House OK's Offshore Drilling

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
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The House has approved offshore drilling. It is about time. We have lots of oil sitting out there so lets go get it

While we are at it, lets build new refineries and tell the Arabs to sit on their oil rigs and rotate
red states rule said:
The House has approved offshore drilling. It is about time. We have lots of oil sitting out there so lets go get it

While we are at it, lets build new refineries and tell the Arabs to sit on their oil rigs and rotate

and get rid of the special blends, and open more refineries.
red states rule said:
The House has approved offshore drilling. It is about time. We have lots of oil sitting out there so lets go get it

While we are at it, lets build new refineries and tell the Arabs to sit on their oil rigs and rotate

We may as well get it before China does. Too few refineries--big problem.
Kathianne said:
and get rid of the special blends, and open more refineries.

Yes, we need to double the amount of refineries. Lets punmp the oil, refine it, and deliver it.

Libs will rant and rave about this. I have come to the conclusion anything libs get upset about has to be good for the economy and good for America.

Excuse me while I turn up the A/C
Kathianne said:
and get rid of the special blends, and open more refineries.

We need to forget about easy oil. Its either gone or in the Middle East. We need to: produce oil from Colorado oil shale, Canadian tar sands, build nuclear power plants, produce hydrogen and electric cars. The Bush Admin has shown poor energy policy leadership. US energy policy (from at least 1970 forward) has lead to very severe problems, such as: $3.35 per gallon gas, dependency on unstable oil sources, funding of our enemies (e.g., Iran), not to mention obscene $400 million dollar bonuses to bloated oil execs (the Chairman of Exxon-Mobil) who could care less that middle class working people are getting their budgets pounded by gas prices.
onedomino said:
We need to forget about easy oil. Its either gone or in the Middle East. We need to: produce oil from Colorado oil shale, Canadian tar sands, build nuclear power plants, produce hydrogen and electric cars. The Bush Admin has shown poor energy policy leadership. US energy policy (from at least 1970 forward) has lead to very severe problems, such as: $3.35 per gallon gas, dependency on unstable oil sources, funding of our enemies (e.g., Iran), not to mention obscene $400 million dollar bonuses to bloated oil execs (the Chairman of Exxon-Mobil) who could care less that middle class working people are getting their budgets pounded by gas prices.

I think we should be using all available assets. I don't necessarily disagree about the admininstration's policies, lord knows. However, I do not think it was GW that ok'd the bonuses, nor do I think the price of gasoline profits are excessive. Do I wish they were lower? Sure. Then again, I wish a loaf of bread were under a buck and milk was back to 1.09 per gallon.
What may be good for America isnt necessarily good for the Planet. You know the thing we live on. :dunno:

red states rule said:
Yes, we need to double the amount of refineries. Lets punmp the oil, refine it, and deliver it.

Libs will rant and rave about this. I have come to the conclusion anything libs get upset about has to be good for the economy and good for America.

Excuse me while I turn up the A/C
T-Bor said:
What may be good for America isnt necessarily good for the Planet. You know the thing we live on. :dunno:
T-bore, you forgot the 'e'...
rtwngAvngr said:

Let's just talk about oil production. Regardless of what you believe in regards to peak oil, production in the United States is on the decline. There is evidence to believe that with increasing demand oil prices are going to go up, and up and up.

The responsible alternative to oil and gas, is nuclear. Lets get over the environmental bs hype, and build more nuke plants. The technology has come a long way since Three Mile Island. Its time to wean ourselves off, and nuclear is the way.
T-Bor said:
What may be good for America isnt necessarily good for the Planet. You know the thing we live on. :dunno:

Yea and im sure the planet will be great when China starts its real consumption phase and America is left in the dust. America needs new fuel sources but also need to secure whats out there now so that we arent left behind for the future and let China run the world. I dont think they'll be as cooperative with the environmentalists as America has been. :rolleyes:
Any link to the “approval” by the house? Last I knew states have the rights up to so many miles. So, what is this approval thing?
Kathianne said:
I think we should be using all available assets. I don't necessarily disagree about the admininstration's policies, lord knows. However, I do not think it was GW that ok'd the bonuses, nor do I think the price of gasoline profits are excessive. Do I wish they were lower? Sure. Then again, I wish a loaf of bread were under a buck and milk was back to 1.09 per gallon.
K., my point is that offshore oil deflects us from doing the hard work that will be necessary to solve our energy problems. There are only 19 billion bbls available off all of America's coasts. Moreover, it can only come online slowly and at tremendous cost. Meanwhile, there are 2 trillion bbls of oil available in Colorado shale that remain untouched (see link in previous post). We desperately need to cut the umbilical to the Middle East. Drilling offshore will not do that. Developing Colorado shale, Canadian tar sands, and northern plains coal gasification, will free us from the Middle East. Exxon, BP, Arco, and their cronies in Washington may not like it, but America has the capability of kicking our addiction to oil owned by them. I never said that Bush ok'ed the Exxon chairman's bonus. It is, nevertheles, a disgusting instance of extreme greed.
onedomino said:
K., my point is that offshore oil deflects us from doing the hard work that will be necessary to solve our energy problems. There are only 19 billion bbls available off all of America's coasts. Moreover, it can only come online slowly and at tremendous cost. Meanwhile, there are 2 trillion bbls of oil available in Colorado shale that remain untouched (see link in previous post). We desperately need to cut the umbilical to the Middle East. Drilling offshore will not do that. Developing Colorado shale, Canadian tar sands, and northern plains coal gasification, will free us from the Middle East. Exxon, BP, Arco, and their cronies in Washington may not like it, but America has the capability of kicking our addiction to oil owned by them. I never said that Bush ok'ed the Exxon chairman's bonus. It is, nevertheles, a disgusting instance of extreme greed.

Are you claiming that we can't drill and look for alternative energy sources at the same time? Shale oil development was stopped by environmentalist, wind energy was hampered by bird lovers and killed by Ted Kennedy.
dilloduck said:
Are you claiming that we can't drill and look for alternative energy sources at the same time? Shale oil development was stopped by environmentalist, wind energy was hampered by bird lovers and killed by Ted Kennedy.
Drill offshore all you like. The point is that offshore drilling will not add significantly to supply, will not reduce the price of gas, will not cut the Middle East umbilical. The combination of oil shale, tar sands, coal gasification, and nuclear power plants, will eliminate our dependency on the Middle East and other OPEC extortionists and their dealers: Exxon, and BP, etc. Oil shale was not killed by environmentalists (although they will certainly fight such development). It was killed by 1980's $15-$20 per bbl oil that made oil shale seem comparatively expensive. Now oil shale is relatively cheap. Even oil from coal is "only" $45/bbl, compared to today's $70/bbl. crude. America has more coal than any country on the planet. Drill offshore, but do not imagine it will solve our energy problems. We need to get to work and develop the energy sources that I listed ablove. Or we can be financial and political slaves to the Middle East.
onedomino said:
Drill offshore all you like. The point is that offshore drilling will not add significantly to supply, will not reduce the price of gas, will not cut the Middle East umbilical. The combination of oil shale, tar sands, coal gasification, and nuclear power plants, will eliminate our dependency on the Middle East and other OPEC extortionists and their dealers: Exxon, and BP, etc. Oil shale was not killed by environmentalists (although they will certainly fight such development). It was killed by 1980's $15-$20 per bbl oil that made oil shale seem comparatively expensive. Now oil shale is relatively cheap. Even oil from coal is "only" $45/bbl, compared to today's $70/bbl. crude. America has more coal than any country on the planet. Drill offshore, but do not imagine it will solve our energy problems. We need to get to work and develop the energy sources that I listed ablove. Or we can be financial and political slaves to the Middle East.

It all sounds great but environmentalists will fight it every step of the way. We are and always will be dependent on energy resources in one form or the other. Some act as if we can do without it completely and will resist ANY idea. These people need to pull thier heads out of thier asses and join the real world.
Libs are the first ones to lecutre the rest of us on what to drive, how many miles we are allowed to drive, what temp our heater/AC should be set to, how big our houses should be, and how much water our toilets use when we flush them - but I notice they do not live like they they tell us to live.
red states rule said:
Libs are the first ones to lecutre the rest of us on what to drive, how many miles we are allowed to drive, what temp our heater/AC should be set to, how big our houses should be, and how much water our toilets use when we flush them - but I notice they do not live like they they tell us to live.

American toilets used to be things to be feared, but now...
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