Homosexual love

Thats not what the Bass said, the Bass said homosexuals are trying to force acceptance of their lifestyle onto people which they are trying to do.

Nobody made that lame argument, why are you chewing on straws now? Read again, the Bass said homosexuals are trying to force acceptance of their lifestyle onto people, nobody said a damn thing about faggs wanting to make people gay and or forcing people to come to their weddings.

You're the one arguing against claims that no one has made.

Then explain how they are trying to force acceptance of their lifestyle onto others? The government giving the same Rights to gay couples that heteros have seems to be a fundamental American principle. I'm sure I have read somewhere that discrimination was anti-American.

Thats BS, there is NO comparison that can be made with fags and African Americans and to be for traditional marriage based on religious principles does not make one a damn homophobe, you're making the lame argument that one cannot be for traditional marriage without being a homophobe. Likewise one can make the argument that people who bash other who support traditional marriage on religious principles are anti-Christian bigots and Christianphobes.

African americans were denied the Right to vote based on physical characteristics.

You want to deny equal rights to gays based on physical characteristics.

They are exactly the same systems of bigotry.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to be a bigot towards bigotry so the manufactured persecution of Christians is absurd.

You want to make that bet? Can you back this up? A lot of people who support fag marriage are against polygamy, that sentiment has been voice before in this forum.

What does underage marriage have to do with polygamy?

Let me re-state the point. It is legal for a 50 year old man to marry a 13 year old girl and have sex with her. That is legalized pedophilia. For all those concerned with "traditional marriage" when was the last time they complained about marriage being turned into a pedophilia ring?
it just says they are ignorant people.....where does it state its wrong and should not be tolerated?.....hence violates a tenant....
Most apparent condemnations of homosexuality come from the stories of Lot, whose people are criminals and act unfaithfully toward their wives by having homosexual relationships. There is no place for homosexuality in Islam. In the Qur'an, it is made clear that male and female were formed as ideal partners for each other. Why consider yourself a Muslim if you willingly act against the intentions of Allah (SWT)?

Women are "abundant[ly] good" for men:
O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to take women as heritage against (their) will. Nor should you straiten them by taking part of what you have given them, unless they are guilty of manifest indecency. And treat them kindly. Then if you hate them, it may be that you dislike a thing while Allah has placed abundant good in it. - 4:19​

Males and females in heterosexual relationships have complementary qualities that homosexuals cannot attain in Islam:
And of His signs is this, that He created mates for you from yourselves that you might find quiet of mind in them, and He put between you love and compassion. Surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect. - 30:21​

Frankly, I don't care if a person is a homosexual. If he or she is, though, why claim to adhere to a religion that focuses largely on the importance of relationships between males and females?
Every culture or society that has allowed homosexualty has ended up in the trash can of history.

Every culture that has allowed heteosexuality has ended up in the trash can of history too.

Since, ya know, history is all about what used to be and all, it stands to reason that anything that no longer is, is in the trashcan.

So SunniBono, show me one culture that has zero instances of allowable homosexuality since its inception, and still has zero instances of it, that is still around today.

BTW, some majority Islamic nations allow it. And there is a homosexual movement inside of Islam. So strike that one off of your list.

No nation, city-state or civilization has fallen because of heterosexuality but Sodom and Gommorah did fall because of faggery and you can read that in the Scriptures.

It appears your love of hating gays is much stronger than your love of Christ or the scriptures. Nowhere is homosexuality ever mentioned in connection with S+G in the Bible. Why ostensibly bear false witness against God and the scriptures then claim your hatred of gays is based on scripture? If you want to be homophobic I fully respect your right to drown yourself in useless hate. What I will not respect nor condone is this repeated lie about Sodom and Gomorrah. Scripture states:

Ezekiel 16:49-50*(New International Version)

*49 " 'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen."

Even in the narrative in Genesis there is no reference of sexual activity at all. As a Brother in Christ I cannot allow your false witnessing of scripture to go on without pointing out how hatred has blinded your ability to read even the clearest of sentences. So tell us Brother, whom and what do you love more? Your love for God or your hatred of gays?

Will you try to respond by saying the men said to Lot to bring them out so they may "know" them? Do you know both genders were at Lot's door? Do you realize even if "sex" was a factor then the desire was rape and not homosexuality? If homosexuality was the goal why would Lot offer his daughters? Do you know he did that because they were virgins and thus highly valuable currency?

Will you try to reference Jude where it states they went after "strange flesh?" Do you know that phrase specifically references angels? Will you forcefully and selfishly ignore the fact every single reference to S+G is completely absent of homosexuality and focuses on the sins of pride and greed?

Are you even aware the word "Ya'da" (know) is used over 900 times in the OT and not one single time it is in reference to homosexuality?

You are the one who cited the Bible as supporting evidence for your hatred. You are wrong, and you know it. Only God knows if or when you will humble yourself before Christ and seek forgiveness. No matter what, it is every Christian's responsibility to love you and everyone else. But that kind of Love is not defined by allowing your false witnessing of God to go unabated.
it just says they are ignorant people.....where does it state its wrong and should not be tolerated?.....hence violates a tenant....
Most apparent condemnations of homosexuality come from the stories of Lot, whose people are criminals and act unfaithfully toward their wives by having homosexual relationships. There is no place for homosexuality in Islam. In the Qur'an, it is made clear that male and female were formed as ideal partners for each other. Why consider yourself a Muslim if you willingly act against the intentions of Allah (SWT)?

Women are "abundant[ly] good" for men:
O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to take women as heritage against (their) will. Nor should you straiten them by taking part of what you have given them, unless they are guilty of manifest indecency. And treat them kindly. Then if you hate them, it may be that you dislike a thing while Allah has placed abundant good in it. - 4:19​

Males and females in heterosexual relationships have complementary qualities that homosexuals cannot attain in Islam:
And of His signs is this, that He created mates for you from yourselves that you might find quiet of mind in them, and He put between you love and compassion. Surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect. - 30:21​

Frankly, I don't care if a person is a homosexual. If he or she is, though, why claim to adhere to a religion that focuses largely on the importance of relationships between males and females?

Is it possible respect for people's choices on what faith they choose to follow should not be outweighed by outside extrapolation?
Underage marriage is ahborrent. Any paedophilia is abhorrent. Any who support paedophilia must be terrible people.

No respectable adult should care about plyngy, polyandry, or polygamy amongst consenting adults.

Abusing, however, the children is outside the pale.
Seriously Luissa, I live in a nice family neighborhood where children can play outside in safety.

If a homo moved in next door the whole neighborhood would change.

Parents would be afraid to let their children play outside unsupervised.

Plus people couldn't sell their house because no new family would want to move to a neighborhood with homos.

Well this is interesting. The safety of the children is used to justify a homophobic position. Is it realized the majority of child molesters are heterosexuals or is this another situation where demonizing gays is more important than accurate information?

The really sick part is realizing these myths enable molesters and actually help put children in more danger. Why is it more important to demonize gays versus protecting kids? Why do you think molesters join the church groups and boy scouts, etc.?

The same reason pedophiles marry women with children so they can "get to the children". The truth is, girls as probably 10 times more likely to be molested than boys. A child molester likes children. If they can't get a girl child, they will settle for a boy. But it's the fact that it's a child that is their "fetish". For the most part, their orientation is straight, but their "fetish" is children.

This is why the religious are so dangerous. They want to spew bile and falsehoods. They are terrible people.

Most gays don't spend any time around children. The vast majority of child molesters are "married". Actually, read the FBI profile of a child molester.

I just get tired of ignorant lies from the religious. It's no surprise that many people are turning away from religion. It's because so many that "practice" it are dirty. And lie.

Pedophile and Child Molester Statistics - Yello Dyno

A pedophile who prefers boys will usually not molest girls, and vice versa. There is an 11:1 ratio of heterosexual pedophiles to homosexual ones.

Sex Crime Investigation

First of all, he's married, just like 77 percent of the more than 4000 child sexual abusers in the Child Molestation Prevention Study. George is religious, like 93 percent of the abusers. He's educated. More than 46 percent had some college education and another 30 percent were high school graduates. Like 65 percent of the admitted abusers, George was working. Numerous studies of adult victims have sought to link child molestation victims to lower social class and lower family income. All have failed. Child victims and their abusers exist equally in families of all income levels and classes. And, now from the study, we know that child molesters are as equally married, educated, employed, and religious as any other Americans.

Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute

Thanks for posting that info. Hopefully some will take the time to get educated.
Is it possible respect for people's choices on what faith they choose to follow
They can't follow it while they're unrepentantly homosexual - that's the point.

So what if someone came along and said you can't be part of X faith because of Y activity? Would you simply agree and let them dictate what faith you choose to follow? What authority do they possess to hold such a position? By the same token your self appointed Faith-tagging is equally empty.
Underage marriage is ahborrent. Any paedophilia is abhorrent. Any who support paedophilia must be terrible people.

No respectable adult should care about plyngy, polyandry, or polygamy amongst consenting adults.

Abusing, however, the children is outside the pale.

This is partly why the cries of "traditional marriage" are as empty as Palin's campaign funds account. Never in US nor world history has marriage been universally defined as 1 man and 1 woman. But we'll have to keep that little secret quiet.
Is it possible respect for people's choices on what faith they choose to follow
They can't follow it while they're unrepentantly homosexual - that's the point.

So what if someone came along and said you can't be part of X faith because of Y activity? Would you simply agree and let them dictate what faith you choose to follow? What authority do they possess to hold such a position? By the same token your self appointed Faith-tagging is equally empty.

Religion is full of rules.
Don't like them?, find a different religion.
Yeah, it's that simple.
Marriage is for weenies who need to secure a regular screw.

Anyone who talks about homosexual love is a homo.
By your own standards, that would make you what?

Just pointing out a fact, you homo.
I would wonder if your dodge is because you can't answer the question posed to you; you won't answer the question posed to you; you are too challenged to understand that non sequiturs, dodges, and ad hominems are logical fallacies; or some other issue equally embarrassing for you. In any case, I am impressed by your posts here - three fallacies in two posts.
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They can't follow it while they're unrepentantly homosexual - that's the point.

So what if someone came along and said you can't be part of X faith because of Y activity? Would you simply agree and let them dictate what faith you choose to follow? What authority do they possess to hold such a position? By the same token your self appointed Faith-tagging is equally empty.

Religion is full of rules.
Don't like them?, find a different religion.
Yeah, it's that simple.

That's not quite what I was saying. All religions are arbitrary constructs so nobody has any authority to proclaim someone else as not "really" being a member of X religion.
So what if someone came along and said you can't be part of X faith because of Y activity?
Some do. However, they can't definitively explain why specific beliefs of mine are un-Islamic, so I dismiss them. Let me be clear that I'm not labeling anybody a non-Muslim because of their actions or beliefs; I've had this happen to me and believe it to be abhorrent, because only Allah (SWT) knows who truly is or isn't a Muslim. I'm merely wondering why these people consider themselves Muslims if they don't want to follow Islam.
So what if someone came along and said you can't be part of X faith because of Y activity? Would you simply agree and let them dictate what faith you choose to follow? What authority do they possess to hold such a position? By the same token your self appointed Faith-tagging is equally empty.

Religion is full of rules.
Don't like them?, find a different religion.
Yeah, it's that simple.

That's not quite what I was saying. All religions are arbitrary constructs so nobody has any authority to proclaim someone else as not "really" being a member of X religion.

See this, http://www.usmessageboard.com/religion-and-ethics/91970-religions-rules.html
Underage marriage is ahborrent. Any paedophilia is abhorrent. Any who support paedophilia must be terrible people.

No respectable adult should care about plyngy, polyandry, or polygamy amongst consenting adults.

Abusing, however, the children is outside the pale.

This is partly why the cries of "traditional marriage" are as empty as Palin's campaign funds account. Never in US nor world history has marriage been universally defined as 1 man and 1 woman. But we'll have to keep that little secret quiet.

Just because immoral people have abused the scared institution of marriage doesn't mean traditional marriage is empty.
Underage marriage is ahborrent. Any paedophilia is abhorrent. Any who support paedophilia must be terrible people.

No respectable adult should care about plyngy, polyandry, or polygamy amongst consenting adults.

Abusing, however, the children is outside the pale.

agreed Jake....pedophiles (real ones,not suspected ones)should taken out back and shot....

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