Homosexual Couple Use Their Adopted Kids to Make Kiddie Porn

Then show us the proof that it does or just use yer own bias confirmation feelz register.

I think you really need to show this yourself, that Normal Folks are engaged in manufacturing Kiddie porn with adopted kids.

That's quite a claim, and the fact that you are slandering Normal folks here , I just don't see it. It would seem to me that Child Porn is the opposite of being Normative.

Got a link to actually prove this tall tale about Normal People?
I think you really need to show this yourself, that Normal Folks are engaged in manufacturing Kiddie porn with adopted kids.

That's quite a claim, and the fact that you are slandering Normal folks here , I just don't see it. It would seem to me that Child Porn is the opposite of being Normative.

Got a link to actually prove this tall tale about Normal People?
Democrat shills here run cover for pedos just like ABC News did
Democrats like pedo peter want unaccompanied minors to surge the border for the worst reasons. A good % of unaccompanied minors that get brought to the US by cartels paid for by Democrats, end up being victims of Democrats.
Seems the original OP by another was in rule violation and thus trashed by the Mods doing their duty, so reposting.

BTW: you can’t say groomers here or on any social media. So don’t say groomers, ok?
Buried deep in the article by MSM:

“Deputies were able to get arrest warrants for both adult men living in the home, William Dale Zulock, 32, and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, 35.”

Yes, adoption system has problems. Letting known sexual deviants into the system is tossing gas on the fire.

Why was it shut down .....I don't think I did anything wrong

They were progressive Human rights activists lol

Maybe they need to put these characters into a pod with the McMichaels fellows who are also serving time in Georgia?

That would teach those fellows a lesson or two about vigilantism and the wages of crime.
Seems the original OP by another was in rule violation and thus trashed by the Mods doing their duty, so reposting.

BTW: you can’t say groomers here or on any social media. So don’t say groomers, ok?
Buried deep in the article by MSM:

“Deputies were able to get arrest warrants for both adult men living in the home, William Dale Zulock, 32, and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, 35.”

Yes, adoption system has problems. Letting known sexual deviants into the system is tossing gas on the fire.

Put them away for life.

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