CDZ How can people live with themselves?

Liberals correctly understand that the right of each American to decide personal, private matters absent unwarranted government interference is safeguarded by the Constitution.....

So you are suggesting there is a Constitutional Right to act in an Immoral manner? - I tend to disagree. By your philosophy there is no point to having laws at all.
Just curious about this meme, I joke and tease liberals about this but seriously how can you?

View attachment 80280

Abortion is a technology that isn't going to go away. Abortion is also proof that not all technologies that can be industrialized should be industrialized.

The solution is to turn abortion in to a safe and legal option that is no longer a for profit industry and is rarely employed because of the quality and quantity of resources being spent on education.
If men got pregnant, and if men were the ones who culturally and socially were expected to raise said child, this would not even be a discussion. Terminating an unwanted pregnancy would never have been illegal.
If men got pregnant, and if men were the ones who culturally and socially were expected to raise said child, this would not even be a discussion. Terminating an unwanted pregnancy would never have been illegal.
As far as I am concerned men shouldnt even be presuming to have a say in the matter. As much as i hate abortion its really not my decision.
no. murder is defined by statute. make your own decisions. your nic tells me you aren't smart enough to make your own, much less others'....particularly based upon theocratic wackiness that most of us don't agree with.

so there ya go.

You mean that selfish people who only think of themselves don't agree with.

no... from the perspective of it's none of your business.

and your religious beliefs don't govern my constitutional rights.

but thanks anyway.

see heroes the thing about the theocratic radical right.

a) you're mostly male (hence it being not about life but about controlling women)
b) you love guns (hence it not being about life but about controlling women)
c) it's not governments place to make those decisions for women (hence you being a hypocrite because it's about controlling women, not about life)
d) you're the same extremists who rant about government having no ability to do positive things (so again it's has nothing to do with life, it's about controlling women.
e) murder is a statutorily defined term. and abortion isn't....

and mostly, it's a constitutionally protected right to control your own body, at least until the governmental interest kicks in.

so we'd thank you to keep out of other people's decision making processes....especially when the fact that you post threads like this indicates a total and complete inability to exercise judgment.

you never answered my question, how can you live with yourself?

I have killed deer, fish, ran over before suicide squirrels and rabbits with my cars or trucks I just brush that off..

But to kill an innocent human being that caused no harm to you?

I don't get it.
Liberals correctly understand that the right of each American to decide personal, private matters absent unwarranted government interference is safeguarded by the Constitution.....

So you are suggesting there is a Constitutional Right to act in an Immoral manner? - I tend to disagree. By your philosophy there is no point to having laws at all.
People make laws all the time to justify immoral behavior.
Just curious about this meme, I joke and tease liberals about this but seriously how can you?

View attachment 80280

Abortion is a technology that isn't going to go away. Abortion is also proof that not all technologies that can be industrialized should be industrialized.

The solution is to turn abortion in to a safe and legal option that is no longer a for profit industry and is rarely employed because of the quality and quantity of resources being spent on education.
It's been a "technology" since sticks were invented and since women learned which herbs in nature's kingdom caused miscarriage.
I agree with you that prevention is a much better route.
How can you what? Support a womans choice to control what happens to her body?

We control all the time what people can and cannot do and murdering innocent humans is a crime. Once a woman gets pregnant she should lose the right to do whatever she likes with her body because there's another human being involved. Hopefully we will reverse Roe vs Wade in the coming years.
Doesnt matter what she should lose. The point is that the law says she doesnt.
no. murder is defined by statute. make your own decisions. your nic tells me you aren't smart enough to make your own, much less others'....particularly based upon theocratic wackiness that most of us don't agree with.

so there ya go.

You mean that selfish people who only think of themselves don't agree with.

no... from the perspective of it's none of your business.

and your religious beliefs don't govern my constitutional rights.

but thanks anyway.

see heroes the thing about the theocratic radical right.

a) you're mostly male (hence it being not about life but about controlling women)
b) you love guns (hence it not being about life but about controlling women)
c) it's not governments place to make those decisions for women (hence you being a hypocrite because it's about controlling women, not about life)
d) you're the same extremists who rant about government having no ability to do positive things (so again it's has nothing to do with life, it's about controlling women.
e) murder is a statutorily defined term. and abortion isn't....

and mostly, it's a constitutionally protected right to control your own body, at least until the governmental interest kicks in.

so we'd thank you to keep out of other people's decision making processes....especially when the fact that you post threads like this indicates a total and complete inability to exercise judgment.

you never answered my question, how can you live with yourself?

I have killed deer, fish, ran over before suicide squirrels and rabbits with my cars or trucks I just brush that off..

But to kill an innocent human being that caused no harm to you?

I don't get it.

i told you. that statement is not deserving of a response. false, extremist bizarre premise which doesn't belong in the CDZ.

now maybe you should concern yourself more with how many innocents who are ACTUALLY people and not potential life) are murdered by your guns.

how do you live with yourself supporting ownership of semi-automatic and automatic weapons? how do you live with yourself knowing that you refuse to keep guns out of the hands of crazies, criminals and people on the terrorist watch list?

i hope that helps put things in perspective for you. now get out of the business of people who are more capable of making personal decisions than you are.
Just curious about this meme, I joke and tease liberals about this but seriously how can you?

View attachment 80280
How can you what? Support a womans choice to control what happens to her body?

What makes the dead child any less human than the woman?
The fact that the child isnt giving birth to the woman and the law.

The first part of your comment makes no sense at all and laws have been wrong (and changed) throughout our history. You are standing on the thinnest of ice.
i cant help that the first part of my comment confused you. Maybe if you were the person that asked the question it would be a little clearer to you.
If men got pregnant, and if men were the ones who culturally and socially were expected to raise said child, this would not even be a discussion. Terminating an unwanted pregnancy would never have been illegal.
As far as I am concerned men shouldnt even be presuming to have a say in the matter. As much as i hate abortion its really not my decision.
It is your seed, though, a part of you. I think if men were raised to take more responsibility for their wild oats, there would be less abortions.
If men got pregnant, and if men were the ones who culturally and socially were expected to raise said child, this would not even be a discussion. Terminating an unwanted pregnancy would never have been illegal.
As far as I am concerned men shouldnt even be presuming to have a say in the matter. As much as i hate abortion its really not my decision.

That's always my take..

But I just don't get how women can live with themselves after taking a life. It seems to me society made it way to easy for them. I am not talking the law but society in General.
If men got pregnant, and if men were the ones who culturally and socially were expected to raise said child, this would not even be a discussion. Terminating an unwanted pregnancy would never have been illegal.
As far as I am concerned men shouldnt even be presuming to have a say in the matter. As much as i hate abortion its really not my decision.
It is your seed, though, a part of you. I think if men were raised to take more responsibility for their wild oats, there would be less abortions.

I'm sure there would less. I dont think the number would be significant. Its nature. Humans and their made up social values usually lose out to nature.
If men got pregnant, and if men were the ones who culturally and socially were expected to raise said child, this would not even be a discussion. Terminating an unwanted pregnancy would never have been illegal.
As far as I am concerned men shouldnt even be presuming to have a say in the matter. As much as i hate abortion its really not my decision.

That's always my take..

But I just don't get how women can live with themselves after taking a life. It seems to me society made it way to easy for them. I am not talking the law but society in General.
There is definitely less of a stigma. The one abortion I witnessed made me sick to my stomach. The woman was probably worse off than I was though so it does affect them mentally. I dont know if its the same for all women though.
Just curious about this meme, I joke and tease liberals about this but seriously how can you?

View attachment 80280
The new Holocaust

you know that's insane, right. but i always appreciate small government right-wingers who think government should be involved in personal decisions.

your personal preference does not dictate the constitutionally protected rights of women.

again, you're welcome.

You're conveniently ignoring the rights of the unborn.
The unborn has no rights since its survival depends on the mothers consent to use her body.
Just curious about this meme, I joke and tease liberals about this but seriously how can you?

View attachment 80280
They aren't children, yet. Most are a clot of tissue the size of your little finger that feels nothing and knows nothing. It is a mercy to not bring an unwanted child into the world. Our world is enough of a mess without that.

There are over half a million kids in the foster care system as it is.

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