simply work around him with more reasonable Senators. I may be wrong but expect Romney to challenge McConnell. He is too much into petty grudges, too.

I would rather have John Cronyn step up and become the Senate Majority Leader or Susan Collins and have Mitch sit in the back and learn what leadership look like...
... She is not my first choice but I feel Biden made his choice.

What makes Mr. president elected Joe Biden to a political genius on many reasons. One of the reasons: "Make critics to your ally". He is really smart - while Donald Trump destroyed himselve by ignoring all forms of critics. Donald Trump killed people, who had to tell him bad messages. What a difference!

I see some hope now for the USA again - the first time since Trump became the first uncalculable president of the USA, who showed very clear that chaotic destructions and chaotic changes are not automatically creative. Sometimes is rain just simple rain and it needs a place to be covered from rain - and not a psychology of happiness, who tells all people there is no rain but only sunshine.
Even liberals identified it as pandering to extreme left. How can anyone have confidence in an individual when faced with the most important decision in his life chose a "woman of color" because it was politically expedient?

Same reason why Reagan took George H.W. Bush or why Trump took Mike Pence because it settle down a certain part of the party and get a key voting bloc to vote for them.

Reagan took Bush to unite the GOP, Trump took Pence to calm the evangelical vote, and Biden took Harris to get Sanders and Cortez to play nice while getting the Black vote...

So there is the answer but alas you will lecture me how Reagan and Trump choices were so different while truthfully their choices were to help them win just like Biden choice was to help him win and also keep the GOP from trying to impeach him...

That is a good point. So why are we falling for all this political garbage? Why are we fighting over Trump and Biden? We all know at the top they are all in it together. I guess it is like football teams where my team is better then yours. The Cabal surly know how to divide and conquer. I am even getting sucked into the political garbage. Have to admit it is fun though fighting each other over who will take more of our freedoms.:D
..he is not a leader --he's a typical ass kissing politician

No one needs a leader. Everyone needs experts - and the USA needs a president who is able to make - or to let make - decisions in the best of all possible ways. It needs not sentences like "USA first" for example. That's clear. Why should anyone in the USA do what's not the best for his country - the USA ? ... Except perhaps he is called Donald Trump and works on psychopathological reasons on a new "Dolchstoßlegende" - on a "stab-in-the-back-legend". Joe Biden wan - Trump lost. Election campaign is over. And in the next months Donald Trump should do other things than he is doing now. The USA has problems, which have to be solved. What he is doing now has absolutlelly nothing to do with "USA first".

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Even liberals identified it as pandering to extreme left. How can anyone have confidence in an individual when faced with the most important decision in his life chose a "woman of color" because it was politically expedient?

Same reason why Reagan took George H.W. Bush or why Trump took Mike Pence because it settle down a certain part of the party and get a key voting bloc to vote for them.

Reagan took Bush to unite the GOP, Trump took Pence to calm the evangelical vote, and Biden took Harris to get Sanders and Cortez to play nice while getting the Black vote...

So there is the answer but alas you will lecture me how Reagan and Trump choices were so different while truthfully their choices were to help them win just like Biden choice was to help him win and also keep the GOP from trying to impeach him...

That is a good point. So why are we falling for all this political garbage? Why are we fighting over Trump and Biden? We all know at the top they are all in it together. I guess it is like football teams where my team is better then yours. The Cabal surly know how to divide and conquer. I am even getting sucked into the political garbage. Have to admit it is fun though fighting each other over who will take more of our freedoms.:D

Why do we argue over stuff like Trump vs Biden?

The media is mostly to blame...

Think for a moment and if the Founding Fathers were alive today and seen Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump run this country from the Oval Office with so much Federal abuse do you think they would have fought for our Country freedom from England or just say let the future idiots suffer under English rule instead?

In the end the best comment I can give is “ Resistance is Futile “ and my apologies for stealing that from the Borg Collective because let me be clear if there were Borgs in the Universe they would not have us join them because we add so little to the Universe...

So let me be clear we argue over the trash we are given to vote for because the media tell us what we should think...

Personally I just argue just to argue and play Devil Advocate and just because I get bored easily...
Even liberals identified it as pandering to extreme left. How can anyone have confidence in an individual when faced with the most important decision in his life chose a "woman of color" because it was politically expedient?

Same reason why Reagan took George H.W. Bush or why Trump took Mike Pence because it settle down a certain part of the party and get a key voting bloc to vote for them.

Reagan took Bush to unite the GOP, Trump took Pence to calm the evangelical vote, and Biden took Harris to get Sanders and Cortez to play nice while getting the Black vote...

So there is the answer but alas you will lecture me how Reagan and Trump choices were so different while truthfully their choices were to help them win just like Biden choice was to help him win and also keep the GOP from trying to impeach him...

That is a good point. So why are we falling for all this political garbage? Why are we fighting over Trump and Biden? We all know at the top they are all in it together. I guess it is like football teams where my team is better then yours. The Cabal surly know how to divide and conquer. I am even getting sucked into the political garbage. Have to admit it is fun though fighting each other over who will take more of our freedoms.:D

Why do we argue over stuff like Trump vs Biden?

The media is mostly to blame...

Think for a moment and if the Founding Fathers were alive today and seen Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump run this country from the Oval Office with so much Federal abuse do you think they would have fought for our Country freedom from England or just say let the future idiots suffer under English rule instead?

In the end the best comment I can give is “ Resistance is Futile “ and my apologies for stealing that from the Borg Collective because let me be clear if there were Borgs in the Universe they would not have us join them because we add so little to the Universe...

So let me be clear we argue over the trash we are given to vote for because the media tell us what we should think...

Personally I just argue just to argue and play Devil Advocate and just because I get bored easily...

True brother!! Great points!!
... She is not my first choice but I feel Biden made his choice.

What makes Mr. president elected Joe Biden to a political genius on many reasons. One of the reasons: "Make critics to your ally". He is really smart - while Donald Trump destroyed himselve by ignoring all forms of critics. Donald Trump killed people, who had to tell him bad messages. What a difference!

I see some hope now for the USA again - the first time since Trump became the first uncalculable president of the USA, who showed very clear that chaotic destructions and chaotic changes are not automatically creative. Sometimes is rain just simple rain and it needs a place to be covered from rain - and not a psychology of happiness, who tells all people there is no rain but only sunshine.

What are you smoking? Biden is as smart as a dead fish. The fk can't even talk right and his sons was kicked out the military. And they were caught red handed in the voting fraud and with China. If he is smart, I am not sure what you are referring to when you say smart. :D

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