How about a Green Book for conservatives?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
With so many merchants and restauranteurs across the nation not serving folks to the Right of Castro, such a publication seems essential nowadays.

Especially as a lot of joints like the Red Hen in Lexington don't allow conservatives, but don't have a sign up either. Discrimination against those with pro-American views is allowed according to Public Accommodation laws.

A 'Green Book' for Conservatives?
With so many merchants and restauranteurs across the nation not serving folks to the Right of Castro, such a publication seems essential nowadays.

Especially as a lot of joints like the Red Hen in Lexington don't allow conservatives, but don't have a sign up either. Discrimination against those with pro-American views is allowed according to Public Accommodation laws.

A 'Green Book' for Conservatives?
I negotiated the VietNam War era by watching the two side tear each other to bits. I just voted when the time came. Same here, you should be able to wear a red hat, but will suffer something if you do. Best just to vote out the people who would vote the hat out.

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