House Rep. Gave Paul Ryan A Standing Ovation After He Funds Visas For 300,000 MORE MUSLIM MIGRANTS!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
You probably never heard about this but in December, House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) successfully pushed through Congress his $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that will also fund visas for nearly 300,000 more Muslim migrants over the next 12 months.

Breitbart The omnibus bill also funded sanctuary cities, illegal alien tax credits, and changed federal law to allow for a massive increase in low-skilled H-2B workers– an immigration expansion opposed by more than nine in ten GOP voters. Yet at the first gathering of all House Republicans since the omnibus’s passage, Politico reports that GOP lawmakers gave Ryan a standing ovation at the close of this week’s Republican Congressional retreat.

Politico writes: “Retreats like this week’s pow-wow at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor are typically contentious affairs. For the past four years, lawmakers used it as an occasion to scream at John Boehner and Eric Cantor. During their last session here, however, Ryan got a standing ovation as he made commitments to [pursue] big ideas.”

Yet neither John Boehner nor Eric Cantor joined Barack Obama to expand Muslim immigration in to the United States– a distinction which is uniquely Paul Ryan’s.

The Politico piece, entitled “House Republicans Happy For Once,” notes specifically that Republican lawmakers “feel good” about Ryan’s policies– a distinctly different sentiment than the one held by the GOP electorate:...... ^
Only 5% of visa overstays are deported...

DHS: 527,127 Foreign Nationals Overstayed Their Visas in 2015; 2,456 Deported
June 15, 2016 | A total of 527,127 foreign nationals who were admitted to the United States on non-immigrant visas and who were supposed to leave the country in 2015 failed to do so, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials told a congressional subcommittee on Tuesday.
"In FY 2015, of...nearly 45 million nonimmigrant visitors, DHS calculated a total overstay rate of 1.17 percent, or 527,127 individuals,” DHS officials said in a joint statement submitted to the House Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, whcih held a hearing on "Overstaying Their Welcome: National Risks Posed by Visa Overstays." Some visitors stayed beyond their authorized visit, but left the country by Jan. 4, 2016, reducing the suspected overstays to 416,500, the statement continued. In January, DHS released its first Entry/Exit Overstay Report, which contains data on visa overstays, defined as "a nonimmigrant who was lawfully admitted to the United States for an authorized period but stayed in the United States beyond his or her lawful admission period.”

U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) told Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, that it deported 2,456 individuals who had overstayed their visas in 2015 - the lowest number since President Obama took office, according to a May 6 press release. However, DHS noted that the total number of visa overstays represent only visitors traveling through air and sea points of entry for purposes of business or pleasure, and do not include foreign nationals who crossed the U.S. border by land.

The African nation of Djibouti had the highest percentage of visa overstays (27.67%), according to DHS, but overstay rates for several other countries were well over 10 percent, including: Bhutan (24.89%), Eritrea (19.28%), Laos (18.44%), Burkina Faso (18.01%), Chad (17.43%), Federated States of Micronesia (16.00%), Mauritania (13.49%), Georgia (12.44%), Gambia (11.20%), Liberia (11.93%), and Afghanistan (10.86%). “While Congress has in recent years paid a great deal of attention to securing our southern border (and rightfully so), less attention has been focused on successfully addressing visa overstays,” said Rep. Filemon Vela (D-TX), the subcommittee’s ranking member. “The approximately 527,000 individuals who overstayed in fiscal year 2015 is a far greater number than the 331,000 individuals who were apprehended along the U.S.-Mexico border that year, illustrating the scope of the overstay problem,” Vela said.

Subcommittee chairwoman Martha McSally (R-AZ), estimated that nearly 60 percent of individuals illegally in the United States are visa overstayers. She emphasized the risk of terrorists being among that group. “Time and time again, terrorists have exploited the visa system by legally entering America. The 9/11 Commission put it this way: ‘For terrorists, travel documents are as important as weapons’,” McSally said. “I am concerned that there are unidentified national security and public safety risks in a population that large, which has historically been the primary means for terrorist entry into the United States,” she added, noting that “four of the 9/11 hijackers, as well as the man who attempted to bomb the U.S. Capitol in 2012, had overstayed their visas.”


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